Your first time driving?

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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2011
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United States
How was it like? I had my learner's license for a while now and I've been wanting to post and ask how you guys were when you first started to drive.

My dad always says I like to go fast and that I take too much time to brake. Guess I'm still trying to learn the physics of driving and managing the wheel lol.

I find it quite fun :D
The first time driving was fun, though I was scared out of my mind before doing it. I think I had a habit of turning abruptly (thankfully fixed now). :p Hope your driving experience is all good and safe!

First time on the highway was exhilarating. (goo) But I'm not a need-for-speed driver.. (wary)
Haha, felt pretty good actually. It's like one of the few things that I've ever picked up relatively fast. Don't worry Ak5, once you get past that "mechanical" phase, where you're still spending time thinking how to operate the car rather than just actually doing it, then stuff like braking in good time / concentrating on things around you will become a lot easier.

I actually found my first time driving alone after I had passed my test was a lot greater of an experience than first actually driving. So you still have that to look forward to! :D

And meekthoughts, turning abruptly... wasn't ever too much of an issue for me seeing as I used to drive this 3 years ago xD:


No power steering, no abrupt turning! :D Absolutely <3333 this car.

Safe driving everyone! :shy:
It was pretty scary, but that was a long time ago, I remember. Eventually the vehicle becomes an extension of yourself - its pretty awesome how that works out. Eventually you'll be spending a lot of time just learning how to observe and forecast the rest of the traffic, adjusting your vehicle automatically to respond.
While learning how to drive I was so scared , I don't think I was ever so scared in my life , but after that it was a breeze . I tend to go with high speed , I either brake extremely fast and hard or very slow , I make everyone feel like in a rollercoaster , I almost never stay on the left right or middle side of my lane I keep changing. Don't know I find it boring to drive by the book so I make it a bit more fun.
I once watched a driving school program and the learner was only going about 20 mph but she was terrified screaming "its too fast, its too fast, I don't like it". I fear I'd be like that. Though I've never tried driving. Shame really as I love cars...

Btw Thomas fab car! :D
Watch your speed there kiddo, you don't need to get a ticket. :D

It was a little scary at first, but once you get the mechanics down and get in more practice it gets easier. Always plan and anticipate what the people around you might do. You'll see a lot of crazy things.

@Thomas O.O That is one TINY car!!
i have my learners for 5mounths now and only drive 2times (in my life),yes i can drive ;P kinda

well the 1st time was good,just the pulling away was not so good , but my mom keep telling me to slow down and i shift to fast :D

turning easy (no power steering)
braking the 1st time i forgot the clutch :p
never again after it :D

i so mutch want to drive again,but my parents r old school,the say they will teatch me in jan 2012 (D)
come one i will have my learners for 8mounts then (D)they they will start learing me

i drive a bike to,learned myself and :D

and nice mini i love thos cars i will own one one day!!!!!!
Hehe, thanks for the nice words on my car! I really miss it :( It's currently not road worthy due to excessive rust and corrosion, and the fact that right now (as a student), I can't afford to keep splashing my hard-earned money on maintaining a car which is as unreliable as it is and just not feasible / safe to drive in winter :(.

For all you first timers; remember your mirror checks ! Very important for learning and passing ! (and of course safety :shy: )
I'm not sure why I didn't say this before but my mum is learning to drive at 63! Its never too late. People in the UK might giggle when I say her instructor is called Geoff Capes...well I laughed anyway :D

The last guy in my life cheated on his driving test...naughty. He had a great taste in cars though.
He must have cheated on the written part, 'cause how do you cheat on the driving part?

Some of the instructors can be really bitchy. First one I had failed me because she passed my brother before me, that is sort of an unwritten rule, never take your test with someone else especially a family member. She told me I drove to slow, honestly I did go a bit under the speed limit, not much, but that was the only thing she had to say. The second time she failed me because I refused to do a 3 point turn on a narrow street that had cars parked along it, and was a through street with a cross street. She just ended the test right there, asked me if I was refusing to do the 3 point turn, I told her that I was doing it on that street, so she told me to go back to the testing center. When I took drivers ed they told us that you shouldn't do 3 point turns on through streets, it should only be done on a street where there is no other option, like a dead end road where there are no driveways to pull into.

The third lady I had was nice, she told me that she wouldn't make me do anything I was uncomfortable with (no she wasn't hitting on me). She had me do a 3 point turn on a dead end street. She was great, made me feel very relaxed and I passed with flying colours. Unfortunately I got stuck under the graduating licensing when I wasn't supposed to, someone goofed up and they wouldn't change it. So when I had to take my test again to get my full class license I got the same bitch I had the first two times. My mom was more nervous then I was. The instructor had just came back from lunch and was in a good mood. She said I was driving a bit over the speed limit, which I was because the limit in the town where I took the test was lower then where I was used to driving. But she passed me. I so played my mom too. When we got back I had a blank look on my face, so my mom thought she failed me again. LOL My mom came right up to the counter and asked what was wrong. The lady said nothing, I passed. ROFL!! I think my mom was ready to tear her a new one if she failed me again.

Thomas] said:
Haha, felt pretty good actually. It's like one of the few things that I've ever picked up relatively fast. Don't worry Ak5, once you get past that "mechanical" phase, where you're still spending time thinking how to operate the car rather than just actually doing it, then stuff like braking in good time / concentrating on things around you will become a lot easier.

I actually found my first time driving alone after I had passed my test was a lot greater of an experience than first actually driving. So you still have that to look forward to! :D

And meekthoughts, turning abruptly... wasn't ever too much of an issue for me seeing as I used to drive this 3 years ago xD:


No power steering, no abrupt turning! :D Absolutely <3333 this car.

Safe driving everyone! :shy:
HaHa! Could you see Shaq trying to fit in that car? I do like it though. It's pretty sharp.

I DON'T WANNA DRIVE! I fear for my LIFE!

In my country almost one person per hour dies in car accidents. I'm too young to die >.<º

Yep I'm a coward...
Thomas] said:
cheated on his driving test ? excuse me ? :p

He cheated on the part where they ask you to read a numberplate because he knew where he'd be asked and he memorised all the numberplate's there. He didn't have his glasses at the time. He passed. He was a good driver though, quite safe. It was when he was out of the car that was the problem! :p
^They ask you to read number plates? :O I don't recall this, but I wouldn't really call that cheating. :p

Thomas I'll take your car from you! xD Though I'm also on a student budget so I can't do much with it either. :\
meekthoughts said:
^They ask you to read number plates? :O I don't recall this, but I wouldn't really call that cheating. :p

Well I think its at a set distance so its checking your eyesight I think its something you can fail on so...He described it as cheating anyway.

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