When was the last time..

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About four months ago, a Henri Nouwen series of podcasts.

When was the last time you spoke to your next door neighbor (passive aggressive post it notes don't count)?
Answer the previous question and then post a "when was the last time" question of your own.

When was the last time you went to a movie?
I dont go to movies. I have those I like in my PC.

When was the last time you loved, "blindly"?
In August when I visited my son and met his new dog. I don't generally like to touch animals. I'm not a fan of animals in the house and it really annoys me when I see photos online of humans touching wild animals. Sure, give them your human diseases 😬

When was the last time painted something?
Probably when I was a little kid, perhaps with watercolors.

When was the last time you had to study for something?
In sure it's a very good book in the right hands but I didn't last long with Hans of Iceland a few months ago 😬

When was the last time you gambled?
Earlier today when I said eff everything and sat eating 4 ring doughnuts...

When was the last time you felt guilty after treating yourself? :)
Oh, I always do but I think a week ago when I subscribed to an online library.

When is the last time you made a soup or casserole from scratch?