^^ lol yeah I guess that would be important
"kiss me goodbye" pushing out before i sleep
it's lower now and slower now the strangest
twist upon your lips but i don't see and i don't
feel but tightly hold up silently my hands
before my fading eyes and in my eyes your
smile the very last thing before i go...
i will kiss you i will kiss you i will kiss you
forever on nights like this i will kiss you i will
kiss you and we shall be together...
- the cure
I guess bad kisses happen sometimes
Many years ago, me and a male friend were the only people that were still not drunk enough to pass out, so for some reason we were sitting in the bathroom talking about weird stuff
( we were drunk I dont know why)
And he tried to kiss me
no, not a good idea
I put my hand up, and moved back
He kinda just layed on the floor after that
But the next day no one said anything and everything was fine
well, as fine as things can be in this sutuation