pandas123 Well-known member Joined Dec 24, 2013 Messages 194 Reaction score 1 Location Somewhere along the West Coast Jan 11, 2014 #4,181 It has to be very long ago, i don't ever really listen to jazz. When was the last time you laughed very very hard?
It has to be very long ago, i don't ever really listen to jazz. When was the last time you laughed very very hard?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 309 Location UK Jan 11, 2014 #4,182 Difficult to remember. When was the last time you stayed up all night?
C Cavey Guest Jan 11, 2014 #4,183 I do it regularly. Maybe a couple of days ago. A week at most. When was the last time you instantly regretted a decision?
I do it regularly. Maybe a couple of days ago. A week at most. When was the last time you instantly regretted a decision?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 309 Location UK Jan 11, 2014 #4,184 Probably lately. When was the last time you changed your wallpaper?
rudechaos Well-known member Joined Jan 2, 2014 Messages 522 Reaction score 0 Jan 13, 2014 #4,185 today and it changes everyday When was the last time you sang your heart out?
zero Well-known member Joined Sep 1, 2009 Messages 11,055 Reaction score 38 Jan 13, 2014 #4,186 december when was the last time you made a compromise?
C Cavey Guest Jan 13, 2014 #4,187 Oh, all the time. Anything for a quiet life. When was the last time you gasped in shock?
zero Well-known member Joined Sep 1, 2009 Messages 11,055 Reaction score 38 Jan 13, 2014 #4,188 recently, but can`t remember right now about what. when was the last time you won at the lottery?
C Cavey Guest Jan 13, 2014 #4,189 I don't play the lottery and haven't for many years, but I do remember winning around £100 on it about 10 years ago. When was the last time you smiled at a stranger?
I don't play the lottery and haven't for many years, but I do remember winning around £100 on it about 10 years ago. When was the last time you smiled at a stranger?
zero Well-known member Joined Sep 1, 2009 Messages 11,055 Reaction score 38 Jan 13, 2014 #4,190 today when was the last time a stranger smiled at you?
C Cavey Guest Jan 13, 2014 #4,191 Probably the girl who served me in a restaurant yesterday... they'll do anything for a tip When was the last time you felt unwelcome?
Probably the girl who served me in a restaurant yesterday... they'll do anything for a tip When was the last time you felt unwelcome?
zero Well-known member Joined Sep 1, 2009 Messages 11,055 Reaction score 38 Jan 13, 2014 #4,192 last month, by some colleagues at an important meeting with the heads of the institution. when was the last time you fainted?
last month, by some colleagues at an important meeting with the heads of the institution. when was the last time you fainted?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 309 Location UK Jan 13, 2014 #4,193 A long time ago. When was the last time you thought you lost something, but you didn't after all?
zero Well-known member Joined Sep 1, 2009 Messages 11,055 Reaction score 38 Jan 13, 2014 #4,194 last week when was the last time you got angry?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 309 Location UK Jan 13, 2014 #4,195 Today. When was the last time you thought someone was cute?
zero Well-known member Joined Sep 1, 2009 Messages 11,055 Reaction score 38 Jan 13, 2014 #4,196 almost every day I notice something/someone I consider cute. when was the last time you were disgusted by someone?
almost every day I notice something/someone I consider cute. when was the last time you were disgusted by someone?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 309 Location UK Jan 13, 2014 #4,197 I live with my aunt, it happens often. When was the last time you misspelled something?
zero Well-known member Joined Sep 1, 2009 Messages 11,055 Reaction score 38 Jan 13, 2014 #4,198 don`t know but I guess it happens more often lately when was the last time you went to a bar?
9006 Well-known member Joined Apr 21, 2010 Messages 19,816 Reaction score 309 Location UK Jan 14, 2014 #4,199 Saturday. When was the last time you lost your temper?
zero Well-known member Joined Sep 1, 2009 Messages 11,055 Reaction score 38 Jan 14, 2014 #4,200 last week when was the last time you went shopping?