What Now???/

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Ok this is the situation I'm in. I was doing great with this girl for the past week we were starting to go steady and everything was perfect. She sounded as if she wanted this thing to last for a long time. We'll last night after we went out to eat she pulled me to the side and wanted to talk she told me that we had to end the relationship now because she was having family issues and still was having mixed emotions about her ex boyfriend who asked her to marry him and then moved to Chicago and blew the whole thing off. I want her to feel happy with whatever she does, but I want her back so badly it hurts. I don't know what to do or what to say. It's like hey someone's life is perfect but yet it has to be smashed to quick. I need help can someone please leave so good insight.

First of all, take a DEEP breath.

There is NO such thing as a PERFECT relationship between two humans--BECAUSE we are both just humans! And humans do lie cheat steal and break each other's hearts from time to time.

I know very little about you and your lady friend, BUT if you want her back, then you need to NOT chase her. NO ONE likes being chased when they aren't that interested---it feels boring and she will lose interest.

If you REALLY want her back, just be very cool and calm. Say Look let's call her Sarah "Look Sarah, you know I like you and I'm here for you, even just as a friend. BUT I won't play head games with you. Either you like me and you want to be with me or your don't. I won't just stand around waiting. I don't want to wait in vain for your love. So, if you want to be with me, I'm STILL open to it, but if not, well I am not going to wait around forever. I deserve to be with you 100 percent if you want a real relationship. If you just want to be friends (and then tell the truth. Either you WILL be just friends or you find that impossible since you are attracted to her) my feeling is....

And then LET IT GO.

You CAN'T make anyone love you! You can only be loving toward them and let THEM decide!


Little Update:

We talked last night after church and we decided that we would be close friends for awhile and then in the coming weeks if it happens become a couple again. It was like my whole heart lifted I was so happy. We are goin to the movies next Monday so Ill see what happens

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