Why does it always have to be my friends who like me??

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A lurker steps out of the woodwork to reply! :)

(But only for a minute before disappearing again into the shadows)

Enchantress, it sucks to be in that position.

I second something a previous poster said (and I'm sorry, I don't remember your nickname!) I have also been on both sides of this problem..

When my friend developed feelings for me, and I didn't have the same feelings, I would tell them pretty much just that.. "You're a very good friend of mine and I love you dearly - but not in a romantic way. For me, your feelings will not change our relationship and I would like us to remain the good friends we are today."

Thing is, some of them need a bit of time to "disappear" in order to deal with their feelings. Otherwise, it's like constantly rubbing salt on a wound without giving it time to heal. In my opinion, let your friend know that he'll always be your friend and you'll welcome him back as a friend whenever he's ready, but if he wants some "alone" time to deal, you'll be there when he comes back.

Now, not having this friend around sucks big time. It's possibly the most annoying thing ever to desperately want to talk to them and they not being around - but see if maybe you can keep some kind of connection like using emails or something.. It might give him the time away that he needs and still let you two be close.. It might not, but I think it's worth a try..

And let me tell you, being the one in love with a friend who is not interested is *not easy*

But, time and space and understanding make things work out in the end, usually..

On to the next subject in this thread.. hehe

A lot of people will develop "romantic" feelings from a close friendship. For many people, they're not that far apart from each other. Sometimes, that works, sometimes it doesn't.. People work differently and all versions are good. I've had several SO's in my life.. Most of them developed from a close friendship. Because for both types of relationships you need trust, and closeness, and good communication. And love. Yes, perhaps a different *flavour* of love, but love nonetheless.

Love isn't static. It grows, it changes, it adapts. Sometimes it starts one way and grows into something else. If it works for both sides, wonderful! If it doesn't, then it will have to change again in order to survive. That's fine. It happens. Sometimes it just takes some time and space, though.

(And I'm just strengthening things that other people in this thread have said before me. Good for them - they talk better than I do, anyway! And shorter! LOL!)

Next subject - Friends with Benefits.

Let's start by making this clear: THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYONE!

There are people for whom physical contact is a natural expression of love. And as I mentioned before, love comes in many flavours. For *most* people, there are internal categories of what they feel comfortable doing with friends vs what they feel comfortable doing with family vs what they feel comfortable doing with SO's.

Sex, from what I've seen, is a mix of physical and emotional drives. For some people - and the "socially acceptable" version - sex is *only* emotional and only done with people with whom there is the deepest, most encompassing level of connection. (What we commonly call "romantic love")

But, there are many people for whom sex - or some level of sexual activity - is simply another way to express love on any level (except usually family.. We're still pretty well programmed to be adverse to any sexual relations with family members.) These people look at the emotional connection they already have with their friends, and the trust and closeness they already have and let that draw them together.

For some people, sleeping with a friend is natural and doesn't come with "strings" or "baggage" or any expectation that the relationship will change. Quite the contrary, they usually hold the expectation that the relationship will *not* change and they're both confused and hurt if it does. They *really don't get it* They don't understand why it may change how the other person feels.

Now, that's not to say that a Friends-With-Benefits relationship can't *become* a deeper, "romantic" relationship. If it does, the expectation is that - like any other situation - both sides will *talk* about it honestly and compassionately.

One important note, though - if you *are* in a Friends-With-Benefits relationship and one side develops deeper feelings that the other doesn't share - *BREAK IT OFF IMMEDIATELY!* Otherwise someone is going to get *seriously* hurt. Be their friend, certainly. Go back to the first subject and treat with tactfully. But do not *under any circumstances* get into bed with them. *That* will bring all the baggage you were previously managing to avoid.

Last subject.. Remedy..

You are *not* stupid / pathetic / blah / <insert diss here> and anyone who tells you otherwise is a prick.

Regardless of how much experience you have (or don't) in any field, you are as entitled to an opinion as the next person. And what will surprise you, is that more often than not your opinion is a GOOD one - and you can usually explain yourself, which puts you in a much better category than people who state their opinion and then don't explain anything.

It would help (a *lot*) if you could stop taking everything as a personal assault (even when it's not) and actually *listen* (or in this case *read and comprehend*) the replies you receive. It would also help if you would discuss things, instead of throwing bombastic statements and then apologizing for existing.. When you do that, *no one* gets to learn anything from the discussion.

Oh, and I think you're awesome and really like you. Hope i haven't offended you *too* much!


Sorry for the insanely long post.. Slinking back into the woodworks now..

Hugs, everyone!
Wow , these are quite some posts :D Well,I'm not that anxious anymore,Thanks God that this time the guy did not get all sensitive on me like the other did.He just told me You knew what I meant so stop pretending you didn't when I tried to overlook whatever he'd said yesterday so we talked again and I sorted that out and he's fine with it and thanks God,nothing's changed.His still his good old self :) The other guy I'm giving him the time and space he needs to settle down and get over what happened, he still can't ever look me in the eyes though, not yet..I guess it will take him some more time and yes,you can't imagine how much im just itching to talk to him ='(

And I don't know why does that happen,but it just leaves me hopeful they actually like me for who I am after they get to know me,not just based on looks.

And I can definitely imagine how hard it is to be the one who has feelings for your friend.Now that would be torture if the other only likes you as just a friend or family.Imagine them asking you for relationship advice now that would kill,but you'd still try to help your friend out .So yeah it's definitely a pain.

Finally,Remedy you're not at all pathetic.I btw feel quite the same way as you do and would rather keep friends just friends.But for those who can handle such a friend with benefit relationship then I guess why not if they both know that it's just that.No strings attached. So yes everyone has his way and as long as noone's getting hurt then I don't see why not,Steve :p Though I don't think it's that common.

I guess what made me damn pissed though was that I wanted it so badly to be someone else who said that.Someone else I have on my mind. So isn't life ridiculous? An open loop or cycle or circle or I don't know? Someone wants you but you don't them and you want someone else.And that someone else you want wants a different person who doesn't want them either and so on ... Is it Karma?? Is life making itself fair that way *Sigh* We'll just have to cope and hope some good fortune comes our way.
Sylver said:
One important note, though - if you *are* in a Friends-With-Benefits relationship and one side develops deeper feelings that the other doesn't share - *BREAK IT OFF IMMEDIATELY!* Otherwise someone is going to get *seriously* hurt. Be their friend, certainly. Go back to the first subject and treat with tactfully. But do not *under any circumstances* get into bed with them. *That* will bring all the baggage you were previously managing to avoid.

Totally agree.

Enchantress said:
Though I don't think it's that common.

Maybe more common than you think, Enchantress. :p But yeah I agree that it's not for everyone.

Haha I don't think it's karma...I think it's lack of communication. If these people TOLD their crushes that they liked them, then I think that things would get solved and some sort of equilibrium would be found...or not. But either way, everyone's feelings and interests would be out in the open, and that would help everyone understand everyone a bit better.

I'll try to give my view on it instead of just saying sorry like I always do. I just don't see how sex can be that special if you end up doing it with more people than you would expect. I don't know I just can't wrap my mind around doing it with friends because it just seems to take away what is so special about it. Maybe it's just the virginity talking, I don't know.

It seems like we are both at fault because we are both trying to push what we think is right on someone. Maybe she just needs to choose for herself and probably can use what we say to develop more of an understanding of what she thinks is right. Like I said maybe its just the virginity speaking but I just think opening it up to more people makes it less special.
Remedy said:
I'll try to give my view on it instead of just saying sorry like I always do. I just don't see how sex can be that special if you end up doing it with more people than you would expect. I don't know I just can't wrap my mind around doing it with friends because it just seems to take away what is so special about it. Maybe it's just the virginity talking, I don't know.

It seems like we are both at fault because we are both trying to push what we think is right on someone. Maybe she just needs to choose for herself and probably can use what we say to develop more of an understanding of what she thinks is right. Like I said maybe its just the virginity speaking but I just think opening it up to more people makes it less special.

Different strokes right?

If no strings attached sex sounds like an appealing thing to do, then really there's no reason to avoid it. If it doesn't, then well... don't.

Although honestly I do tend to side with you on the matter. I don't really get the appeal of sex without emotional attachment. I've tried it, and all I can say is that it's not for me. It was kind of like glorified masturbation yet less satisfying.

But as I said, everyone wants and needs something a little different. All I really can say about friends with benefits is that you have to be really careful about it, because let's be realistic... Far more often than not someone is going to get hurt in the long run. It's one thing to say you'll break it off if either one of you starts developing feelings to the other one, but let's be honest, by the time the feelings are there it's much harder to actually follow through with, especially if the hope starts to creep in that maybe they secretly feel the same about you too.
Remedy I totally totally agree with you.
i'm so shocked right now to hear that someone would sleep with a 'friend' and still see them as a friend.

somehow that is gross to me...
sex is very very very very very special.. it is the closest you can ever get to another human being....it is where life begins.. it is sharing yourself in a way that is so deep... and doing that with someone you dont have strong feelings for.. i mean strong.. like i love you type of feelings.... or at least i think i may love you type of feelings is GROSS in my mind.. just thinking of it feels gross.

I'm no christian, and i certainly have not been a saint.. but to me i cant see how someone can see sex as special then go have sex with a friend.. and then still see them as a friend.

if i sleep with someone .. you can be sure i want to speand my life with them.
Remedy said:
It seems like we are both at fault because we are both trying to push what we think is right on someone.

I'm not pushing views on her...just giving my honest opinion. :) I think you're right; she should definitely work out what to do for herself...because in the end everyone on here is just a random voice coming over the internet. But I think that every bit of info she gets can help her come to a better understanding of the situation and how to deal with it.

Remedy said:
Like I said maybe its just the virginity speaking but I just think opening it up to more people makes it less special.

If that's how ya feel, then that's how ya feel. No excuses, man. :)

I totally get what you're saying, and I think you're right that you're following what your own conscience dictates. Don't ever let someone tell you that you're wrong about something like this, because how the hell would they know? I think you know what you want and what would work for you...which puts you ahead of a LOT of people, IMHO.

jales said:
i'm so shocked right now to hear that someone would sleep with a 'friend' and still see them as a friend.

Heh well...*shrug* We're all different, I guess. I totally agree that a FWB situation isn't good for everyone, and it can be a rare thing to work out properly. It just depends on the people, I suppose. Personally, it doesn't diminish sex for me at all. The way I see it, there are different kinds of sex, used for different people and different purposes.

Just speaking for myself here: I think sex is an acceptable way to show affection, intimacy, and closeness to a friend. It doesn't diminish sex, and it doesn't diminish the friendship. HOWEVER, there are female friends I have that I would NOT suggest such an arrangement to...because they wouldn't be able to remain detached romantically after having sex...and I totally understand that.

It's different for everyone. I don't think any particular viewpoint on this matter is WRONG...they're just different. *shrug*

Badjedidude said:
Haha I don't think it's karma...I think it's lack of communication. If these people TOLD their crushes that they liked them, then I think that things would get solved and some sort of equilibrium would be found...or not.

Ahahahaha I dunno why does that feel like it's directed at me :p
jales said:
sex is very very very very very special.. it is the closest you can ever get to another human being....it is where life begins.. it is sharing yourself in a way that is so deep... and doing that with someone you dont have strong feelings for.. i mean strong.. like i love you type of feelings.... or at least i think i may love you type of feelings is GROSS in my mind.. just thinking of it feels gross.

Hmmm I used to believe this and then reality hit. This was back when I romanticized the idea of sex and love and ever lasting companionship. But no, sex to most people is about satiating some carnal desire.
Enchantress said:
Ahahahaha I dunno why does that feel like it's directed at me

Yup. You should just tell 'em right away next time! ^_^ There's no reason that a friendship has to end because of it! :D

Enchantress said:
That sucks!!Why does it always have to be my guy friends who like me and tell me and then things get awkward and I lose whatever great friendship I had with them or it never really returns back to how it was before. Life is soo unfair.Why can't it be the guy I want or atleast somebody who isn't my friend so that it doesn't ruin whatever successful relationships I'd created.Why?? If it has to be this way I'd so much rather not be liked by anyone or be put into those **** situations!

So now I have one of my very good (previously till 2 weeks ago) friends refusing to look into my eyes anymore and running away like a shy rat whenever he sees me and the other I've no idea if he'll do the same cause we were just chatting on msn when it got all awkward like that :( Please help me ,that sucks!!

Plain and simple. Your friends know you and care about you the most, why not be with the ones who really care? I see where you're coming from though. I'm curious. What are you looking for in a man that you haven't already found yet?
its not youre fault that you dont have those feelings for them. if they choose to not be friends after getting rejected then it just shows how much of friend they really were.
ThisGuy said:
its not youre fault that you dont have those feelings for them. if they choose to not be friends after getting rejected then it just shows how much of friend they really were.

Yes,exactly.If they don't want to be my friend anymore then they sure as hell didn't deserve my friendship even but no it's not that. Even Mr shy is now getting over it after I've done all I could to melt the snow once again.And btw,wow,huge muscles there :p

@ Cypha.Thank you :) It's not like that.there's nothing wrong with either,I pick my friends well,they're both VERY good guys but sometimes you just feel nothing towards a person.No attraction or chemistry.I need more than just a decent person.I need someone I'd always want to be with.

Anyway I'm in a really good mood today.I haven't been as happy in ages and I just have that gut feeling that something good will happen soon.Yeah,I just know that something great will happen soon :) Or maybe i'm just on a high ;)
Enchantress said:
Anyway I'm in a really good mood today.I haven't been as happy in ages and I just have that gut feeling that something good will happen soon.Yeah,I just know that something great will happen soon :) Or maybe i'm just on a high

Haha YES!! You ride that high until it kills you! :D Seriously, use it to your advantage. When you're feeling good, you're more able to do things you normally couldn't, because you're more confident and relaxed...so use it! ^_^

Badjedidude said:
Enchantress said:
Anyway I'm in a really good mood today.I haven't been as happy in ages and I just have that gut feeling that something good will happen soon.Yeah,I just know that something great will happen soon :) Or maybe i'm just on a high

Haha YES!! You ride that high until it kills you! :D Seriously, use it to your advantage. When you're feeling good, you're more able to do things you normally couldn't, because you're more confident and relaxed...so use it! ^_^


LOL steve haha I love how you care and I never caese to amaze you with my unwillingness to do anything.You're like a parent teaching their kid to ride a bicycle but they aren't trying hard enough :p

And btw I'm so doing progress just didn't want to say this all too soon but he spoke to me !! He spoke to me yesterday. And yes he likes me.Alot.We also went to the college's cafe and sat there,he loves to eat so I did too.We had club sandwiches and ofcourse I came hom "Mom im not hungry" and she was like weird you used to love to eat now all the dieting really messed your appetite! ahaha Okay i'm not saying anything more now till I see him again.

Only problem I have now is that I have important quizzes on sunday and Monday and till then school's off and I must study cause I haven't studied anything in well,let's see,alot of time :p So yeah and right now I REALLY hate days off school :K But that's just because I am a nerd,ya know :p
Hugs, Enchantress!

Yay! I'm so happy for you!

Good luck! :)

(Also with school! ;P )

Enchantress said:
And btw I'm so doing progress just didn't want to say this all too soon but he spoke to me !! He spoke to me yesterday. And yes he likes me.Alot.We also went to the college's cafe and sat there,he loves to eat so I did too.We had club sandwiches and ofcourse I came hom "Mom im not hungry" and she was like weird you used to love to eat now all the dieting really messed your appetite! ahaha Okay i'm not saying anything more now till I see him again.

OMG CONGRATS!!! :D Haha I knew you'd be alright with all of this! :)

^_^ Just keep being yourself and I'm sure things will go fine.

oarivan said:
jales said:
sex is very very very very very special.. it is the closest you can ever get to another human being....it is where life begins.. it is sharing yourself in a way that is so deep... and doing that with someone you dont have strong feelings for.. i mean strong.. like i love you type of feelings.... or at least i think i may love you type of feelings is GROSS in my mind.. just thinking of it feels gross.

Hmmm I used to believe this and then reality hit. This was back when I romanticized the idea of sex and love and ever lasting companionship. But no, sex to most people is about satiating some carnal desire.

You have the best of both world...whatever limitations or freedom are
of your own making. You can listen to other's point of view or opinions,
however you still must come to your own conclusion and personal
exeperince. In other words your truth...
It dson't make it right or wrong.
It dosn't make it good or bad.
It dosn't make it better or worst.
It's just your truth...and how you want to live and belive.
In other words...it's your chioce. You are free to do so.
Reality is..everyone have thier own truth.

I had sex with women I love and in love with...in other words
make love to her lots and lots of emotional attachments.
Very romantic, very spiritaul.

And every so often she'll just tell me to **** her brains out...
no love making just hot steaming hard core ******* and she likes it lots.
And she's very, very horney...

Other times she'll just tell me to have sex with her becuase she needs to release tension or stress.
Somtimes right before she has her period...(it must be very uncomfortiable for her)
she'll tell me to have sex with her so her to get her mind off the pains and perhaps to help her period get going. (when I'm not in the mood to have sex)
other times she'll feel very ,very bad ..depressed and in a lot of pains. She dosn't want me to touch her or hold her. She just wants to be left alone. Everything is irrating to her.
She'll feel very,very ugly no matter how beautiful she is.
Other times when she's in heat...i'll really wanna **** her brains out but she'll tell me to ****-off becuase her body is in pains.
Intimate relationship stuff.lol

You know it's love when you have to make tampon runs for your woman..Then actaully pull one out of her or stick one in her...for her. :p
You'll also know when she's in love with you...She'll let you shave her :)

In other words....it dosn't have to be oneway or the other.
It dosn't have to be anything...it's what you make of it.

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