1. Chrono Trigger - Was a 3D (really nice looking) fan remake but got shut down.
2. Final Fantasy 6 - #3 in the US... So awesome to see the cast in the new graphic engines and the here kefka cackling in 5.1 surround!!
3. The first 4 Breath of Fire games (never did get to play 3 + 4) and would love to see the first 2 reamde.
I know all rpgs from the super nintendo days. oh how I miss these type of games.
On a side note I've got both FF I & FF II, the remade versions on psp
I want Mystical Ninja remade. Dx The snes one(s?) that werent translated, preferably, so I can have them too.
And Chrono Trigger. I have the DS port of the game, but I don't think they changed much, if anything. Dx