I prefer books, I get bored with the moovies(except some), they go on one speed, and while reafing I can read faster or slower.
There was such a thread there so I guess reading is still popular. And there are still webs like goodreads. So I think a lot of people still read. I also sometimes see reading kids.
I don't have much time for reading though.
Last thing was How Not To Die Alone by Richard Rope. Have just finished it.
Funny, but not very interesting, not good, not bad.
Now I'm reading about Van Gogh.
Those 2 I wasn't going to read, I worked from library last wendesday and there they had the books on the shelves calling 'cmn, take us, open us, read us'. They were so convincing that I left with 2 book in the hands

(that would be ok if I didn't have a e-book)
One thing upsets me, books are very expensive. So I just Google them sometimes.
PS I was once called uneducated for hadn't watched some moovies like Intestellar))