What is your weather like right now?

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Damn for your guys! Today I think I'll go for another bicycle ride. 70F / 21C and yes we are in the middle of winter here.

I've been to az, but haven't seen az. Had a stopover from west coast to east. It was hot in september. You're lucky. I'm freezing here in nj. I'd give someone's right eye to be in az or fl lol
12F. No wind, snow on ground....if only that sun wasn't so damn bright. Also have a weird fast moving fog this morning.
Next week it's supposed to be 50...wtf
This is from yesterday. It might 2C warmer today. -23C atm
Even the snowman in her yard is cold.

Stupid-cold again, for the next 2 days. Going to feel like -20 F overnight or something.

I'm surprised I don't resemble Jabba the Hutt right now, since I've barely been able to get outside and exercise all month. Seriously getting tired of this arctic blast ****. I don't remember it being this bad growing up...what happened to "normal" winter?????
Currently feels like 8, which is much improved from this morning. And the inside is now up to 64 degrees, up from 61 this morning. Stupid wind coming from the south....

What's weird is, I can see it all around on the lower lands. Heavy long clouds that don't move. For creepy hours.
Like thick sheets of fog all over the trees, hovering over the mountains.
I think I'll stay on my hill.

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