Your DNA is no longer considered trustworthy

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Mar 21, 2020
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In my mind
Okay, so I just wrote and earlier thread about the fact that your confidential information IS CONSIDERED compromised whether or not it actually is. So, I just stumbled upon this article:

Although it's not exactly the most indepedant trustworthy site it brings up some good points.


"The CDC has been receiving positive lab results. If your biological sample has been included along with the results, expect that your name and personal information will have been shared as well. By law, all labs must share their results with the Department of Health and Human Services (to review the exact law visit the FDA website by clicking this link or see below (1)). And there is no limit to how many times and with whom your information has been shared. "

All those free nose swabs get sent to a lab along with any information given in order to keep track of THINGS. Those laws can then sell the information to databrokers.

Now you may be thinking well, they didn't get any important information from me. Or, I never got a test so it doesn't matter. Well, soon DNA information will no longer be considered trustworthy for anybody. So you won't be able to use it to identify yourself UNLESS you are there in person. AND you better hope the databrokers do not have any incorrect or outdated informaiton or you will be completely un-identifiable.

So, what's left to identify someone? A new system is needed. Currently the push is to use cell phones as a trustworthy way to identify people. But, well, that's not going to work. So, what then? Although it sounds crazy, implanted idenification chips will be the way to do it. Then they'll be an entire set of laws including fellonies for purposely removing the chip from your body. Or, for buy and sell chips on the dark web. Society sure has allowed it self to get Fd.
Hate to tell ya buddy, but you're reading conspiracy theorist propaganda. Trust me, I'd know. I've been skirting the conspiracy theorist title for years now, and this is exactly the kinda stuff to ignore and stay away from. I mean no offense to you by saying this, but if no one tells ya, then you'll just keep surfing further down the rabbit hole. There is plenty of fuckery going on in power, but the kinda stuff that can be proven with vetted facts, unbiased statistics, and established information sources.

I won't tell ya what to believe in, but just be careful of where you're getting your information from, and always cross examine it with unbiased sources. Cuz there's plenty enough in this world to drive ya nuts, without trailing the people that are already nuts. Also, people can twist facts and statistics to make anything look real, by creating correlations, that in fact, don't actually have anything to do with one another directly. For example, I could state a random fact like, so, and so stopped tying their shoes at the same time as covid started, and so that one person not tying their shoes is obviously what caused covid.
Hate to tell ya buddy, but you're reading conspiracy theorist propaganda. Trust me, I'd know. I've been skirting the conspiracy theorist title for years now, and this is exactly the kinda stuff to ignore and stay away from. I mean no offense to you by saying this, but if no one tells ya, then you'll just keep surfing further down the rabbit hole. There is plenty of fuckery going on in power, but the kinda stuff that can be proven with vetted facts, unbiased statistics, and established information sources.

I won't tell ya what to believe in, but just be careful of where you're getting your information from, and always cross examine it with unbiased sources. Cuz there's plenty enough in this world to drive ya nuts, without trailing the people that are already nuts. Also, people can twist facts and statistics to make anything look real, by creating correlations, that in fact, don't actually have anything to do with one another directly. For example, I could state a random fact like, so, and so stopped tying their shoes at the same time as covid started, and so that one person not tying their shoes is obviously what caused covid.

When genetic testing began there were no real laws governing the information. So, that means it could be bought and sold freely. Sure, some places handled it with care because they didn't want any trouble. But, others, saw dollar signs.

It's easy to think everything is conspiracy theorist progranda. But, you need to think what is possible and what is not possible. If something is possible the you have to think if it's profittable to deal in it. If it is then companies will deal in it. Private information is very profittable. DNA information is becoming more profittable.

A month ago I just assumed that if I gave, say an online bank, my SSN, driver's license number, name, dob, and other very confidential information they would check to make sure the information is tied to me, correct, and then approve me. However, I discovered from not being able to open any online accounts and talking to bankers that they can no longer deam that information as confidential or trustworthy any more. The fed even requires online banks and other financial insitutions to Verify your ID via third party databases or some other method.

So, it's not hard to see that the third party databases would want everybody's DNA information, be able to tie it to a specific person, and then sell it for a nice profit. This has been happening. People give consent to it without even realizing it in the small print.
It's easy to think everything is conspiracy theorist progranda.
Actually, I started my message by hinting to the fact that this is not the way I think at all. I know corporate heads pay off the gov, via 'campaign donations' to ensure that their interests are taken care of. That;s hardly a secret. CEO makes X millions as a yearly un-taxed 'bonus' while only earning a tiny fraction of that as a salary.. Clearly there's a reasoning that this practice remains legal, despite how fundamentally corrupt it is (as such practices directly contradict the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms).

So yea, anyways, I do look at the possibilities. That said..

If something is possible the[n] you have to think if it's profittable to deal in it. If it is then companies will deal in it.
Well, to some extent this is correct, there are certain guidelines that even corporations must follow. For example, organ harvesting is profitable, but for obvious reasons, legit pharmaceutical companies don't make a practice of doing this.

A month ago I just assumed that if I gave, say an online bank, my SSN, driver's license number, name, dob, and other very confidential information they would check to make sure the information is tied to me, correct, and then approve me. However, I discovered from not being able to open any online accounts and talking to bankers that they can no longer deam that information as confidential or trustworthy any more. The fed even requires online banks and other financial insitutions to Verify your ID via third party databases or some other method.
Yes, I'd briefly skimmed over your previous post regarding that. There's two points I'd like to make. A: why are you attempting to open a bank account online? I'm all for online banking, but most people are aware that the most secure manner of which to open a bank account is in person. At which point the only information you use online is your card and pin/password. B: It sounds like you may have been scammed by a fake bank website. Sometimes these sites will even look the same as an established bank's website. It's even more probable if you received the link for that site from any sort of email.

Who would buy DNA, and why..? Underground cloning ring? lol. Got some pseudo Jurassic park with human beings, going on, on some uninhabited island in the pacific? Hell, if they want my DNA, they can have it. That don't phase me any. They can have my dandruff and toenail clippings while they're at it, lol.

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