While I was doing underground construction work oneday.
It was hotter than hell...So we took a break.
I was exhusted from the heat. I just collapsed where I was standing. 10 feet under ground
While laying on make back (it must had looked like I was dead to him).....
a co-work (sitting in an excuvator) said this to me......
"I can burry you right now ...you're more than 6 feet underground"
"If i burry you now...would anyone notice you were missing, would anyone cared ?"
I ran the question through my mind.....the answer was "NO".
For the longest time I didn't recieve a letter, a phone call from anyone.
I just went to work and came home...
while my GF was boucing of the fucken walls wacked out of her god **** mind.
It was a joke...but it was true.
He even made a comment of " Yeap...definitely fucken Sherry wouldn't be looking for your ass
until pay day ..anyways"
What really fresia me up was...I busted my ass for almost 2 years doing construction work
trying to take care of Sherry...She wasn't well. Many trips to the doctors...etc
Many pills or medications. No matter how bad it was...I never gave up on her.
\I got laid off...just like 300 other guys that worked for the company...becuase of the
economic crash..that effected everyone.
So we had to seperate for a while...until I can fine different work..which is messed up when it's 35% unemployment.
That was our understanding.. We talk on the phone for a week...everything was fine.
After a week I went to visit her and she told me she didn't love me anymore.
Without any explinations or anything. She just turned totally stone fucken cold.
12 years of my fucken life with the woman...and that's was what I got...not even 5 mins of her time.
It took me a while to try to wrap my head around that honeysuckle.
I still struggle with it today to a certain degree.
I have trust issues, abandent issues, acceptence issues, broken heart issues, attitude isuses and all kinds of fucken issues.
I'e gone through a deviorce and relationship break up before....I got over those.
but this honeysuckle with Sherry really,..really messed me up hard...Something inside of me fucken snapped.
Then 4 months later Jenni died...that really..really sent me over the fucken edge.