When was the last time..

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Right now. For reasons too numerous for me to go details more than I already have. I don't know how to act, what to do or what to say and I'm mad as hell there isn't a manual to explain how I'm supposed to deal with all of this.

When was the last time you went on a cruise?
About 15 years ago when I was a smoker - just a booze cruise

When we the last time you thought Phwoar :) ?
Phwoar? Not sure what that is.....is it like phooey, a soft type expletive? This morning I suppose, when it started to sprinkle rain on something in my pickup truck that I didn't want to get wet.

When was the last time you had an Aha! Eureka! moment?
^Nope, it's the involuntary noise you make when you find someone incredibly attractive.

I have eureka moments frequently, but then forget them before I put them into action.

When was the last time you opened your fridge to find it completely empty?
When I bought a camera in May. I had to special order a printed manual from a UK firm that specializes in them.

Now that i know what it means, let's go back to 'phwoar', or as I would say, BoomShakaLaka!
Does pizza with mother count? If so... a month maybe?

When was the last time you found a new really amazing music band?
Definitely precise enough XD The line would have been drawn somewhere between "some time ago" and "some weeks/years/etc ago".

Last time I was ill... the last time I really remember being ill was the time I had a stomach operation and then got the tummy flu half a day after waking up from that. I can think of many funnier things.

When was the last time someone asked you for directions?
How big of a ruination? I seem to say something inappropriate at every conversational exchange....like this morning. Totally ruined? I utterly overproofed a new bread recipe last June....a couple of months or so ago.

When was the last time you felt really lucky?
Rconstant stranger said:
How big of a ruination?  I seem to say something inappropriate at every conversational exchange....like this morning.  Totally ruined?  I utterly overproofed a new bread recipe last June....a couple of months or so ago.

When was the last time you felt really lucky?

Hmmmm. Working on a new bread recipe and overproofed it ....kinda oozed Over the sides and got too light and airy .....ONWARD with next try!!

I don't ever feel lucky I'm afraid ....except perhaps when I've had a near miss !  Then I'm GRATEFUL!! 

When was the last time you cooked something you remembered from your past/childhood and it tasted just as good ?
Actually I made the family lasagna recipe with my only friend in her kitchen this summer and it seemed a lot better than it used to be. Could have been because the company was better......

When was the last time you kept a difficult promise or obligation?
August 9th 2017

When was the last time you bought something really expensive only to ruin it a couple of days later?
sigh......grade 10 ( forever ago) An angora sweater that my mom washed and dried in the drier....then it fit my teddy bear. lol Or about 25 years ago when I hit a deer with my only and first brand new car ( deer was okay).

When was the last time you tried to eat something on a dare?

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