I don't think it's so bad if you
want to be single. The whole term "single" implies it's a choice almost.
Sometimes I think of the good things I have as a singleton (such as freedom to do what I want).
However, I think when that singleness is the product of crappy luck and poor circumstance rather than a conscious decision it starts to become negative, as in my case and the case of you guys by the sound of it.
I don't think it's safe to ever think "I need someone in my life to complete it", because that's sort of admitting you're not pleased with your own life. But I think it's totally reasonable to want someone in your life to enhance it.
Right now I'm mostly happy with my life, but I'm just sick of the tedium and staleness of sitting about watching just about everyone else having fun with their partner.
You're very right on the contact though. All I want physically from a girlfriend is hugs/kisses. A hug from someone you're romantically inclined towards feels very, very different from a hug with a family relative.
When someone has had a relationship, perhaps with *** and so on, I think that longing changes. You sort of know how relationships work a bit, what physical intimacy feels like and the naivety wears off.
It's possible to be lonely of course, but I don't think it ever has that same raw quality as when you've never kissed someone, you're 20 and you're starting to feel like it honestly will never happen.
Because I
cannot even comprehend a girl wanting to kiss me right now, it's just a totally alien concept to me and seems odd. The thought of a girl ever wanting to have *** with me doesn't seem credible in the slightest, I can't imagine such a situation. And they're not pleasant sensations to have for 5-6+ years, especially when I know that I'll be exactly like this for another 3-4 at least! If I'm lucky I will be able to go out with someone when I am 25, assuming the perfect girl magically materialises.
So yeah, it depends on exactly what "single" is, expectations and past experience I believe. I don't think the feelings brought on by such a lack of basic intimacy can be trivialised as "*** need, obv., lol", they are so much deeper and more important than that.
I mean, a girl bumped into me in a store today, and it actually made my heart leap a bit. That's how sad and lonely I am physically!