Enpatsu No Shakugan said:
Naizo said:
As far as me not wanting to be with anyone because everytime I hear about some boyfriend from a female friend of mine it's her going off about how he was a few minutes late, didn't tell her exactly where he was at all times, etc. Yea I've given up on that ****. I generally make a point to tell her that she makes me glad I'm single because of it, too.
That's not exactly love, regardless, in my opinion. It's slavery.
If your girl can't get on your phone and be chill if you looked at porn or some ****, then why are you with an Ice Queen?
If your girl didn't look at porn herself, why are you with an Ice Queen?
Sadly, it's not even a gender exclusive problem. There are lots of men equally as controlling to their women from every reason to a controlling personality to just excessive paranoia.
It makes me wonder how two people like that would work together. Would they compliment each other's paranoia or was it more about control all along, thus rendering it entirely incompatible?
My guess for why people actually wind up with someone like that is that the side to them that is that doesn't rear up until they're already in said relationship. Because I doubt most would want anything to do with someone who came across that controlling or distrustful from the get-go.
Oh nah, I don't mean to insinuate at all that it's only women that do that. That's just what surrounds me. I work with like 7+ women a day and like one to two other men a day. The women literally never stop talking. Ever. If they took a ****, you hear about it. If they got into an arguement, you hear about it.
About the only thing you don't hear from them is if they have a problem with you. They'll wait and talk about it with everyone else once you're gone. They must really think people are stupid though, because if they talk **** about someone else to you so easily, why would you believe the lie that nobody talks **** about you yourself when your not there?
I don't have issues with men or women, but I see the extremely cliche, stereotypical, and sexist things women are known for on a daily basis. Because they're real things that women do, minute by minute, day by day.
Women are generally fake as hell. Which isn't an insult. It's just a part of life. Men don't talk about their feelings, sure, but women talk about their feelings to anyone except the person they're feeling it about. Must be some survival instinct from long ago.
To balance things out here, so I'm not just talking **** about women. The men I work with are disgusting, can be extremely lazy, say some of the most racist and sexist **** you've ever heard just to entertain themselves during a work shift.
They're all hard working people, though. They're all just living their life the best way they know how. None of them are actually racist, none of them talk **** to hurt eachother, they're just imperfect humans being what they are.
Back on topic. I don't want a relationship because I like being alone. It annoys me when those around me talk about it like there's something wrong with me. There was a long period of time where I was extremely depressed and would try to hit on literally any woman I saw. I like to think I've come a very very far way from that shill of a human being, and to be talked down to because I have found some little peace in being single hurts my pride quite a bit.
Shouldn't every man have a family by 30? Except that's just not feasible. This isn't the 1800's where you got together young and had a family because you were likely to die young. Women don't need men to support them so they aren't as eager to find a husband either. A lot of men generally dislike how women act.
People are a lot pickier these days. Because they can be. I was with someone I enjoyed being with thoroughly, but it didn't work out. That ended in me becoming this walking pile of **** that cried about fifty million times a day. Feeling that weak is something I'd rather not ever do again. I still think about her literally every day of my life, whether its some advice I got from her that I hold onto as truth and live my life by, or just in passing thought or comical memory.
As far as I'm concerned, yea, I gave up on love. Because I had it, it was fine for awhile, but now I don't feel like having to put in the effort I did just to have it all fail over again because it wasn't enough, when I can just be content with what I have.
Though I'd really enjoy it if they would legalize recreational pot. That'd make my life pretty much complete. Work, pay bills, support my family, wind down with a joint, play some games/watch tv, go to bed, repeat til death.
Too bad. The only drugs legal around here are The Bible, Alcohol, being surprised when you see someone who isn't white, and doctor prescribed opioids.