If we are alone from cradle to grave, then how did civilization spring up? I believe connections with others human beings is what gave rize to civilizations. if we were innately unable to create bonds with others then we would be more likely to be killed. together, we survive. Without each other, we don't. So we are never really alone, we are a unit that works with each other to achieve ends and needs.
You might've accepted your situation, but something within you still tells you something is wrong because you were attracted to a loneliness forum. Something is left unsatisfied and unfulfilled.
let's look at my title "trying to be nice" could mean that I am reaching out to others and trying to interact with them in positive ways when my default is to walk on by and not notice them. I am challenging myself.
I don't like the implication that you put out there that I am not actually a nice person.