What is your weather like right now?

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rain, thunder, and lightening with a tornado watch - earlier today, i jumped a country mile after a huge boomer.
Clear and cold, 0°F. The sun on the snow is so bright, it's burning my eyes.
34 F (feels like 24), partly cloudy. (source: weather.com)
About -1 C and sunny. Wishing, wishing, wishing desperately for snow, but just looked at the silly forecast and it looks like rain and then sunny until at least December 20th or so. Everybody send snow vibes my way, hahah! :)
EveWasFramed said:
80° and sunny. :cool:


-1 C (feels like -6). 30 F (21 F). partly cloudy. (weather.com)
(good to be inside)
Where I live it's freezing out here at 45 degrees. Feels like Winter.