Why are we here?

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I've been thinking (yeah, laugh it up already :p).

Why are people on this forum? How did you find it, why did you sign up, and what do you want from it? Why are you here?

I found it because I felt lonely, and googled the word "lonely". I lurked for a little while, and then signed up because it looked like the kind of forum I could feel comfortable with. The users seemed generally friendly, and I'm drawn to "friendly".

I didn't join it because I want to use it as therapy (mostly). I'm not here to find answers regarding my shyness, my intimacy issues, my clinical depression or whatever. I'm not here to "work out my problems" - I do enough of that in real life. I'm here to communicate with people with whom I have something in common, to feel just a little bit more sociable and less lonely during my quiet evenings at home. I'm here for the amazing support and comfort people show each other. I'm here because I know someone will cheer me up when I'm having a bad day, or a bad week, and because I'm more than happy to do the same in return.

I'm not here to have someone tell me "that problem you're having is your own fault"; I know this already. I also know how to fix it, and with time, I believe it will indeed be fixed. But for now, this forum is the one place where I can complain about stuff and get a little sympathy for a change, instead of another punch in the face. It's like a haven; a safe place.

That's why I'm here. I've noticed that not everyone has the same thoughts about the purpose of this forum. I've noticed a trend of being unnecessarily rude and harsh responding to posts, because some think that others are being cuddled and that this won't help them. But you know what? Every now and then, people need to be cuddled. Why shouldn't we find some of that on this forum, when there's so little of it in the real world?

That's my to pence, anyway. So why are YOU here?
I like chatrooms and one night I felt like chatting but my usual room was empty so I googled "chatrooms for lonely people" and found this place :D

They haven't been able to get rid of me since.
My story is very much the same as yours Equinox...so..I guess this is another boring post from me D:
I came here because I was severely depressed for a long time. I've read the threads and posts here months before I initially joined but the pain of loneliness became too much that I decided to join and talk about my problems; since I have no-one else to talk to.

Thus far, the only people here are the only friends I got.
I couldn't agree with you more Equinox :shy:

I'm here because I'd like to help and get to know genuinely nice people who understand things from my perspective a little bit =x

The trouble is actually, I get the feeling people find me very boring here and don't really like me :D I should post more, but there are so many different discussions going on, I never know where to start!

Everyone here seems so kind, I'm here just to try and get to know you a little :shy:
I don't really talk about my problems too much on here either. At least not publicly. I am here to be in a community full of people with similar problems to mine. I like to see how other people got where they are and how they are dealing with it. Mostly it helps me out just to know that there are other people out there that feel like I do. Most of the threads I start are just so I can get some outside perspective on the patterns I've noticed happening in my own life.

I do get the same feeling as you sometimes Thomas]. Sometimes I don't think I really fit in with the people here. I don't fit in very well with normal society though so I'm used to it. Sometimes it bothers me but never enough to get me to leave. I just go into my own little forum world and pretend I'm on 4chan where there are no handles, only posts. Sometimes I get bored and leave for a while but the loneliness brings me back.
I came here because I was lonely.

I tried to help other people.

now i am here because this is my social life.

I don't believe in helping other people anymore just because i don't think I hold any keys to making someone else's life better for them and feel like a fool that I ever thought that i held the answers.

I don't have the answers. I can care though, and listen. I often wish i could alleviate other peoples pain though.

"The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy."
My dad joined a few forums and it really improved his life. So I googled a few of my interests and concerns and joined a few of the forums I found. This is one of the only ones I've really spent any time on or really posted on. I like that I see the same people posting day after day and I know where I am with stuff. Its always hard at the beginning when nothing feels familiar.

I guess I stay for "company" and its nice to have a place to go to talk. I don't really expect my problems to be solved by being here and I really don't think I know enough to help anyone else.

It's good to just have that "I'm not alone with this" feeling and thats what I like to give and get back here the most.
Equinox said:
I've noticed a trend of being unnecessarily rude and harsh responding to posts, because some think that others are being cuddled and that this won't help them.

Yeah i've noticed that too.
I'm here because I've been going in and out of extreme depression over the past couple of years, as a result of loneliness. I pretty much isolate myself from the world as much as I can, although I don't like to. I desire some sort of human contact and/or communication, but I'm unable to actually handle that in person. Mostly because of my social anxiety. I'm here to get some sort of interaction with people I can relate to.
SophiaGrace said:
I don't believe in helping other people anymore just because i don't think I hold any keys to making someone else's life better for them and feel like a fool that I ever thought that i held the answers.

I don't have the answers. I can care though, and listen. I often wish i could alleviate other peoples pain though.

that IS helping, and making someone elses life better.

youre being kinda hard on yourself lately ive notised.
stop that :p
for what its worth, I like you, or what ive read about you at least.
I forget how I got here,I was probably drunk,but unlike a lot of the ladies from my past you were still there in the morning!
Jilted John said:
I forget how I got here,I was probably drunk,but unlike a lot of the ladies from my past you were still there in the morning!

LOL @ John :D

I googled "I am lonely" after a bad relationship breakup, then stayed for the company :)
SophiaGrace said:
Equinox said:
I've noticed a trend of being unnecessarily rude and harsh responding to posts, because some think that others are being cuddled and that this won't help them.

Yeah i've noticed that too.
its so much BETTER 2 beat ppl 2 a pulp
that helps us soooo much more

Thomas] said:
I couldn't agree with you more Equinox :shy:

I'm here because I'd like to help and get to know genuinely nice people who understand things from my perspective a little bit =x

The trouble is actually, I get the feeling people find me very boring here and don't really like me :D I should post more, but there are so many different discussions going on, I never know where to start!

Everyone here seems so kind, I'm here just to try and get to know you a little :shy:
not this person LoL
ur a gr8 addition 2 the forum!
but yeah
u should post more
ur a gr8 addition 2 the forum

as 4 y i came here?
i came here 2 learn how 2 "put my guard dwn"
n get more in touch w/my emotions
that didnt go so well 4 me when i 1st got here
but im continuing 2 try that
guess i tried 2 do it 2 fast n w/the wrong person
i think is the idea
that n learning who is trustable 2 do that with
so far as im learning that?
its becoming pretty rewarding
n most every1 on here is fantastic
I was forum searching and thought I reached a dead end till I looked up "lonely" on google and accidently found the site. Kinda nice since I thought I wouldn't find an active one after all the searching. I just enjoy talking online and doing the whole forum thing with people who aren't real judgemental about things and have understanding. I do get lonely at times because of the lifestyle I chose. This fills in the gaps.
I am here because it helps me to feel that I am not alone with how I am feeling. It can be hard, or even impossible, to say to people in the 'real' world that I feel so lonely, as they may be judgemental towards me, or think I am being pathetic. At least here I don't have to maintain any kind of image.

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