Will only date foreign women

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Iceman1978 said:
Excellent point.

It's one of the things I admire most about Japanese culture. Ones honor and integrity means everything.

Even in the aftermath of the tsunami you had communities that came together. You didn't have people rioting and looting in the streets. There's a stoicism about the Japanese that I can identify with in many ways.

I took an on-line personality test called "what's your inner nationality" and it said I was Japanese.

sure sure... and Japanese women are cute right?
LonelyLola said:
I will only date men who can stand on one hand while reciting the entire text of The Odyssey in the original Ancient Greek.

Whoa... That's a little harsh...

I would let them have two hands, and the optional choice of The Iliad.
I wouldn't memorize The Odyssey for any woman.

I might do it for fun.

But no woman is worth that amount of effort. There are plenty of women out there who require less stringent qualifications. Like having a job and a car.

LonelyLola said:
I will only date men who can stand on one hand while reciting the entire text of The Odyssey in the original Ancient Greek.

I would hazard a guess that you don't have a lot of dates then:)
Badjedidude said:
I wouldn't memorize The Odyssey for any woman.

I might do it for fun.

But no woman is worth that amount of effort. There are plenty of women out there who require less stringent qualifications. Like having a job and a car.


Lol, that's pretty selfish. So you would only do it for your own gratification but not to make a woman in your life extremely happy? Hmmm... Are you single by chance?
Being someone who believes that you can't choose who you fall in love with, I find any talk of preference being nothing more than the product of ones overactive imagination and fantasy...neither with any solid footing in reality... eliminating an entire score of women purely based on their nationality is either bitterness or short sighted.
Littlesecret said:
Lol, that's pretty selfish. So you would only do it for your own gratification but not to make a woman in your life extremely happy? Hmmm... Are you single by chance?

Doing things for self-englightenment and education are a noble endeavor. What's so selfish about memorizing a classic piece of literature just for self-enjoyment? And not wanting it to magically win me love?

You seem to be making some fairly large assumptions about me from what I posted.

I'd suggest you take ten minutes or so to go around this forum and take a look at my other posts. It might give you some needed insight into my character.

Badjedidude, I have so much trouble when I read your posts because I hear Krieger's voice and assume the most underhanded things...

Oh piggly 2...

I love that show so much.
I'm sorry you thought my post was an assumption on your character. Its always hard to convey tone in text (always the best excuse) so i think you took my light-hearted questions completely the wrong way.
I have in fact read some of your previous posts before i decided to comment on this thread and you seemed like a whimsical guy that's why I didn't think you would take my post so seriously.
However you're right maybe I should take a little more time to really see what you are about. :)

Also If someone read a book for me it wouldn't be an instant panty dropper but I would be overwhelmed that they took the time to see what I was into.

And I was being sarcastic when I posted my "requirements" ... I think it is absurd to just automatically disregard entire segments of the population because they don't meet a certain trait you "need" in a partner.

I think, especially regarding guys who only date foreign girls, (or Vice versa) that if you just chilled out and was friendly- I repeat, friendly- with all the females you meet, you might find you have a spark with someone who doesn't happen to be your "kind".
See, now THIS is why I walk around with an accent and look slightly uncoordinated, so I can get deez guize.
Smokey said:
Being someone who believes that you can't choose who you fall in love with, I find any talk of preference being nothing more than the product of ones overactive imagination and fantasy...neither with any solid footing in reality... eliminating an entire score of women purely based on their nationality is either bitterness or short sighted.

Of course you can have preferences. I have preferences, both in appearance and in personality. I think you can still fall in love with someone who doesn't meet this preferences, but I think the line between what you really dislike and being neutral about or prefer something is much clearer. There are some traits that totally turn me off, and for the topic starter thats the "American mentality". He has all the right to dislike that, and it's perfectly normal to do so IMO.
aspalas said:
Smokey said:
Being someone who believes that you can't choose who you fall in love with, I find any talk of preference being nothing more than the product of ones overactive imagination and fantasy...neither with any solid footing in reality... eliminating an entire score of women purely based on their nationality is either bitterness or short sighted.

Of course you can have preferences. I have preferences, both in appearance and in personality. I think you can still fall in love with someone who doesn't meet this preferences, but I think the line between what you really dislike and being neutral about or prefer something is much clearer. There are some traits that totally turn me off, and for the topic starter thats the "American mentality". He has all the right to dislike that, and it's perfectly normal to do so IMO.

I totally agree. One is allowed to have preferences. Long hair over short. Curvy over straight (hair). Tall over short. Skinny vs normal vs big boned. Voice. Two people can have different personalities and similar looks, or different looks and similar personalities. There are so many combinations though that it is difficult to list every 'requirement' or attractive traits.

It's a combination of both inner and outer traits that one looks for. Consider this, are there personalities that just do not fit you regardless of what race (looks) they are? For me, there are several races that just do not attract me, they may have the best personality, but physically they are just unattractive. Not to say I'm only focused on looks, I'm not, but physical attraction (can think hygiene for example) is also big part of a healthy relationship.
Iceman1978 said:
Are there any other guys here (preferably from the US) who will only date foreign women?

If I get the nerve up to break it off with my current girlfriend, yes, but only Scandi women because I plan on going to Norway anyhow. :p

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