why wont I ever be happy with normal guys

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Elliehair said:
hellomiko said:
Doubt The Rabbit said:
Lol, I feel like that when I watch anime sometimes and see an awesome character that I would totally date. :p
Hence the whole annoying squeeing fangirls on the net and the rise of otome games :p But yes there have been times I would totally date an anime character, but might as well set those illusions aside. Real people ain't like that for the most part.

mind you the way some guys are doing their hair and even makeup these days some look very anime-ish in a totally good way : >
Haha that's true, especially j-rockers. However they don't have the personalities to match it most of the time in such a way anime characters are (though quite difficult to achieve I imagine, for e.g. Tamaki from OHSHC haha!)
Heh, I have the same idiosyncrasy, though being a guy.

That said, it might be hard (impossible) to have the personality to fit the extreme look of anime characters, but it certainly isn't hard to have a more complex personality :p
VanillaCreme said:
Kataphractos said:
I think I'm in a similar situation, but as mentioned earlier, us "weird" guys keep it to ourselves most of the time because we don't want to scare away the women (apparently it's ok to go ape over football but not a natural 20). Sorry ladies, but you are "normal" until you prove otherwise.

To put it in perspective, I didn't tell a group of my friends that I played DnD on and off and wanted to get more involved with a group to game with, and then I find out a couple weeks before they leave (we're all military, moves happen) that they're long-time DnD players. They explained it pretty much the same way I view it: DnD (and other abnormal activities) aren't something you just talk about in normal conversation, and it's not something you bring up unless you know the other person(s) are into it as well or you know they won't judge you for it.

Why hide yourself though? So what you play a game... it's not that big of a deal. If someone doesn't like it or like what you do in general, they can piss off. I don't see a point in hiding it. A lot of people tell me that my gaming is childish and that I should grow out of it. But it's what I like to do, and if someone doesn't like it, oh well. They need to worry about their life, and not about mine.

I love minecrafting and I dont worry about telling people because I think its very cool and I want people to know about it, it is a shame that there has to be people who sit in judgement on others as if its their right, but at the end of the day if you have people who are your friends then you should be able to be yourself with them, if they are true friends they'll show it by not being judgemental in a negative way.
The important thing you should get from this is that minecraft sucks. Terreria all the way!
Im not one for fight gaming, even Minecraft I know its like totally lame but I always have it set on peaceful because I just like the building and finding stuff
Just finished island canopy and am now on the island quest : >

my bro plays terreria tho
going back to films that always leave me wishing for a guy like that these would be

Interview with a vampire, queen of the damned, city of angels, the boy next door, I am number 4, any superhero film, and basically any fantasy films, mind you I have to say Thor bugged me a bit now shes gonna have to spend her life trying to get back to him !!!!
as for The boy who could fly, they really need to do a follow up to this, him just taking off always left you wondering what happened to Eric ? (it wasnt just that he could fly, it was how he ended up so focused on Milly, it was a very sweet relationship)
Don't worry about Natelie portman, she'll have her thor back in the avengers movie after the cosmic cube links the worlds again.
Elliehair said:
going back to films that always leave me wishing for a guy like that these would be

Interview with a vampire, queen of the damned, city of angels, the boy next door, I am number 4, any superhero film, and basically any fantasy films, mind you I have to say Thor bugged me a bit now shes gonna have to spend her life trying to get back to him !!!!
as for The boy who could fly, they really need to do a follow up to this, him just taking off always left you wondering what happened to Eric ? (it wasnt just that he could fly, it was how he ended up so focused on Milly, it was a very sweet relationship)

Well I like pretty much any superhero and fantasy films. I thought Interview with a vampire and City of angels were good films too, I dont know the others you mentioned though except Thor but I have not seen that one yet. I am also an elf who plays the guitar so does that mean I fit the bill? :p
Limlim said:
Don't worry about Natelie portman, she'll have her thor back in the avengers movie after the cosmic cube links the worlds again.
- oh cool I had seen the trailer for this
I love superhero films and am anxiously awaiting captain america as well as the avengers.
And the newer spiderman looks cool too (not the Tobey Maguire ones tho they were cool too)

ShybutHi said:
Elliehair said:
going back to films that always leave me wishing for a guy like that these would be

Interview with a vampire, queen of the damned, city of angels, the boy next door, I am number 4, any superhero film, and basically any fantasy films, mind you I have to say Thor bugged me a bit now shes gonna have to spend her life trying to get back to him !!!!
as for The boy who could fly, they really need to do a follow up to this, him just taking off always left you wondering what happened to Eric ? (it wasnt just that he could fly, it was how he ended up so focused on Milly, it was a very sweet relationship)

Well I like pretty much any superhero and fantasy films. I thought Interview with a vampire and City of angels were good films too, I dont know the others you mentioned though except Thor but I have not seen that one yet. I am also an elf who plays the guitar so does that mean I fit the bill? :p
- do you have the ears, you gotta have the ears man : >
Everything about these types of threads are hideously depressing. Apart from Limlim. Limlim is funny.
The concept that a person feels they can't be happy because there's no shiny vampires leaping about the place with their shirts off, that characters in anime shows and pop-lit romance stay in their domain and seem to be unable to escape the fantasy, all the while dudes have to deal with the fact that there's no way they could possibly match up to said fantasies, being made so that they get the girlies all fluttery in their special area.

Unless you meant about Limlim being funny, I dunno how, just is, really.
Haha, Limlim's always funny.

From a personal point of view, that isn't the type of person I like in anime at all. It's usually some sarcastic bastard. :p I want my anime sweetheart to be hot on my heels trying to keep up with my attitude.

However, I don't think that's what this thread means. It's that lots of women are sick and tired of plain and boring guys. It's not about putting up a grand act, but simply being something more than the guy who eats, sleeps, and *****. That is something for which you can't blame the media, but the guy himself.

Why should one settle for someone whose life is going nowhere because of his own laziness? It's a waste. Instead, what we look for is someone with interesting hobbies, thoughts, and ambitions. To ask for that which is out of the ordinary isn't a very tall order if everyone's working to let their personality show through as brightly as they can. That's what many women want.

A man who has no personality will simply have to accept the fact that he will probably be a lonely man. To say that you can't be interesting is pure laziness and a total waste. As socially inept as a person may be, there is no excuse for not having a personality.
Sure, EVERYONE has a personality. There's a thread in "Loneliness" on pretty much the same subject as this one, and I've read similar threads on boards I cheat on ALL with. It makes me sad for everyone. Everyone is interesting, you just have to connect with them on the thing they're interested in. If they say they have no interests, they just haven't discovered it yet, so instead of proclaiming them to be boring, guide them to greater things! Show them how wonderful the world is in all it's tininess! I once met a man of 35, on one of my many journeys, who told me he'd never seen a horizon. He was severely bipolar, a virgin like many older people here, and had leg braces from an attempted suicide, and all he wanted was to see a horizon. So I took him to the Giant's Causeway, up in NI. Now he's studying geology. A 35 year old went from wanting to die to wanting to know everything about the Earth just by looking into the distance.


There may be collapsible space between us all, but we are all here:


With such vast nothing around us, let's use the ground we have to get to know each other a little better.
That's all fine and dandy, but not everyone is interesting. In fact, it's not just about those who don't want to try, e.g. the 35 year old who tried to kill himself, but those who resign themselves to believing that sticking to the status quo is best. Those who are sitting in an office somewhere, scraping their way to the top of the food chain, and for what? A better paycheck. Respect. Power. Bah. Who gives a ****?

To be honest, nobody owes anybody anything to have to help them figure out their lives. Yes, it's a good deed to do so, but a woman who knows where she wants to go is not going to have time to walk out baby steps with a man who is completely lost.

Think about it this way: Would you date and live with a woman who has no outstanding interests or nothing to do in life?

People say all the time "It's not about looks, it's about character," but what happens when people have no character? Are we supposed to settle for the first schmuck that comes our way? As someone who genuinely cares very little about looks, I say no.

Yes, I like to help people when I can. If I come across some suicide patient who never saw the horizon, then ******* it, I'ma take him to a horizon. The best horizon he'll ever see. HOWEVER, I do not owe it to him to love him if there's nothing for me to love.
To some people, those things ARE an interest, just not ones you share. I also think that a woman apparently lost in the realm of fantasy, dreaming up impossible scenarios is leading herself down the wrong road because where she wants to go doesn't exist, and that's the sadness of it all. There are plenty of wonderful things and plenty of wonderful people, which is mostly my point. becoming so caught up in fiction that the real world depresses you or becomes boring is not only unhealthy but can come down to laziness on the part of the one caught up in it. People still do lovely things for each other, it's up for you all to find each other, and it's not gonna happen if you sit with your head in the clouds. I read a story about this fella who hacked his way into an online puzzle game he knew his girlfriend played a lot, and when a certain score was reached it would ask her to marry him. People really do this ****, you just have to look.
Lol, well that's fine. That's the character I'm talking about. If some dude proposed to me through hacking into a game I played a lot, I'd tell him "No" because I disagree with marriage, but I would be extremely flattered.

MY point is that a person can't be expected to form a relationship based on nothing. It has nothing to do with fantasy people or "impossible" scenarios, just a lack of any visible character. Too many men and women don't even try, so what makes them think that others are going to try FOR them?

But, y'know. To each its own.
I'm trying, league of legends isn't going to play itself you know. When I am total pro and am super interesting because of my mad skillz, I'll remember you little people and write from time to time. But only in between sexings of my trophy Asian wife with huge ****s. Asian with huge ****s a tall order you say? Not when you're super awesome and famous like I'm gonna be!

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