You at the core of you. Your essence. You are love. You are peace.
Underneath the surface of our feelings or emotions fears, pains, delusions, lust, guilt, shame, grift, self pity..etc.
Such as fears is fear...there's millions forms of fears...Our mind will generate endless supplies of it.
Whatever words or synomyns we use to express our pains...such as lonliness, neglected, fustrations.
We simply latch on to words then generate whatever meanings in our minds . Thoughts drive emotions.
We think we are our emotionals. Rather then to just say...I feel lonely at the moment.
We attach ourselves to our emotions and become consume by it and forget who we truely are..
We are love....
In other words mind masturbating. Pick your favorite emotion...or emotions of chioce.
Sometimes you have to learn how to read between the lines.
In other words....NO FREAKEN WORDS.
There's nothing in between the lines. In nothingness there's peace...there we become aware or
rewaken to who we truely are...LOVE.
It's too simple that it's hard becuase our minds wants to complicate the **** out of everything so it
can keep on spinning. Rather than just accepting it. ACCEPTING LOVE , Accepting who we truely are.
Once we accept who we are...we can feel our emotions without holding on or resisting.
Nothing REAL can be threathen...LOVE that's who we are everyone of us.