that's some pretty cool stuff cowboy and power2thepeople
it's always nice to try a new taste of things, that others are listening to
AFI beautiful theives
I've been listening to this song like nonstop all of toay and yesterday i love it
they've been getting some bashing about getting to mainstream and crap, just like the whiners did when mcr's black parade came out
it use to be their obscure little indie band that only them and their group knew about, the cool groups everwhere knew about them too,
but once they became into main stream and the "posers" or "normies" started getting their dirty little hands on albums
it was no longer their secret club band
they didn't want to be part of something mainstream now,
they say they sold out and changed became softer,
i think they should be happy that their bands are doing well, they should learn to share the music with the rest of the world
ya there's my little tangent,
it is a differn sound i didn't like all the songs on it, my tiny 8gug ipod is filling up i have be selective about what i put on their now, so i put about half the album on still like it though
i think I'd make a great socail psychologist
what do you guys think? of course i mean what kind of carrer is there for a socail psych, besides a college professor,
oh well
like when something becomes so cool and popular, you have to be even cooler than it to prove you're cool ,so anything below you're leve of coolness is below you,
which is why everyone hates twilight now, in the early 21st century it was then so to be cool to dis on nysnc on the backstreet botys becuase they were so cool for a while,
somethings are cool, but don't last are merely a phase so the new phase to be bashed oh sad
...dude i didn't care for twilight even before everyone hated it