ucxb Well-known member Joined Aug 8, 2013 Messages 3,534 Reaction score 1 Location USA Sep 18, 2013 #3,741 A few weeks ago, playing with a pup at the shelter When was the last time you trimmed your nose hair
Garbageman Well-known member Joined Aug 4, 2013 Messages 1,465 Reaction score 3 Location USA Sep 18, 2013 #3,742 Well yesterday I yanked a couple of rouge hairs that were getting out of control. When was the last time you wanted to rip someone a new one for hurting someone you care about? (verbally not physically)
Well yesterday I yanked a couple of rouge hairs that were getting out of control. When was the last time you wanted to rip someone a new one for hurting someone you care about? (verbally not physically)
T20 Well-known member Joined Sep 14, 2013 Messages 98 Reaction score 1 Location South East, England Sep 19, 2013 #3,743 A couple of months ago when my sisters roommate started picked on her - she held her own though. When was the last time you went to the doctors?
A couple of months ago when my sisters roommate started picked on her - she held her own though. When was the last time you went to the doctors?
K khaoz_ferox Well-known member Joined Aug 15, 2013 Messages 996 Reaction score 0 Sep 19, 2013 #3,744 About three weeks ago. When was the last time you saw a therapist?
F ForGrantedWife Guest Sep 19, 2013 #3,745 When I was a teenager, over my abusive Mom. She saved the rest of my childhood by keeping me safe When was the last time you did something charitable?
When I was a teenager, over my abusive Mom. She saved the rest of my childhood by keeping me safe When was the last time you did something charitable?
K khaoz_ferox Well-known member Joined Aug 15, 2013 Messages 996 Reaction score 0 Sep 19, 2013 #3,746 I always throw loose change in the charity pots if that counts. When was the last time someone messed with your head?
I always throw loose change in the charity pots if that counts. When was the last time someone messed with your head?
Garbageman Well-known member Joined Aug 4, 2013 Messages 1,465 Reaction score 3 Location USA Sep 19, 2013 #3,747 Well more my emotions, that would be last night. When was the last time you circled the block to be nosy at what someone was doing?
Well more my emotions, that would be last night. When was the last time you circled the block to be nosy at what someone was doing?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 309 Location UK Sep 19, 2013 #3,748 When I was a kid. When was the last time you eat a bogie?
R Rosebolt Guest Sep 19, 2013 #3,749 Today. So delicious and nutritious! When was the last time you were in a town with more than a million people?
Today. So delicious and nutritious! When was the last time you were in a town with more than a million people?
ucxb Well-known member Joined Aug 8, 2013 Messages 3,534 Reaction score 1 Location USA Sep 19, 2013 #3,750 2004 When was the last time you smelled puppy breath
T20 Well-known member Joined Sep 14, 2013 Messages 98 Reaction score 1 Location South East, England Sep 20, 2013 #3,751 A few months ago. When was the last time you took a really long dump? A few months ago with one of my neighbours puppy's. When was the last time you took a really long dump?
A few months ago. When was the last time you took a really long dump? A few months ago with one of my neighbours puppy's. When was the last time you took a really long dump?
ucxb Well-known member Joined Aug 8, 2013 Messages 3,534 Reaction score 1 Location USA Sep 20, 2013 #3,752 I cant recall When was the last time you saw live music?
WishingWell Well-known member Joined Jan 2, 2011 Messages 2,905 Reaction score 8 Location New Jersey, U.S.A. Sep 20, 2013 #3,753 Three years ago in a pub. When was the last time you took the last item of something on a dinner table?
Three years ago in a pub. When was the last time you took the last item of something on a dinner table?
ucxb Well-known member Joined Aug 8, 2013 Messages 3,534 Reaction score 1 Location USA Sep 20, 2013 #3,754 Hmm not sure if I have done that When was the last time you helped cook a feast
Garbageman Well-known member Joined Aug 4, 2013 Messages 1,465 Reaction score 3 Location USA Sep 20, 2013 #3,755 I don't know if it would be considered a feast but last week we had an overnight houseguest, and I made a lot more food than on a usual night. When was the last time you gave an abnormally large tip to a server?
I don't know if it would be considered a feast but last week we had an overnight houseguest, and I made a lot more food than on a usual night. When was the last time you gave an abnormally large tip to a server?
R Rosebolt Guest Sep 20, 2013 #3,756 Never. I AM a server. When was the last time you discovered a new song you liked?
Garbageman Well-known member Joined Aug 4, 2013 Messages 1,465 Reaction score 3 Location USA Sep 20, 2013 #3,757 Almost everyday. When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs?
F ForGrantedWife Guest Sep 20, 2013 #3,758 Yesterday calling across the field for my daughter to come inside. When was the last time you cried because someone else was crying?
Yesterday calling across the field for my daughter to come inside. When was the last time you cried because someone else was crying?
G GraceBlossom Guest Sep 20, 2013 #3,759 Yesterday at this course I am attending, their story broke my heart. When was the last time you shared something you had never shared with anyone else?
Yesterday at this course I am attending, their story broke my heart. When was the last time you shared something you had never shared with anyone else?
K khaoz_ferox Well-known member Joined Aug 15, 2013 Messages 996 Reaction score 0 Sep 20, 2013 #3,760 Never. When was the last time you burnt yourself?