When was the last time..

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Hi 9006! :)

I last time I saw a real owl was probably more than 10 years ago.

When was the last time you changed a light bulb?
Today, actually, but it took 5 of me and a hilarious punchline to accomplish.

When was the last time you asked someone when the last time they did something was?

When was the last time you sat on your own and enjoyed the peace and quiet of your own company?
Last night (and hopefully tonight), daily if I can help it.

When was the last time you ate ramen noodles?
Ramen Noodles? Never?

When was the last time you made a cup of tea?
About a year ago

When was the last time you felt down?

When was the last time you bought a box of cereal to get the prize inside?
haha when I was about 12!

When was the last time you went bowling?
It's been probably close to six years since I've been bowling. Used to regularly take my daughter, her cousins, and several friends to go bowling on special occasions. The kids loved it, but they always got way too serious about their scores. Was kind of ridiculous because they ALL sucked anyway.

When was the last time you ordered a pizza with toppings on it that weren't your favorite or usual?
I'm unsure, it's probably happened though.

When was the last time you found money?
A couple of nights ago

When was the last time you broke a promise?
Can't recall

When was the last time you made the 'puppy dog eyes' to someone to get your way?
Never. It doesn't work when I do it.

When is the last time you accidentally used the conditioner instead of the shampoo and screamed out in an angry rage after doing it twice in a row?
haha, never; but I detect it's recently happened to someone!

When was the last time you weighed yourself?