Without even thinking about it, I always know what time it is. I see it in red LED in my mind... probably an association I picked up from a clock somewhere. I can tell you when 2 minutes, 71 seconds or 11 hours, 37 minutes have elapsed... pretty much flawlessly. Never needed an alarm clock or timer.
I can pack odd objects into a given space, in what I think must be the most efficient way. Again, no thinking required.
I have a photographic memory for printed words, so I only rarely make spelling mistakes. I see most words as they appear in black text on a white page. Some, I see in handwritten script or decorative fonts, probably depending upon where I imprinted upon them first.
OTOH, I'm spectacularly bad at any math that requires the ability to see a pattern in order to work out a solution-- very basic algebra, f'rinstance. I think it's a function of the way my brain is wired, like the 'talents' described above.
Also, a couple of years ago, I began struggling to remember names-- particularly celebrities, but also, people I know, but haven't seen in many years. I'm fine with names of countries, colors, plants and animals-- it's only people I can't recall. That may just be middle age at work, though.