So I guess I see this site as a site where lonley people can complain and bitch or write suicide notes. I just feel like bitchingabout random things and I dont care too much if you all disagree. Me and the wife shut the cable off last january not cause were to poor but because we noticed our 3 month old daughter watching ,starring deeply into it and we didnt want her mind all F!@# up like lots of other kids.Who watched to much tellutubys. Well we dont read papers we really are just in the dark sort of . Today I'm out of town on business and I get cable
so I thought
. I turn it on and watch a couple shows and then I watch the news one of the news nsmbc or whatever had a great story about porn. I am not against porn but they showed some graphic picts and videos, I mean it was like a 20 min interview with some porn girl , they made it sound okay and like it is a respectable job WELL IT'S NOT! I am so against how open people are to this crap. keep it in the home in your room I dont want my daughter exposed to that ****,whatever happened to self respect, then I turn it to a different news channel and its about the oil spill wow thats really horrible. I am not against drilling and I love nuclear power and hate those stuipid ugly @#$% windmills. We need to spend more on Nuclear power and bulldoze those ugly worthless things . but anyways I never imagined a spill could be so devastating , now I am against offshoredrilling due to this incident. I hope B.P goes down and never returns to th oilindustry again..but they wont you can count on that cause we need our oil like a junky needs his needle. I'd rather the spill be on land preferably in Texas or new mexico those state are superfund sites anyway. Theres just so much going on this world and I am sorry to say the U.S has it's paws in it all . we are the cause of a lot we are drama queens in a way I am definatly worried about the future and wher we are headed like many people I guess . America makes me sick I am sorry but we are greedy, mean to one another and think our **** dont stink.good luck!