9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 308 Location UK Jun 9, 2013 #61 To catch fly's like that guy out of Karate Kid, then eat them for dinner. How would you use a cat?
Edward W Well-known member Joined Jan 21, 2013 Messages 6,501 Reaction score 5 Location UK Jun 9, 2013 #62 Teach it to hunt small birds and animals and bring them to me to cook. Also to snuggle up to on cold nights. How would you use an old car tyre?
Teach it to hunt small birds and animals and bring them to me to cook. Also to snuggle up to on cold nights. How would you use an old car tyre?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 308 Location UK Jun 9, 2013 #63 I'd make a suspended swing/relaxation chair for when I'm starving to death. How would you use a broken watch?
I'd make a suspended swing/relaxation chair for when I'm starving to death. How would you use a broken watch?
Shipster0958 Well-known member Joined Mar 27, 2013 Messages 4,061 Reaction score 0 Location Tennessee Jun 9, 2013 #64 To realize time wasn't important anymore. How would you use a computer mouse?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 308 Location UK Jun 9, 2013 #65 I'd use it as a weapon to catch food. Fill the mouse with rocks so it's heavier then slam some animal in the head with it. How would you use a light bulb?
I'd use it as a weapon to catch food. Fill the mouse with rocks so it's heavier then slam some animal in the head with it. How would you use a light bulb?
Shipster0958 Well-known member Joined Mar 27, 2013 Messages 4,061 Reaction score 0 Location Tennessee Jun 10, 2013 #66 I'd open it up and store sand in it for decoration in my tent. How would you use a banana peel?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 308 Location UK Jun 10, 2013 #67 I'd scrape all the inside off the peel, bake it an then smoke it one night if I get bored. How would you use an empty glass bottle?
I'd scrape all the inside off the peel, bake it an then smoke it one night if I get bored. How would you use an empty glass bottle?
Edward W Well-known member Joined Jan 21, 2013 Messages 6,501 Reaction score 5 Location UK Jun 10, 2013 #68 To magnify the suns rays and make a fire, or keep water in it. How would you use a CD?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 308 Location UK Jun 10, 2013 #69 As a mirror so I can see if I have any weird growths on my face I need to pop. How would you use a set of dentures?
As a mirror so I can see if I have any weird growths on my face I need to pop. How would you use a set of dentures?
Shipster0958 Well-known member Joined Mar 27, 2013 Messages 4,061 Reaction score 0 Location Tennessee Jun 12, 2013 #70 To amuse myself and laugh. How would you use empty toothpaste tubes?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 308 Location UK Jun 12, 2013 #71 I'd fill them with water an squirt them at stuff for entertainment. How would use use a burst balloon?
I'd fill them with water an squirt them at stuff for entertainment. How would use use a burst balloon?
C Cavey Guest Jun 14, 2013 #72 I would stretch it over a hollowed out coconut to make a bongo drum. I would then use this drum to call forth a merman army to carry me triumphantly off the island. How would you use a year old Christmas card?
I would stretch it over a hollowed out coconut to make a bongo drum. I would then use this drum to call forth a merman army to carry me triumphantly off the island. How would you use a year old Christmas card?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 308 Location UK Jun 14, 2013 #73 Use it as either kindle or to create paper objects to keep me sane. How would you use the letters Q V Z from a computer keyboard?
Use it as either kindle or to create paper objects to keep me sane. How would you use the letters Q V Z from a computer keyboard?
Shipster0958 Well-known member Joined Mar 27, 2013 Messages 4,061 Reaction score 0 Location Tennessee Jun 19, 2013 #74 I'd juggle them. How would you use nail clippers that you couldn't open?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 308 Location UK Jun 19, 2013 #75 I'd bury them somewhere an see if I can remember where after a month for memory training. How would you use a Snooker Cue?
I'd bury them somewhere an see if I can remember where after a month for memory training. How would you use a Snooker Cue?
Minus Unknown member Staff member Administrator Moderator Joined Apr 5, 2008 Messages 51,059 Reaction score 8,146 May 30, 2014 #76 I would cut it in half and use the pieces to play Cavey's drum. How would you use a pogo stick?
C Cavey Guest Jun 15, 2014 #77 I'd use it to bounce high enough to cross over to Minus's island so I could throttle him for stealing my drum! How would you use a golf tee?
I'd use it to bounce high enough to cross over to Minus's island so I could throttle him for stealing my drum! How would you use a golf tee?
ucxb Well-known member Joined Aug 8, 2013 Messages 3,534 Reaction score 1 Location USA Oct 29, 2014 #78 Clean my teeth, clean my nails, scratch my head, maybe put holes in a coconut, & draw in the sand with it. How would you use duct tape?
Clean my teeth, clean my nails, scratch my head, maybe put holes in a coconut, & draw in the sand with it. How would you use duct tape?
Alma lost her spoon Well-known member Joined Aug 14, 2014 Messages 2,023 Reaction score 1 Location Scotland Oct 29, 2014 #79 Oh what can you NOT do with duct tape is really the question! The first thing I'd use it for is a bit of waxing-gotta keep that bikini line in check to look my best on the beach somehow hahaha Now what would someone do with this here dildo(double-ended & unused I might add)?
Oh what can you NOT do with duct tape is really the question! The first thing I'd use it for is a bit of waxing-gotta keep that bikini line in check to look my best on the beach somehow hahaha Now what would someone do with this here dildo(double-ended & unused I might add)?
gabriel20 Well-known member Joined Sep 15, 2014 Messages 4,912 Reaction score 10 Location Limbo Oct 29, 2014 #80 I'm not answering that one Alma,I might get banned! (Alma,help me out please,what's a five letter word meaning dildo,starts with P and ends in O )? A can of crazy string.
I'm not answering that one Alma,I might get banned! (Alma,help me out please,what's a five letter word meaning dildo,starts with P and ends in O )? A can of crazy string.