The Place Beyond The Pines (2012)
Actually a good film for a drama. Sad, really sad, because that ****'s real, that does happen, unfortunately. But it's a good drama. I don't watch stuff like that often. In part due to the fact that I try to live a more structured and normal life these days, away from crazy drug lords, and corrupt cops and businessmen. I mean, it be like that tho.

I've seen this film I think two or three times before, but this is the first time I've ever watched it sober, so I'll remember it this time. My only complaint about it is the same complaint I have about every movie depiction of teenage parties: I know absolutely nobody that did that crap at that age. I mean like maybe with people younger than me, but my generation of people, a juvenile delinquency party wasn't a bigass house party, why do they still do that in films? When I was in high school, juvenile delinquency parties were more like 4 or 5 people max, meeting up with maybe another couple people later, because nobody was stupid enough to compromise themselves by getting caught. Typically, it'd involve us all cutting class, running from the cops, dodging them through the nearby mall and community colleges and losing them somewhere in the between, then we'd take the city bus to the other side of town where the skatepark was, somebody would grab some weed or beer, and we'd go hang out at the skatepark until we got tired of skating. Thereafter, there's an abandoned half-built helicopter landing pad behind the skatepark, where we used to climb over/under the fencing and that's where we'd all go for weed and beer. I didn't see big house parties like that until I got into my 20s, at occasional B.Y.O.B. parties at peoples apartments for like a birthday celebration or something, and even then with the 20 or 30 people that'd show up, it was still pretty tame and everybody knew everybody from the club already anyhow, it was just cheaper for B.Y.O.B. than it was at the club.