When was the last time..

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Hmm not sure if luck is real

When was the last time your sleepy time was like a toss & turn competition?
I'm not sure that I believe in the concept. All the time and never... Yup, that cleared things up nicely!

When was the last time you visited another country?

I have another question... when was the last time some annoying prick (Let's say me for example) didn't click 'new reply' and so your question got skipped?
I lived abroad in Asia in 2003-2005

And answer to 2nd question it is a common occurrence, not annoying, I do wonder if I am being ignored at times though :/

When was the last time you were flat out ignored
Not sure. A few months ago, at the university. I actually prefered to be ignored at the time.

When was the last time someone made fun of you right in your face?
Not sure, very thin line between sarcasm and belittling

When was the last time you had an alcoholic beverage
Last time I answered this I said February 2011, but I actually had a beer with my lunch last Wednesday, so hurrah!

When was the last time you had to console a crying child?
A long time ago in a far away land

When was the last time you thought something had happened but was only remembering a dream
I think this happened to me at some point in my childhood. Can't remember when or what thought.

When was the last time you bought an actual physical music album?
Like a vinyl record ? I dont think I ever have. If you refer to a cd, I bought one back in April

When was the last time you told yourself to RELAX & that everything will be OK
Riding one now.

When was the last time you had a chocolate fudge cake with extra chocolate sauce and topped with chocolate sprinkles?
this morning! Looking for one of my cats...

When was the last time you realized you have more shoes than you know what to do with?
Being a bloke, I have like 3 pairs of shoes...


... so, never. :)

When was the last time you worked so hard that you couldn't catch your breath?
Oh, I don't know. I guess it depends on whose standards, by my standards, probably at Easter.

When was the last time you swore at the TV?

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