When was the last time..

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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few weeks ago when i stayed up till 4

when was the last time you mowed the lawn?
Two years ago. My brother comes out and does it for me now

When was the last time you wore sunglasses
driving home tonight

when was the last time you paid less then $3 for gas?
I don't know, maybe last week.

When was the last time you were late because you over slept?
I've never really had one of those...so never I guess. Unless you mean like family type ppl, in which case it would have been on Easter.

When was the last time you hugged someone?
Hmmm, I don't remember my dreams very often. Last nightmare I remember was about a month ago.

When was the last time you had a wish come true?
Today. But they weren't I'm attracted to you type butterflies, they were "what your saying makes me feel good" butterflies. (did that make sense? Probably not. haha)

When was the last time someone complemented you?