If I would have saw that I would have thought the same way. ( a unicycle) wtf...(on a cellphone) wtf...I remember when I did not drive for a very long time and I used to drive all the time everywhere when I was young and kind like a gas ass--for I loved driving but not now. Well anyway on my very first day back at driving this car was in the wrong lane coming towards me and I thought wtf and that's the closest that I had to those type of moments, but I had not any moments on this day as of yet-----a peaceful day as I checked out our forum some interesting threads I found but nothing much about cell phone addiction and believe me that unicycle person was addicted to his cell phone and now a days people become so attached it becomes like a part of them and without their phones they actually have withdrawal symptoms and my thought on that is wtf ---Is this how it is going to be in the future attached permanently to cell phones that might even affect your health but "they are handy" I must admit but on a unicycle turning a corner--wtf.....