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Jan 10, 2011
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I've been doing alot of thinking lately; i'm in high school and all i can see are fake people. Even my friends and boyfriend i fear are walking down the path of fakeness. I feel like the atmosphere of the world we live in to day is sucking away all my individuality and turning me into one of THEM. I want to have my own ideas and live my own life; but it's almost like they're forceing me to be something i'm not just so i don't get left behind.

Sometimes i just want to end it all; countless suicide plans have rolled through my mind. some of them are so perfect that they are frighting. It's not that i want to die; it's just that sometimes it seems like the only way out of this disgustingly conformist world we live in.

How can i live and breath in a world that seems dead set on destroying me anyway it can? I feel so lost and confused i don't know what to do with my life anymore.
*hug full metal phantom*

in highschool, pretty much everyone is one vaugue cliched generic,

but what exactly makes someone one of them? people will change for good or bad,

talk to your friends and bf, tell them you are concerned about their fakeness,

I'm sure it'll be alright in the end

there's no need to kill yourself, I thought about killing myself a good amount when I was younger, either by hanging or pills, but I never did, and though life has it's downs i really don't feel the need to anymore

I really hope so i'm not sure if i can take much more of this. I'm probably gonna break up with my bf at some point this year, i'm just not sure i can deal with maintaing a healthy relationship
FullMetalPhantom said:
I've been doing alot of thinking lately; i'm in high school and all i can see are fake people. Even my friends and boyfriend i fear are walking down the path of fakeness. I feel like the atmosphere of the world we live in to day is sucking away all my individuality and turning me into one of THEM. I want to have my own ideas and live my own life; but it's almost like they're forceing me to be something i'm not just so i don't get left behind.

Sometimes i just want to end it all; countless suicide plans have rolled through my mind. some of them are so perfect that they are frighting. It's not that i want to die; it's just that sometimes it seems like the only way out of this disgustingly conformist world we live in.

How can i live and breath in a world that seems dead set on destroying me anyway it can? I feel so lost and confused i don't know what to do with my life anymore.

Hi again FMP -- Peer pressure and social conformity are two of the most life-sucking forces that make high school years so difficult. It's really good that you don't want to become another fake drone...it's really good that you want to break out of that robot mold. Stay true to yourself and follow your heart. But, take heed that you'll pay a price for "straying from the herd". You might even be considered a social outcast by some who aren't as individualistic as you are. You'll have to find a way to balance it all. True friends will respect your feelings & opinions. Best, LG:)
FullMetalPhantom said:
I've been doing alot of thinking lately; i'm in high school and all i can see are fake people. Even my friends and boyfriend i fear are walking down the path of fakeness. I feel like the atmosphere of the world we live in to day is sucking away all my individuality and turning me into one of THEM. I want to have my own ideas and live my own life; but it's almost like they're forceing me to be something i'm not just so i don't get left behind.

Sometimes i just want to end it all; countless suicide plans have rolled through my mind. some of them are so perfect that they are frighting. It's not that i want to die; it's just that sometimes it seems like the only way out of this disgustingly conformist world we live in.

How can i live and breath in a world that seems dead set on destroying me anyway it can? I feel so lost and confused i don't know what to do with my life anymore.

The first thing that popped into my head is that you're trying too hard.
You'll be lucky if you "have all the answers" before you die
(a wrinkled old lady a very long time from now) much less in high school.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss
Hey, highschool sucks. It's literally the shittiest time you will ever have. But, it's there to give you a baseline set of knowledge (as flawed as the delivery method is) so that you can survive as an adult and know what you're doing. Most importantly, you're there for a piece of paper that, regardless of the actual value behind it, opens the door to other things (hey, wow, it's exactly like modern currencies!). Just tough it out and get the paper. Don't be at the mercy of the system; acknowledge it's workings, and manipulate it. If you can see the workings of the world from an outside perspective, you can achieve more than the people who just plod through it.

Pro tip though, read some actual history books when you graduate. They don't teach you anything true, and they omit a LOT of details that make things look less than peachy keen. The first Americans murdered the Indians, the CIA installed Saddam in to power, and our government has been beyond corrupt for at least fifty years; EVERY administration, Republican or Democrat; none of them have your interests at heart and they are not going to save anybody. Be a student of history, wake up and smell the ashes, and you'll have a lot more insight in to people's motives and how things work.

You will also hate the mewling masses even more than you already do, but that feeling subsides after a while when you realize that we are all temporary and that all we know and all we can see is literally guaranteed to fade in to oblivion. Then you'll laugh because nobody else factors this in to their worldview or their internal meter that tells them how important something is.

....I may or may not have helped your situation with this post. Oops.
LGH1288 said:
FullMetalPhantom said:
I've been doing alot of thinking lately; i'm in high school and all i can see are fake people. Even my friends and boyfriend i fear are walking down the path of fakeness. I feel like the atmosphere of the world we live in to day is sucking away all my individuality and turning me into one of THEM. I want to have my own ideas and live my own life; but it's almost like they're forceing me to be something i'm not just so i don't get left behind.

Sometimes i just want to end it all; countless suicide plans have rolled through my mind. some of them are so perfect that they are frighting. It's not that i want to die; it's just that sometimes it seems like the only way out of this disgustingly conformist world we live in.

How can i live and breath in a world that seems dead set on destroying me anyway it can? I feel so lost and confused i don't know what to do with my life anymore.

Hi again FMP -- Peer pressure and social conformity are two of the most life-sucking forces that make high school years so difficult. It's really good that you don't want to become another fake drone...it's really good that you want to break out of that robot mold. Stay true to yourself and follow your heart. But, take heed that you'll pay a price for "straying from the herd". You might even be considered a social outcast by some who aren't as individualistic as you are. You'll have to find a way to balance it all. True friends will respect your feelings & opinions. Best, LG:)

FMP -- For whatever it's worth, high school days are good times and fond memories for a lot of kids I know. If you are having thoughts of suicide I urge you to speak to your parents or your guidance counselor. OK? LG:)
Congratulations, you figured out what few of us do while we are in high school. Everyone (almost) is fake, they are all just trying to feel their way through life, figure out who they are, and just try to make it through and fit in. In fact I wouldn't say they are fake, they just haven't figure themselves out yet. You seem to want something more, something real, high school isn't going to give that to you. At that stage of life people can turn into something different the very next day. I had a friend who was an A student, was involved in clubs, parents were very church going people, then one day complete turn around. He was what we called a Vamp at the time, I dunno what you call them now. He was into the whole blood sucking, wearing black, depressed, just like I said a completely different person. High school is rough but you can make it through and eventually will find what you are looking for. You just have to wait for the others to come to the same realization and morph into something other than just another fish in the pond.
Hi, just a thought - haven't you asked yourself something like that: if this world is going to suck away my personality, maybe I'm too weak to resist. Maybe it's normal to learn to be fake. This society forces it's rules upon you and if you're not gonna accept these, be prepared for a war with society. If you're not strong enough to wage this war, perhaps it's wiser to grow inside this society like a cancer and after gaining some basic stereotypical values like money and power for example (gaining those will develop your personality as well) - show all these around you who you really are. Be careful though - keep remembering all the time that deep inside you must remain yourself.
High school is not real life. It's four temporary years of pre-life. Just focus on your grades and maintaining your individuality, and when you're through with high school and actually starting down the path the leads to real life, you'll be all the better for it.

**** luck!

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