I'm not naturally very outspoken, so I rarely take the time to explain my motivations in Life.
This has lead to many assumptions being formed about me, by those around me attempting to 'fill in the blanks'.
Being thoroughly conditioned by years and years of TV and Hollywood, etc., they tend to assume the absolute worst about social introverts -- that we're pretty much all sinister conniving sociopaths.
Whenever they see me, or even hear my name, all of those horrible assumptions they've constructed immediately come to their attention. Subsequently, people often feel offended by my mere presence. Because these negative impressions make them feel miserable whenever they think of me, they end up perceiving me as the source of their own negative attitudes, and consequently resenting me for it.
My father and stepmother never learned how to fully love someone without imposing some level of control over that person's thoughts, feelings, values, life. They believe that a parent's duty is to shape their child into an 'improved' version of themselves. They never realized the possibility of loving us through actually getting to know their children on a personal level, and guiding and encouraging us in ways that support our natural interests, strengths, and talents. They basically decided that constant ridicule and belittlement is the primary job of a parent.
They feel personally insulted and even rejected that I'm an individual, who chooses to assess Life and the World for myself, forming my own conclusions, without first consulting any book or movie or popular song, etc. etc. -- that I cherish the things I naturally value in Life, despite whatever society pressures us to value instead. My parents feel abandoned and betrayed by me because of this. Their reaction to feeling that way is to abandon and betray me.
Common Measures of Success In Life:
-Attractiveness of One's Sexual Mate
-Health & Vitality
-Personal Independence
-knowledgeability about the World
-Contentment in Life
-Inner Wisdom
I personally think the majority of society has these in the wrong order of importance.
I don't openly talk about it much because I respect others' freedom to choose their own paths and priorities, but it's clear to others that my values are different by the choices I make in Life. People take it very personally when I don't happen to find much worth in the things that they are striving for most in their own lives.
This is how I see "The Game" that some call 'social life':
"WINNERS": Striving to conquer; Feeling a false need to look down on others, and to have others who look up to them; 'Superiority Complex' -- blinded from Life by a personal sense of 'pride'.
"LOSERS": Striving to cope; Feeling jealous and cheated and resentful toward the "winners"; 'Inferiority Complex' -- blinded from Life by a personal sense of 'shame'.
"WELL WISHERS": Striving to appreciate; No interest in playing the game; No use for 'pride' nor 'shame' -- living in Clarity.
I'm here because I have virtually no sense of family or togetherness, aside from a couple good friends who are having similar experiences to my own, and I figure I stand a better chance of finding like-minded friends here, than anywhere else in my life at the moment.
If not, then at least maybe some of the perspectives I offer will be useful to you.