Annoying neighbour

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user 164061

Sarcastic Overthinker
Nov 15, 2019
Reaction score
I have currently lived in the house i'm in for 8 years i believe now with my parents/brother. Due to previous problems we lost our family home long ago and have had to rent houses ever since which is mega ******. The area i live in is very nice and so is the house but holy **** my neighbour is ******* annoying beyond belief. He is so bored, nuttier than squirrel **** but not a horrible person yet all his annoying behaviours outweigh that. He turned 70 recently but he retired waaaaaaaaaaay too early in my book, because he literally does nothing apart from be annoying which isn't a hobby. I thought when people retired they had hobbies, holidays etc but this guy does nothing. The guy has a partner who does everything basically as he can only do things for others and not her. He's too busy being nosey, going on a people pleasing crusade (he's a pathological people pleaser), banging bin lids/clapping/making whooshing noises/banging on my garage roof with a metal pole and swinging a brush around his head to scare birds away. My issue is him being there all the time, because our front and back doors face each other.

He's in and out about 40000 times a week doing nothing really, because he just goes to his car and 95% of the time he's not even getting anything from it. I only go out twice a day if that, the only time i go out is for a walk at night but he's decided to change his schedule to being a ******* barn owl now and he goes for a walk at night too. It doesn't matter how many hours this guy is outside for because recently he's been out for 7 hours and 10 hours with his partner respectively walking around. Soon as he comes back he's trying to calculate how he can be outside, because no matter how much he's outside for it's not enough. Even when it rains for days here they'll come out and water the plants which is beyond idiotic, but we can't even use our own garden and we have to burn to death in the house during the summer because they have the door wide ******* open (back door) and as soon we any of us grace the garden they'll appear. They also have to conduct every conversation on the back step or in the garden, it's like they only use the kitchen/garden for talking etc. Another thing that bothers me is on bin emptying day here (which is a Monday) on the Sunday night even though he's got 0 to do he'll put his bin out but won't move it until i am going for my walk. I'm not a fan of being asked stupid questions or being nabbed for a conversation because i will only talk to people i want to talk with/like and not with people who irritate me. He's a very thin guy, so i am not sure why he goes for walks when i do and he always knocks on our door with cheap bread, donuts, cakes yet he doesn't even eat them himself. So why buy them for if you don't like them? And why give them to us? He also goes to Costco too and purchases huge pallets of water/diet coke (boxes of 20), he doesn't even drink them and when workmen come to his house he'll try and palm the water/coke to them now.

That's another gripe too, he must have about 10000 numbers for workmen in my area and he doesn't even get jobs done by them. But when he does he is standing right behind them or staring at them on a ladder asking if they need help. He can't even turn his own water off in his house, he had to ask my dad and when his partner asks him to do anything he won't. Sorry for my rant but i am really pissed off and it's making my depression/anxiety even worse. Oh and he won't go anywhere far away in a car for a holiday/break because he's scared to miss anything and he thinks he's at everyone's beck and call even though nobody wants him. The last time he went away was Xmas just gone and that was only for a few days, because he won't even stay in a hotel/B&B for a few days it seems. My parents tell me to ignore him, but it's basically impossible if he's ******* there all the time. I don't think it's normal being on edge every time you leave the house or return because someone is that much of a bored loser they hover around all the time waiting to ask dumb questions. Even if i answered all his questions, he'd still ask another family member the next day the same questions so it makes no sense. I believe he has got OCD and some other type of mental ailment.

Another thing is we have a garden waste bin here and my dad opened his mouth to this neighbour saying the bin man wanted newspapers he'd thrown in the bin. Now this complete nut case every day collects papers every time he goes out, keeps them all in his car, then on a Sunday night if that green bin is being emptied on the Monday he'll wrap them up and 3 stacks will be there that weigh more than him but also they are ******* taller than our houses combined. Who would go to all that trouble? If he actually had a life he wouldn't be doing this crap. On 2 occasions this bin man didn't come so he didn't put his papers out, yet the bin man came and said "why aren't the papers here? I have enough it's ok" so why knock and get him started again collecting them? It just blows my mind. They live outside that much they could do the grass themselves, but as per usual the annoying neighbour had to ask our gardener to do the garden for them and we don't have a lawnmower either. One time he nearly collapsed actually due to spraying weed killer on his driveway (in mega heat), even though he's got no weeds so that give me a bit of a laugh. Then when our gardener didn't show up he was asking other gardeners to spray weed killer and got them to spray something on his grass. But he's watching my house all the time i think so he can go outside and make noise at birds, because how else would he know they are on my roof? Sorry for my rant again :ROFLMAO: .
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I get the "annoying" neighbor part, I really do, but you seem just as nosey as he is, considering you are listing his every move in this post. He seems like a nice guy who just wants to help people. And if he has the time, why does it really matter? You say he has no life, but perhaps this is exactly what he wants his life to be. You assume a lot about him that you likely have no way of knowing, so you are being extremely judgmental and unfair to him...all because you find him annoying. It's HIS life, he has a right to live it however he chooses.
You find it funny that he almost collapsed in heat, which is likely heat stroke? Maybe take your parents advice and ignore him. It doesn't sound like he's hurting anyone.
I get the "annoying" neighbor part, I really do, but you seem just as nosey as he is, considering you are listing his every move in this post. He seems like a nice guy who just wants to help people. And if he has the time, why does it really matter? You say he has no life, but perhaps this is exactly what he wants his life to be. You assume a lot about him that you likely have no way of knowing, so you are being extremely judgmental and unfair to him...all because you find him annoying. It's HIS life, he has a right to live it however he chooses.
You find it funny that he almost collapsed in heat, which is likely heat stroke? Maybe take your parents advice and ignore him. It doesn't sound like he's hurting anyone.
I can't help but not see him or hear him. He's always slamming the bin lid, banging, making lots of noise, slamming the front door/back door but also knocking on my door all the time too. Like i said i hate noise and being involved in stupid conversations due to the fact i am an introvert/depressed at the same time. When i do go out or return home whether it's on foot or in the car he is there and tbh i'm not a nosey person. He literally walks up to people and asks what they do or if something occurs in the road he'll go around asking till he finds the answer. I found it amusing you'd do something that stupid for something that didn't exist. Spraying weed killer when no weeds are even there? He's been told they aren't weeds. I shouldn't feel that bad or on edge leaving my own home or going into my garden because of him. He thinks everyone is like him, that's not the case at all.
Have you talked to him about the noises in a rational, civilized manner? Perhaps he would cut down or stop if he knew it bothered you. As for the weeds, perhaps that's why he doesn't have any. He is preventing, rather than getting rid of. And whatever he is growing there, perhaps he doesn't like it and wants it to die, whether it is weeds or not.

Again, it's HIS life, so why are you so concerned if he is doing something you find stupid when it doesn't impact you in any way? And perhaps he does have mental illnesses, but that's not for you to diagnose or speculate about. Everyone has some type of mental illness, even if it's just mild depression, and I believe you've said you have would you feel if you found out someone was talking about you like this?
I am probably going to move out soon. I think the government here can help me find a place, even while i'm typing this message he is banging like crazy because he thinks birds have human minds and will leave when he claps, bangs on my garage roof and more. You've clearly not read what i've said, what he does is impacting me. I have literally just said that about 99% of the things he does bothers me and you said "they don't impact you". Literally just mentioned he makes loads of noise for no reason to chase birds, he's ALWAYS there when i leave the house at the front or the back and questions me like an episode of Law & Order. It's not mild depression either actually, it's crippling which makes me feel massively irritable even more so. If i wasn't depressed, anxious and irritable i wouldn't give a ****:). If someone told me i was doing annoying **** i'd stop, he won't so we can't even say anything. If he's got bird feeders in his garden why is he scaring birds? Have you got an answer for that one? Also, i believe if i said to him "you are making way too much noise for no reason. Can you stop?" he'd believe he was doing nothing wrong. so i've got to feel more depressed, annoyed and repressed because he's got no idea how obnoxious he's being with all that noise. I used to be a very, very calm and easy going person, but since i've had depression (which i've had for 7 years) i get way more annoyed super easily. I've made comments to his partner about all that noise too in a "jokey" way and even her telling him hasn't stopped him.
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Neighbors totally suck! I'm sandwhiched between two ******** that love to play loud music, have loud barking dogs, and pretend to be singers in a band at the top of their lungs. I have been battling with them for awhile. I tried to explain to them that not everybody enjoys their noise. Others are quite and respectful so they should try to be as well. But, they basically ignored me and said F U.

So, I have been given them their noise back to them amped WAY up using a professional DJ amp and DJ speakers. I even sing along horribly to the songs. Then I play super loud barking sounds through the speakers. I've done many things to them. But, only when they are being obnoxiously loud. I figured I could train them. For awhile they were quite. But, they keep turning up the volume more and more. So, I go crazy on them again and they turn it down. I just don't understand people.

It really pisses me off. They used to say they didn't bother anybody. I said yes they do. It atleast bothers me. Other neighbors don't want to get involved. So, now when they up the volume they are intentionally being ********. So, IMO, they deserve whatever retaliation they get. Oh, the cops, yeah, they don't give a **** about any of that even though there are many noise laws on the book. If the law can't make money off of something, cover their *****, or get good coverage on the news they don't do ****.

I want to sell my house, fix up a small trailer for supplies, and get the hell away from people altogether. It's on my list of things to do. But, as inflation continues to climb the money I get from selling my house will not be enough to buy another one in the future. So, it'll be interesting how old I will be and still homeless.
Neighbors totally suck! I'm sandwhiched between two ******** that love to play loud music, have loud barking dogs, and pretend to be singers in a band at the top of their lungs. I have been battling with them for awhile. I tried to explain to them that not everybody enjoys their noise. Others are quite and respectful so they should try to be as well. But, they basically ignored me and said F U.

So, I have been given them their noise back to them amped WAY up using a professional DJ amp and DJ speakers. I even sing along horribly to the songs. Then I play super loud barking sounds through the speakers. I've done many things to them. But, only when they are being obnoxiously loud. I figured I could train them. For awhile they were quite. But, they keep turning up the volume more and more. So, I go crazy on them again and they turn it down. I just don't understand people.

It really pisses me off. They used to say they didn't bother anybody. I said yes they do. It atleast bothers me. Other neighbors don't want to get involved. So, now when they up the volume they are intentionally being ********. So, IMO, they deserve whatever retaliation they get. Oh, the cops, yeah, they don't give a **** about any of that even though there are many noise laws on the book. If the law can't make money off of something, cover their *****, or get good coverage on the news they don't do ****.

I want to sell my house, fix up a small trailer for supplies, and get the hell away from people altogether. It's on my list of things to do. But, as inflation continues to climb the money I get from selling my house will not be enough to buy another one in the future. So, it'll be interesting how old I will be and still homeless.
Holy ****. They are ******* arseholes who you've got to deal with. I'm not sure why people can't just behave normally and be quiet, i don't know why everyone seems to have a fetish with noise. I've noticed when it's warm people tend to make way more noise and they'll having blaring music while cackling in an obnoxious fashion. This guy i have to deal with is megaaaaaa ******* bored out of his mind and clearly didn't prepare for life after retirement so his new plan is to do things that piss me off. If i wasn't home for 99% of the time i wouldn't care, but the fact i'm in my house nearly all the time it just angers me and makes me ******* sick.

People are **** though most of the time and they are utterly blind to how badly behaved they truly are. Then if you say "stop that ****" they'll either be a **** face about it or play the victim and act like they've done nothing wrong. I'm sorry to hear you've got to endure that, but at least you can give them some **** with really loud music and more :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: . The plan you've got of moving away from people is ******* amazing btw.
Holy ****. They are ******* arseholes who you've got to deal with. I'm not sure why people can't just behave normally and be quiet, i don't know why everyone seems to have a fetish with noise. I've noticed when it's warm people tend to make way more noise and they'll having blaring music while cackling in an obnoxious fashion. This guy i have to deal with is megaaaaaa ******* bored out of his mind and clearly didn't prepare for life after retirement so his new plan is to do things that piss me off. If i wasn't home for 99% of the time i wouldn't care, but the fact i'm in my house nearly all the time it just angers me and makes me ******* sick.

People are **** though most of the time and they are utterly blind to how badly behaved they truly are. Then if you say "stop that ****" they'll either be a **** face about it or play the victim and act like they've done nothing wrong. I'm sorry to hear you've got to endure that, but at least you can give them some **** with really loud music and more :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: . The plan you've got of moving away from people is ******* amazing btw.
There are more frequent shootings in the general area lately. People are on edge. Cops, for the most part, hide and wait to be called AFTER something happens. So, people are using guns to unleash their frustrations as many times they get away with it. So, you have to know how far to push certain people. I'm not willing to take a chance on throwing my life away on some ahole neighbor. But, it seems more and more people are. So, yeah, I'd like to get away for everybody.
Good call then wanting to leave that area. Because you don't want to be at the end of a gun barrel or be shot so leaving is best. I think that's such an extreme thing to do though, shooting a person or people over the smallest thing. Makes no ******* sense to me at all to be honest.
Good call then wanting to leave that area. Because you don't want to be at the end of a gun barrel or be shot so leaving is best. I think that's such an extreme thing to do though, shooting a person or people over the smallest thing. Makes no ******* sense to me at all to be honest.
very true
The funny thing is, he's probably just lonely and depressed, lol.

Except he doesn't know how to use a computer very well, probably. loool

I'm not sure I'm buyin' this story too much tho..
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Neighbors are a fact of life. Act civilly and you won't exasperate the situation. It is better to cope with the current annoyances than accelerate an ever ascending feud.

Check your community charter for noise and nuisance laws. There are sometimes ambient light laws, if that is an issue. After a fine or two they'll comply or move out.

If there aren't laws to correct the disturbance you can still complain to the city counsel and maybe get one on the books.
I'm not sure how he has got no hobbies at all. He could go on holidays or day trips, but literally just stays here for one neighbour who has been independent for many years since her husband died. He also doesn't want to miss anything either. And he always seems to be doing things in total darkness as well when you can't even see, which isn't normal because he could do those tasks in the day and he won't. Everything has to be done in the pitch black.
The funny thing is, he's probably just lonely and depressed, lol.

Except he doesn't know how to use a computer very well, probably. loool

I'm not sure I'm buyin' this story too much tho..
Sadly it's very real and he's getting worse everyday. He has a partner as i stated, but they never do anything together or go on trips etc. That is because he's a pathological people pleaser and a extreme do-gooder so he doesn't want to miss out on things that happen here. Even if they do go somewhere it's literally for 5 minutes and they come back, so i'm not even sure why they go.
Sadly it's very real and he's getting worse everyday. He has a partner as i stated, but they never do anything together or go on trips etc. That is because he's a pathological people pleaser and a extreme do-gooder so he doesn't want to miss out on things that happen here. Even if they do go somewhere it's literally for 5 minutes and they come back, so i'm not even sure why they go.
Blaaaa. Why can't people just entertain themselves or go out and find something to do. He sounds like a good canidate to volunteer work. Maybe you can try signing him up for stuff. Or, maybe give different places his contact information so they can try to sign him up.
Neighbors totally suck! I'm sandwhiched between two ******** that love to play loud music, have loud barking dogs, and pretend to be singers in a band at the top of their lungs. I have been battling with them for awhile. I tried to explain to them that not everybody enjoys their noise. Others are quite and respectful so they should try to be as well. But, they basically ignored me and said F U.

So, I have been given them their noise back to them amped WAY up using a professional DJ amp and DJ speakers. I even sing along horribly to the songs. Then I play super loud barking sounds through the speakers. I've done many things to them. But, only when they are being obnoxiously loud. I figured I could train them. For awhile they were quite. But, they keep turning up the volume more and more. So, I go crazy on them again and they turn it down. I just don't understand people.

It really pisses me off. They used to say they didn't bother anybody. I said yes they do. It atleast bothers me. Other neighbors don't want to get involved. So, now when they up the volume they are intentionally being ********. So, IMO, they deserve whatever retaliation they get. Oh, the cops, yeah, they don't give a **** about any of that even though there are many noise laws on the book. If the law can't make money off of something, cover their *****, or get good coverage on the news they don't do ****.

I want to sell my house, fix up a small trailer for supplies, and get the hell away from people altogether. It's on my list of things to do. But, as inflation continues to climb the money I get from selling my house will not be enough to buy another one in the future. So, it'll be interesting how old I will be and still homeless.
Well, about four months has gone by and I'm about 70% finished with my trailer. I keep getting rid of more and more stuff. It's nice because my tool / work room is only half full now and it's easier to work in. I have the inside of my trailer all organized with shelving in the front half for light duty plastic bins. Most of the remaining room will be for larger heavy duty bins, a few various things, and some solar panels. I'm excited to get rid of everything and hit the road.

But, I have several hurdles to get over first. I'm really hoping I can time things correctly to sell my house during the next up cycle whenever that happens. Plus it's going to take me some time to sell a lot of my bigger tools, vehicle parts, and fix up my house. However, it's a goal and everyday I work towards it. It will feel great when I accomplish it! :)
Blaaaa. Why can't people just entertain themselves or go out and find something to do. He sounds like a good canidate to volunteer work. Maybe you can try signing him up for stuff. Or, maybe give different places his contact information so they can try to sign him up.
I have said this to my parents. He could volunteer at a nursing home, hospital or even a community centre. Because he will talk to ANYONE due to being that kind of person, so he probably should do volunteer work like that. But if i said to him "are you bored?" he'd probably think i was the ******* one on speedball and not him.
Why can't people just worry about their damn selves and leave harmless old men alone? If he doesn't want to leave his house, he doesn't have to. You, however, could leave as much as you want if it bothers you so damn much. Perhaps YOU should volunteer.
Why can't people just worry about their damn selves and leave harmless old men alone? If he doesn't want to leave his house, he doesn't have to. You, however, could leave as much as you want if it bothers you so damn much. Perhaps YOU should volunteer.
I'm not the one wandering the streets late at night after 10pm and knocking on an old woman's door who has cancer. I'm more worried about her due to his clown antics to be honest. I don't need to volunteer as I have things to do, he is probably running up the walls in his house due to pure boredom.

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