Honestly, I will probably get back into collecting, once I have the money. I'll be collecting the same stuff I did as a kid, it still makes me happy. And I would also like to get a Golden Retriever puppy.
Then there's my fitness, and I'd like to get good at something I actually do myself, instead of just liking things made by other people. I want to have something I do, and am good at, so I feel like there is a "me". One thing I've learned over the years, that I really wish I learned before, is that you have to have something you do yourself, in order to feel confidence in yourself, and to be interesting to others - and so that you yourself feel like you have something to show for yourself and talk about. It doesn't do much good if your whole identity is how much you like someone else, and something that they do. At least, that's what I feel is true.
Then of course there will have to be work to pay for it all.
Between all of that I expect to be pretty busy, actually. But I still hope to have a lady friend enter my life. It's always been important to me.