Where is god?

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gyneco said:
I find it interesting how upset some people are with God even though they're doubting his existence. I spent most of my youth going to church and reading the Bible, but I guess I never came to rely on God as much as others did. When I finally decided to leave Christianity I had no hard feelings for God (or Jesus) - Christianity just wasn't for me and that was that.

I think blaming your problems on a figure you don't believe in is counterproductive. If you want to improve your life you have to get up and do something yourself.

yes i realize that. but when bad things keeps happening out of nowhere, you feel like you have no control whatsoever, you cant blame no one but urself and god

this has become a heated threat i like it
God creates people, he doesn't create characteristics, people create characteristics. He doesn't make bad things happen.

And alot of the time when people go through terrible experiences it makes them feel more blessed about what they do have and more appreciative, maybe thats a lesson God wants to give some of us in life, to appreciate life more. I mean people who go through life cruising and never really come up against any problems are content with their lives however someone who hits rock bottom well that makes them alot more determined to succeed and be the best they can be - so you can't just give up hope because bad things happen in your life.

I believe in God, if you believe in God he will believe in you, he doesn't need to appear to you or bless you like he does others because if you believe in him he will help you out in the end - and you will realise he is watching.

yes i realize that. but when bad things keeps happening out of nowhere, you feel like you have no control whatsoever, you cant blame no one but urself and god

this has become a heated threat i like it

Yeah...I get ya about things happening beyound your control.
Sometimes bad things too.

Acceptence is a son of a *****.

Kind of like the wind constantly changing directions.
Sometimes there's stroms here and there that will fresia everything up....it dosn't matter how you adjust your sails...:(

The best to do is to get out of the freaken strom..I guess.

God has the power to forgive...some say.

Would you allow yourself to excersize that same power of forgivenss?
I mean forgive yourself for your mistakes and do better the next time.
Are you not in control of forgivness for yourself ?

Actaully in budhaism...they don't beliving in GOD.
It's a HIGHER SELF concept....To better yourself.

I know growning up in the western culture we got introduce or expose to christanity.

Once someone had to translate the bible a little different for me.
SIN...= falling shot of your best protential or god giving talent.
Is that not the same as forgiving yourself for making mistakes
and try to do better the next time ?

Is that not the same conception as being positive,
loving yourself....taking care of yourself ?
IWTDIE said:
God creates people, he doesn't create characteristics, people create characteristics...

Ok, if He makes people then He makes their bodies. If He makes their bodies then He makes those bodies produce the correct ammounts of chemicals needed to help prevent depression - or makes them not produce the correct levels of those chemicals. And he makes the brains themselves. He puts us in situations to give us so called "lessons". Aren't lessons a key to making us who we are?

He has a plan for us, but we have free will and make our own path. Ok, which is it? That's why I don't like reading The Bible and why I stopped going to church. You read or hear one thing at one time and then later you read or hear something that contradicts the first but they're both supposed to be "gospel". That's why I pretty much follow my own beliefs which fit my own experiences. If something comes along that doesn't fit what I believe then I re-evaluate those beliefs. Who knows where that may lead me. Maybe that's the path to true enlightenment. lol ;)
LonelyDragon said:
IWTDIE said:
God creates people, he doesn't create characteristics, people create characteristics...

Ok, if He makes people then He makes their bodies. If He makes their bodies then He makes those bodies produce the correct ammounts of chemicals needed to help prevent depression - or makes them not produce the correct levels of those chemicals. And he makes the brains themselves. He puts us in situations to give us so called "lessons". Aren't lessons a key to making us who we are?

He has a plan for us, but we have free will and make our own path. Ok, which is it? That's why I don't like reading The Bible and why I stopped going to church. You read or hear one thing at one time and then later you read or hear something that contradicts the first but they're both supposed to be "gospel". That's why I pretty much follow my own beliefs which fit my own experiences. If something comes along that doesn't fit what I believe then I re-evaluate those beliefs. Who knows where that may lead me. Maybe that's the path to true enlightenment. lol ;)

God doesnt have a plan for us, we live with the choice to be good or bad then we die and see where we go, thats not a plan.
You should just read the new testament, the old testament is full of rubish. Just read what jesus said because he did'nt say anything that contradicts itself.
punisher said:
LonelyDragon said:
IWTDIE said:
God creates people, he doesn't create characteristics, people create characteristics...

Ok, if He makes people then He makes their bodies. If He makes their bodies then He makes those bodies produce the correct ammounts of chemicals needed to help prevent depression - or makes them not produce the correct levels of those chemicals. And he makes the brains themselves. He puts us in situations to give us so called "lessons". Aren't lessons a key to making us who we are?

He has a plan for us, but we have free will and make our own path. Ok, which is it? That's why I don't like reading The Bible and why I stopped going to church. You read or hear one thing at one time and then later you read or hear something that contradicts the first but they're both supposed to be "gospel". That's why I pretty much follow my own beliefs which fit my own experiences. If something comes along that doesn't fit what I believe then I re-evaluate those beliefs. Who knows where that may lead me. Maybe that's the path to true enlightenment. lol ;)

God doesnt have a plan for us, we live with the choice to be good or bad then we die and see where we go, thats not a plan.
You should just read the new testament, the old testament is full of rubish. Just read what jesus said because he did'nt say anything that contradicts itself.

Ok, I won't get started on that subject. This thread has been a nice discussion and my views here would change that. lol
punisher said:
LonelyDragon said:
IWTDIE said:
God creates people, he doesn't create characteristics, people create characteristics...

Ok, if He makes people then He makes their bodies. If He makes their bodies then He makes those bodies produce the correct ammounts of chemicals needed to help prevent depression - or makes them not produce the correct levels of those chemicals. And he makes the brains themselves. He puts us in situations to give us so called "lessons". Aren't lessons a key to making us who we are?

He has a plan for us, but we have free will and make our own path. Ok, which is it? That's why I don't like reading The Bible and why I stopped going to church. You read or hear one thing at one time and then later you read or hear something that contradicts the first but they're both supposed to be "gospel". That's why I pretty much follow my own beliefs which fit my own experiences. If something comes along that doesn't fit what I believe then I re-evaluate those beliefs. Who knows where that may lead me. Maybe that's the path to true enlightenment. lol ;)

God doesnt have a plan for us, we live with the choice to be good or bad then we die and see where we go, thats not a plan.
You should just read the new testament, the old testament is full of rubish. Just read what jesus said because he did'nt say anything that contradicts itself.

errr..okay if i don't know how to be happy now..how in the heck
am I going to be happy when i get to heven ?

And what piont would it be to talk on street of fucken gold
when I get to heaven..And what value would gold be if it's plentiful?
It just a shinny piece of rock.

Is that not using man's own greed, temptations, lusk to seek heaven.
Lust for heaven and lust for pussy...lust is lust.

The bible was written by men for men.

i seriousely dought many women in the western cultrue today
would want to be married to a dude with 100's if wives.
So why is it okay for men...great man or even kings to have
lots and lots of wives..as it's written in the bible.

So it that why the world is going to hell in a hand bag becuase
all us dudes don't have 100's of wives ?:p

and how in the heck dose anyone know if god is a man ?
maybe god is a woman ?
Or maybe god is santa clus after all.

If god is so almighty, great and can solve anything and everything.
Why dosn't god just show itself/himself/herself ?
It's just me...What the fresia is god afriad of..?
What's up with the hide and seek..BS ?

Where is god ?...have you seen it/him/her...

I dunno..where god is or understand why god is hiding. I am not god.
Lonesome Crow said:
punisher said:
LonelyDragon said:
IWTDIE said:
God creates people, he doesn't create characteristics, people create characteristics...

Ok, if He makes people then He makes their bodies. If He makes their bodies then He makes those bodies produce the correct ammounts of chemicals needed to help prevent depression - or makes them not produce the correct levels of those chemicals. And he makes the brains themselves. He puts us in situations to give us so called "lessons". Aren't lessons a key to making us who we are?

He has a plan for us, but we have free will and make our own path. Ok, which is it? That's why I don't like reading The Bible and why I stopped going to church. You read or hear one thing at one time and then later you read or hear something that contradicts the first but they're both supposed to be "gospel". That's why I pretty much follow my own beliefs which fit my own experiences. If something comes along that doesn't fit what I believe then I re-evaluate those beliefs. Who knows where that may lead me. Maybe that's the path to true enlightenment. lol ;)

God doesnt have a plan for us, we live with the choice to be good or bad then we die and see where we go, thats not a plan.
You should just read the new testament, the old testament is full of rubish. Just read what jesus said because he did'nt say anything that contradicts itself.

errr..okay if i don't know how to be happy now..how in the heck
am I going to be happy when i get to heven ?

And what piont would it be to talk on street of fucken gold
when I get to heaven..And what value would gold be if it's plentiful?
It just a shinny piece of rock.

Is that not using man's own greed, temptations, lusk to seek heaven.
Lust for heaven and lust for pussy...lust is lust.

The bible was written by men for men.

i seriousely dought many women in the western cultrue today
would want to be married to a dude with 100's if wives.
So why is it okay for men...great man or even kings to have
lots and lots of wives..as it's written in the bible.

So it that why the world is going to hell in a hand bag becuase
all us dudes don't have 100's of wives ?:p

and how in the heck dose anyone know if god is a man ?
maybe god is a woman ?
Or maybe god is santa clus after all.

If god is so almighty, great and can solve anything and everything.
Why dosn't god just show itself/himself/herself ?
It's just me...What the fresia is god afriad of..?
What's up with the hide and seek..BS ?

Where is god ?...have you seen it/him/her...

I dunno..where god is or understand why god is hiding. I am not god.

jesus didnt say anything about gold and 100's of wive's, i think your talking about the muslim prophet mohammed. moan about the quran for a change, if anyone read it in english they would shut up about the bible. go on look it up on google and see for yourself.
Lonesome Crow said:
errr..okay if i don't know how to be happy now..how in the heck
am I going to be happy when i get to heven ?

And what piont would it be to talk on street of fucken gold
when I get to heaven..And what value would gold be if it's plentiful?
It just a shinny piece of rock.

Is that not using man's own greed, temptations, lusk to seek heaven.
Lust for heaven and lust for pussy...lust is lust.

The bible was written by men for men.

i seriousely dought many women in the western cultrue today
would want to be married to a dude with 100's if wives.
So why is it okay for men...great man or even kings to have
lots and lots of wives..as it's written in the bible.

So it that why the world is going to hell in a hand bag becuase
all us dudes don't have 100's of wives ?:p
lol what ? gold ? 100 wives ? Obviously you don't talk about the bible maybe your dreams ?)))

and how in the heck dose anyone know if god is a man ?
maybe god is a woman ?
Or maybe god is santa clus after all.
It is not like God is a man, more like unformed spirit/energy, he want to be someone, fine thats not the problem.
If god is so almighty, great and can solve anything and everything.
Why dosn't god just show itself/himself/herself ?
It's just me...What the fresia is god afriad of..?
What's up with the hide and seek..BS ?
Why He should ? Who are you ? You are just another selfish human, nothing more.
Where is god ?...have you seen it/him/her...
I dunno..where god is or understand why god is hiding. I am not god.
Em, that is why it calls FAITH not KNOWLEDGE.

You can believe in God or not, thats your way and there are alot people who realy don't care. All you need is to live rightful.
Lonesome Crow said:
errr..okay if i don't know how to be happy now..how in the heck
am I going to be happy when i get to heven ?

And what piont would it be to talk on street of fucken gold
when I get to heaven..And what value would gold be if it's plentiful?
It just a shinny piece of rock.

Is that not using man's own greed, temptations, lusk to seek heaven.
Lust for heaven and lust for pussy...lust is lust.

The bible was written by men for men.

i seriousely dought many women in the western cultrue today
would want to be married to a dude with 100's if wives.
So why is it okay for men...great man or even kings to have
lots and lots of wives..as it's written in the bible.

So it that why the world is going to hell in a hand bag becuase
all us dudes don't have 100's of wives ?:p

and how in the heck dose anyone know if god is a man ?
maybe god is a woman ?
Or maybe god is santa clus after all.

If god is so almighty, great and can solve anything and everything.
Why dosn't god just show itself/himself/herself ?
It's just me...What the fresia is god afriad of..?
What's up with the hide and seek..BS ?

Where is god ?...have you seen it/him/her...

I dunno..where god is or understand why god is hiding. I am not god.

What bible are you reading? I don't remember reading anything about any of that in there. That's simply what some people say to make it sound appealing. (Although this is the first I've ever heard anyone mention having 100's of wives.) I don't even remember it actually saying that God is male or female although it does refer to Him as "He", but a pastor told me once that it was probably simply because when it was written it's because men were seen as superior to women. Nowadays it can be seen as that way because it sounds better than calling God "It".
according to Old Testament, man CAN have multiple wives.

In Exodus 21:10, a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry.

In 2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3, King David had six wives and numerous concubines.

In 1 Kings 11:3, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.

In 2 Chronicles 11:21, King Solomon's son Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines.

In Deuteronomy 21:15 "If a man has two wives, and he loves one but not the other, and both bear him sons...."

and Old Testament, it is also allowed to sell your daughters for money

"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment."
(Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

thats why they have new testament. because old testament was just ridiculous.
SighX99 said:
according to Old Testament, man CAN have multiple wives.

In Exodus 21:10, a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry.

In 2 Samuel 5:13; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, 14:3, King David had six wives and numerous concubines.

In 1 Kings 11:3, King Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.

In 2 Chronicles 11:21, King Solomon's son Rehoboam had 18 wives and 60 concubines.

In Deuteronomy 21:15 "If a man has two wives, and he loves one but not the other, and both bear him sons...."

and Old Testament, it is also allowed to sell your daughters for money

"When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment."
(Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

thats why they have new testament. because old testament was just ridiculous.

the old testament is jewish, the new testament is what jesus said to correct it. i dont know why it's kept in the bible.
well...I am in recovery and work the 12 steps program.
I havn't gotten high for almost 16 years.

Evidently..i'm the evdience that there's some type of GOD or HP
working in my life.

Some people worship the Big Book more than the bible.
There's literature in the big book that'll even states
"nothing absolutely nothing happens in GOD's world by mistake"
It's in the chapter of Acceptence is the Answer.

Errrr...After Jenni's death..I'm kind of thinking...That was totally
fresia up and all fucken wrong and just a little hard to fucken

i still havn't had to drink and used over it...but i still think
it was fucken wrong...Evidently GOD and I dosn't agree on
certain issues. Some how all this honeysuckle is suppost to make me
fucken stronger becuase it didn't killed me. On a good day
I'm falling apart at the seams...

Oki Doki...in my perfect weaken GOD's strenght is perfect.
Well... fresia, i don't feel it...i don't feel nothing nor see nothing.
Just fucken pains.

Inspite of all this crap going on in my life...i still want to belive.
I still want to belive my maker has better plans for me...
That there's purpose in my life aside from all this heartache,
broken dreams.

So i still ask every fucken day if there is a god,
Dear GOD fucken WHY ? Why me ? Why all this crap ?
Some would say...why the fresia not me..
And where the fresia are you when i needed you most ?
And I still need you now more than ever...
And why have you forsaken me ?
Becuase I'm taking all this crap really personal.
errr..I'm having abandentment issues over this honeysuckle....

Once again here I stand...as i am.
Take me, all of me. I surrender to you.
Dear God...take my will and my life, guide me in my recovery, teach me how to live.
<<<<Lonesome Crow>>>>

You obviously don't understand. Its your life, so you need to help yourself to reach your goals. What do you do ? Complaining, complaining on that and this saying that someone, not you, someone is guilty because something happened not right. It is life, everything happens. All that people need is not to give up on something that troubles them.
LET GO...2 simple words.lol

I did my third step yesterday..... when i wrote that.
I took a leap of faith.

Yes...I used to just let my duaghter cry herself to sleep
as a child..becuase it was her bed time. If I ran into hold
her...she would stay awake. It was a process...

I also remember when she was teething...
She would cried and be in pain, no matter what i did.
I tried to comfort her as best i could as she was going through that process.

No...I don't belive in doing confession or getting tottally
honeysuckle faced and plastered out of my mind to get over my troubles...
20 hail marries, 20 bloody marries, 20 marry janes, 20 marry ann
used to do the trick for me..it stopped working..
I woke up with a nasty hang over and wonderning who the hell
marry ann is...It wouldn't been so bad if i wasn't married.
That **** guilty conscious got the best of me...plus i didn't hold
my beautiful wife like i used too anymore...something was not right.
I didn't feel right...so I get more messed up to feel right.
Becuase what I did felt good (obviously i didn't have troubles doing it)...but it hurt my wife dearly.
Anyhow...that was a long time ago.
I try not to live like that anymore today.
I can't simply say "I'm sorry" to someone i hurted...
that I'm letting go of crap that's bothering me ...if you don't like it..oh fucken will.
Talk is cheap...i said "I'm sorry"...thousands of times..but never change my life or was accountable.
I can't live like that any more today.

well my ex-gf is guilty of cheating on me, using me, abusing me, stealing from me, lying to me...
Evidently she's just letting go of my ass. Oh fucken will... honeysuckle happens and it dosn't bother her one
fucken bit. Errr...**** wires are cross in the what's beyound her control and what she can control.
Any prick that wants to get up in her...probably tell her to let go of me too becuase I'm too much trouble for her.
Actaully she pretends like I'm fucken dead....becuase i'm too much trouble for her.
Lets fucken hold hands and sing cumbayaa and have fresia fest becuase honeysuckle happens...

I belive I understand and get it more than you think I do..lol
The next time someone kicks you in the nutz...see how fast you let go of those fucken pains and forgive the gardenia
that kicked you in the nutz....
That's why there's fucken prisons...for mother ******* that has no troubles of hurting, robbing and killing people.
They just don't give a fresia for no one execpt themselves.
The same place that he always was.

If you believe that God will solve all your problems, then you'd have to look to see past and look at all the war and suffering people endured.

What makes your problems warrant his attention when millions of those who suffered didn't?

This is all assuming that he did exist anyhow.

One day Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying it and he asked the Bedouin, "Why don't you tie down your camel?" The Bedouin answered, "I put my trust in Allah." The Prophet then said, "Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah"
God? Well, if you're Mormon, you'd probably want to call him Elohim, and, you'd obviously know that he lives on Kolob... a planet that is hidden from everyone except Mormons. Oh, and you'd have special magical underwear, too....
aFIREinside80 said:
God? Well, if you're Mormon, you'd probably want to call him Elohim, and, you'd obviously know that he lives on Kolob... a planet that is hidden from everyone except Mormons. Oh, and you'd have special magical underwear, too....

yeah...that's it. God is on vacation on Kolob banging
Scarlett Johnaason.

In the mean time we all can have a fresia fest on planet earth too.
It's a cluster fresia at the least. We'll blow up this planet soon, lets not fight it.
Go out with a bang oneway or the other. fresia it ..let's have real fun..:p

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