oooh *hugs remedy*
I remember those days of mine
I remember those days of mine
+Estreen said:When you feel that there's no one around you that you can turn to, because none of them really understand, and you're tired of pouring your heart out, only to feel nothing in return.
+JoeVegas said:you smoke just because you like the idea that youre slowly, passivly killing yourself. every exhale rips out a lil more.
+TheWrathof_Jay said:when the only person you can trust is yourself
+Radomir said:You cry you tears out and realize no1 cares
Naval_Fluff said:When you have full conversations with inanimate objects
Pasha Selim said:... you have a guest
troubled said:You walk around empty streets and parks because everyone is at work / school / with friends.
You spend every weekend alone.