ThatOneGuy said:
Just post what you are listening to right now.
I just called my local bookstore and they are holding an item for me that I am getting ready to go pick up, it is called "The Magic of Believing" by Claude M. Bristol (on cd). (note: his other book called "TNT the power within you" is awesome also). I have been feeling sorry for myself, upset when I see other people with their happy families when I don't have one, lonely, misunderstood, etc... and I am getting tired of moping around. I can only mope for just so long, then I have to take action. All of this negativity is going to destroy me. I am glad that others have families and are happy. It is no ones job to make me happy, that's entirely up to me, so today I begin....
The truth is that happiness is inside of all of us, it is just a state of mind, a mindset. Happiness is not what society leads us to believe it is (cars, homes, money, the perfect family, the perfect mate,...). We all have the ability and opportunity to obtain it for ourselves. We all give so much power to others over us (he said this about me, my mom said that about me, my husband left me, no girl wants me, etc...), all of those people need to stop passing judgement on us and focus on themselves for a change - but- that's not going to happen so we are the only ones who can make the change. We block out what they are saying (blah, blah, blah) and we start getting good information in for a change. The human mind is so vulnerable to negative thoughts, they are like a cancer, at least there is a cure for this kind of cancer. With the coming of a new year I wish for all of us a new positive mindset, a zest for life and prosperity.
Merry Christmas!!!!
(I am sitting home alone on Christmas day with no where to go and no one to hang out with but thats ok, I will have my new book to delve into - it is the start of a whole new me!!!!)