What I get to do today...

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Today is BIG FUN SUNDAY! I'll start my day with a trip to the pharmacy to pick up prescriptions for Mom. There's usually about six or seven of them accompanied by a HUGE copayment. American health care is loads of fun and "oh so helfpul" when you're really sick and low on cash. Yay!

After that it's off to the house. After I find us something to eat, I'll probably clean the house. Vacuuming your mother's little dried bits of skin from all over the carpet and tossing wet rags and bandages soaked in lymphedema fluid is a real pleasure. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a new and exciting hobby.

Then it's time to clean the toilets! Those of you who have ever worked in the hospice industry might know what that's like when you've got someone who's barely mobile. Targeting the actual center of the can is a luxury not often afforded. If you don't keep up with it, the sides become a decorative mosaic of..well you know. At least it's an improvement over dealing with a bedpan!

After that it's time to fold the laundry that you threw in when you first got to the house...put the sheets back on, put everything away. Give Mom a peck on the cheek and hope you don't get a phonecall at 3:00 in the morning telling you to call an ambulance.

If I'm lucky I'll have a couple of hours in the evening before going to bed. I have work tomorrow...the kind I actually get paid for doing.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!
That is a lot to deal with on top of your efforts to support yourself. Your mother is lucky to have your help though that doesn't make it any easier on you.

you really are a good person twitchy

i hope some good karma will come your way, i'm sure mother is very appreciative that she has you

what is the condition she has?

how long has she had it

i hope things turn around for her

Its a very tough situation your in. Your mom is lucky that you are willing to take care of her and not one of those people who just leaves her out in the cold for the government to pick up and care for.

I hope things start looking up for you.
You sound like a very special person twitchy that your mom is very lucky to have. I'm sure there are many people that appreciate your efforts to keep your mom well including many people on this forum. Since its always great to hear about someone being kind to someone else.
evanescencefan91 said:
what is the condition she has?

how long has she had it

She is diabetic with a bunch of other nasty problems stemming from that. My grandmother had exactly the same garbage, so there's a genetic factor at work.

She's been fairly sick for three years or so. There are periods where she's fine (as she can be) and longer periods where I start thinking she's about to die.

I really do try not to mention any of this too often. It's just that it has pretty much ruined any ability I have to sustain a life of my own. I don't have brothers, sisters or a family of my own. There's no one else around to help.

Thanks to everyone that responded. It means something.
I know what its like I moved out here to the farm to help my Uncle take care of the place,my Mom had moved here to take care of my Grandma and my step dad with Huntingtons they passed away then
my Mom's Enphazema got bad then she fell and hurt her back and my Uncle had Diabetes and Heart problems they both passed away last year (my uncle shot himself)
after allmost 20 years of looking after other people I'm alone and I dont know how I'm going to take care of Myself,
Twitchy I hope you have Hospice coming in to help you I dont know what I would have done without them ( try to take some time for your self when you can)
Twitchy said:
It's just that it has pretty much ruined any ability I have to sustain a life of my own. I don't have brothers, sisters or a family of my own. There's no one else around to help.

is a nursing home a possibility? i know its not the best choice, but then losing your own life really isnt a good idea either.
heretostay said:
is a nursing home a possibility? i know its not the best choice, but then losing your own life really isnt a good idea either.

We tried that for awhile. I don't know what nursing homes are like everywhere else, but the one she stayed in was understaffed, dirty and depressing. She caught pneumonia at one point and nobody noticed.

Her mom died in one, so that really doesn't help either.
Twitchy said:
I really do try not to mention any of this too often. It's just that it has pretty much ruined any ability I have to sustain a life of my own. I don't have brothers, sisters or a family of my own. There's no one else around to help.

I'm really sorry to hear this. It would be a lot to deal with even with the support of siblings and spouse and extended family. You carrying this on your own has got to be tough.

I've seen the physical ravages of diabetes. Not pretty. You ought to take care of your glycemic load as well because there is a strong genetic trend to the disease.


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