Maybe I am nothing but trouble

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Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
Jun 19, 2021
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*warning this is longg ramblings and love life issues so read and laugh at me if you wish… no need to respond*

Sexy Monroe GIF by MOODMAN

I decided to do something thoughtful for Rob. He is older than me so he has a picture of me in his wallet. I like it, as my dad used to do this with my mums picture so its very nostalgic to me. I gave him a new more … sexy? picture nothing naughty but showing a little more of my best assets rather than just my face 😅 uhhh now …. For the men… how do you think that went? Good? WRONG!

It went terrible! Omg… so he looks at the picture, looks at me and says something romantic. We kiss and then he says he thinks i’ve lost my way religiously. He thinks I want to make him sin… he thinks I enjoy being tempting more than being religious and with him.

Ugh arrow through the chest… I told him he made me feel so ugly and to just forget it. He said he wants me to understand im beautiful and dont need to do more… but I want to do more, you know? Not to tempt but just to feel like im his… is that so crazy?

So in my typical fashion I did something I shouldnt have and put the picture up… somewhere that my stupid ex could see it as I knew as much as I hate him…he would know what I want to hear unlike Rob… and yeah he did text me some load of rubbish about being a better man and some wolf dribble about how hot I look in my new pic. The more men that complimented me the more guilty I felt so…I took it down and spoke to Rob instead. Also things have been good with my ex and I don’t wanna ruin it being a tempting skank like Rob thinks I am all of a sudden.

So the conversation went well and Rob agreed that he could have just admired the picture and not lectured me about my values. However, I cant help but wonder if I just caused all this drama or if it all just happened ? Why do I always do wrong? Am I nothing but trouble?

Rob is difficult for me to understand, he’s a man so I think okay, gotta be sexy for your man… right? But when I try I feel like he’s disgusted. When im just sitting around looking ugly then he showers me with wow you’re so perfect, or he starts asking me to show more.. I think perfect… but if I show more then he leaves the room… wtfff like its messing with my ego… men want me, always have. So what is the issue here 🙃 I think maybe im used to sinful behaviour and it shows idk… maybe I need to pray for guidance.
Perfect is the enemy of good (don't overthink and overdo things, you both have nothing to prove to anyone, including each other)
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It seems like Rob is pretty deeply I right? The deeply religious people I know don't do "sexy." Sure, if you're married and it's in the bedroom, fine, but it's probably too much, too soon for him. He probably looks at it like you are trying to prove something. So by taking those pictures, it's like it goes against religion. And honestly, I think guys keep photos in their wallets to show people. If you're showing off your "best assets" he likely isn't going to want to show other people.
It sounds very much like Cherubino said, you're trying to prove something to him. Stop trying so hard, you already have him.
It seems like Rob is pretty deeply I right? The deeply religious people I know don't do "sexy." Sure, if you're married and it's in the bedroom, fine, but it's probably too much, too soon for him. He probably looks at it like you are trying to prove something. So by taking those pictures, it's like it goes against religion. And honestly, I think guys keep photos in their wallets to show people. If you're showing off your "best assets" he likely isn't going to want to show other people.
It sounds very much like Cherubino said, you're trying to prove something to him. Stop trying so hard, you already have him.
We both are religious but he tells me he doesnt like to feel tempted by women, he was raised to look way and i’m all up in his face 😅 but when im not all up in his face he’s worried somethings wrong so then makes me feel like he wants me to be myself and then walks away from me…

Since being with him, I have made ample changes. Mainly for the lord but for him too as he wants me to be less… you know? I even had to change my gym to a ladies only gym. All im asking is for a compliment without the judgement after. It’s like “Wow, you really are breathtaking… have you thought about the lord, as I think you’ve lost your way again Cen”

When I pray with him everyday, we go to virtual church on Wednesday evenings as its really far… you would think the picture was like that bad when its of me in the birthday dress he picked and bought meee 😂🙈
Maybe if he gave you a sexy photo of him in his y fronts.
No no I dont like to be tempted by men 🙃😅 genuinely imagine if thats how your partner reacted lol you’d be on the first flight to Japan
We both are religious but he tells me he doesnt like to feel tempted by women, he was raised to look way and i’m all up in his face 😅 but when im not all up in his face he’s worried somethings wrong so then makes me feel like he wants me to be myself and then walks away from me…

Since being with him, I have made ample changes. Mainly for the lord but for him too as he wants me to be less… you know? I even had to change my gym to a ladies only gym. All im asking is for a compliment without the judgement after. It’s like “Wow, you really are breathtaking… have you thought about the lord, as I think you’ve lost your way again Cen”

When I pray with him everyday, we go to virtual church on Wednesday evenings as its really far… you would think the picture was like that bad when its of me in the birthday dress he picked and bought meee 😂🙈

No, there is a difference between religious and deeply, ingrained to the core religion. Perhaps you should look to the bible for what it says about sensuality and sexiness. Maybe that will help you understand more. Or maybe @Sir Joseph can come make it clearer for you.
Okay so, this is gonna be long, but this is me trying to help the both of you.

Generally speaking, when your woman gives you more pictures of her it's supposed to be a good thing. He dropped the ball with that one. That's on him. However, it's because of his personal inner conflicts between his religious faith and upbringing, versus what he desires sexually with you. He has to unwind himself from that. It takes time. It's actually easier to unwind from a religion itself than it is to unwind from the familial upbringing and childhood programming, THAT is the part that takes a long time. He kind of can't do that without being vulnerable, but I mean, nobody really can. You cannot assess your insecurities and build authentic confidence WITHOUT actually getting your hands dirty with your vulnerability and your insecurities. It's not possible. It requires active engagement to do. That's why there is such a stark difference between proper and actual confidence, and people who are just faking it to make it. When you fake it until you make it, it shows. That's not always a bad thing, but comparatively, it's not as efficient as it should be for the person in regards to their confidence.

My girlfriend is similar to this. She's insecure about her age and her lack of relationship experience. But in all actuality she's kind of like a rare gem that doesn't know she's a rare gem. That happens. People without experience, lack the understanding of their self worth. And people with enough experience to have a sense of self worth, but not enough experience to know themselves wholly, the ego is still in the way and is blocking their path to a more authentic and more efficient formality of confidence.

The ego is not necessarily a bad thing, however it CAN BE if it is not managed properly. Most of the time, it's not managed properly, because that actually takes effort to do. The general rule of thumb is that:

The job of the ego is to protect you from harm, no more, no less. Any less than that, and you get ran over and used in abusive ways, and any more than that and you can accidentally trip over yourself and accidentally prevent your own advancement towards what you're trying to accomplish and do in your future trajectory of navigating your life.

What you did wasn't wrong, and no you aren't "nothing but trouble," rather it's a mix of his personal issues that he needs to sort out for himself, and you trying to find a healthy balance with your ego (which he has probably no idea about that it's actually the inverse of the confidence that he perceives). The problems are just mismatched over communication. How do you untether a knot like that?

What needs to happen is:

With him:
He needs to sort himself out. Not necessarily leave his religion or his faith, but unwind it a bit, and realize that it's healthy and normal for him to be sexually attracted to the woman that he's with who is trying to healthily sexually appeal specifically to him, not to anybody else, but specifically to him. That's why you gave HIM the picture initially, right? You're trying to do a good thing. This is going to require him to directly deal with his own insecurities and accept them so that he can then begin improving upon them to better himself. If he does this, it will break him down. He is a human, this is fundamentally true with all humans regardless of rather they are a man or a woman. He will need your loving support and guidance to help confide in him during this period so that he understands and sees that his relationship with you is secure. That is what he will need in order to be able to authentically build himself back up again in the way that makes the most sense, is that he will need the assurance (perhaps reassurance from you) that his relationship is secure. He will need that because anytime a person is directly dealing with their insecurities and coming to terms with and accepting them, YES, that's going to challenge them and break them down regardless of their gender. The thing is: As a Man, if you want a healthy and positive relationship with a Woman, you have to do this. You don't really get a choice in this as a Man, unfortunately. Because your Woman is looking at you to lead, and you can't properly lead if you're compromised by your own insecurities too much to be able to navigate properly.

With you:
A similar thing is true, except in your instance the only mistake you made in managing the situation is posting the picture where your ex could see it so that you could get the results that you wanted. I completely understand WHY you did that, the guy you're with made you feel unwanted, the reasoning is correct, but the action is the mistake. The only reason you probably made that mistake is probably because you don't really understand that this is more of a personal inner conflict for him, and he doesn't really seem to know how to communicate that directly which is why it's confusing for YOU, because Men usually and rightfully should be communicating directly. Women expect Men to communicate directly. So yeah, if he gives you some vagueness that you don't understand but it feels bad than yeah, you're gonna get some misfires out of the relationship engine sotospeak. Relax, it's a common occurrence, it happens all the time. There's no reason to panic. The thing is that there is just no overnight fix to this problem, and you have to reassess your own values and your own insecurities for your own authenticity of confidence just as he does. The thing is that "I" know you're just troubleshooting based on your ego, because "I" see your posts, he doesn't. And if he's not able to differentiate between you acting confident because you really would prefer if he just took the lead, and you actually being confident, than yeah that's going to cause some confusion on his end because he is not used to experiencing that. And I know this because I've used that before to give a girl the L that I actually really liked, and the reason why I did that is because I'm too old for her and she needs to go and experience life still. You're beautiful Cen, but you need to directly assess your own insecurities for yourself in the way that he also does. I'm telling you this because I want the best for you in your future and I know you're not rolling with this guy for ******** reasons, you're actually into him. So just as he will need your support while he sorts himself out with his own ego, you will need his support and his security and reassurance that your relationship with him is secure while you deal with your own.

This is actually totally fixable. That's the good news.
The bad news is, that it's going to take time.
And the worst news is, that realistically what you both should be using as a basis here is that if you are unwilling to take the time to assess this, than it's quite likely that it will just continue to happen again and again and again with your future partners down the line.
This is actually an incredibly common problem, and is also probably one of the bigger problems in the world of modern relationships.
The fact of the matter is: There just is no instant gratification for something that is of qualitative value. That has never existed, in pretty much anything, anywhere, ever.
So if the two of you really love each other, than you'll take the time and put in the effort on these things to make it work.
It can actually be a positive experience, as doing this will also help you two bond in deeper and more personally intimate ways.
Okay so, this is gonna be long, but this is me trying to help the both of you.

Generally speaking, when your woman gives you more pictures of her it's supposed to be a good thing. He dropped the ball with that one. That's on him. However, it's because of his personal inner conflicts between his religious faith and upbringing, versus what he desires sexually with you. He has to unwind himself from that. It takes time. It's actually easier to unwind from a religion itself than it is to unwind from the familial upbringing and childhood programming, THAT is the part that takes a long time. He kind of can't do that without being vulnerable, but I mean, nobody really can. You cannot assess your insecurities and build authentic confidence WITHOUT actually getting your hands dirty with your vulnerability and your insecurities. It's not possible. It requires active engagement to do. That's why there is such a stark difference between proper and actual confidence, and people who are just faking it to make it. When you fake it until you make it, it shows. That's not always a bad thing, but comparatively, it's not as efficient as it should be for the person in regards to their confidence.

My girlfriend is similar to this. She's insecure about her age and her lack of relationship experience. But in all actuality she's kind of like a rare gem that doesn't know she's a rare gem. That happens. People without experience, lack the understanding of their self worth. And people with enough experience to have a sense of self worth, but not enough experience to know themselves wholly, the ego is still in the way and is blocking their path to a more authentic and more efficient formality of confidence.

The ego is not necessarily a bad thing, however it CAN BE if it is not managed properly. Most of the time, it's not managed properly, because that actually takes effort to do. The general rule of thumb is that:

The job of the ego is to protect you from harm, no more, no less. Any less than that, and you get ran over and used in abusive ways, and any more than that and you can accidentally trip over yourself and accidentally prevent your own advancement towards what you're trying to accomplish and do in your future trajectory of navigating your life.

What you did wasn't wrong, and no you aren't "nothing but trouble," rather it's a mix of his personal issues that he needs to sort out for himself, and you trying to find a healthy balance with your ego (which he has probably no idea about that it's actually the inverse of the confidence that he perceives). The problems are just mismatched over communication. How do you untether a knot like that?

What needs to happen is:

With him:
He needs to sort himself out. Not necessarily leave his religion or his faith, but unwind it a bit, and realize that it's healthy and normal for him to be sexually attracted to the woman that he's with who is trying to healthily sexually appeal specifically to him, not to anybody else, but specifically to him. That's why you gave HIM the picture initially, right? You're trying to do a good thing. This is going to require him to directly deal with his own insecurities and accept them so that he can then begin improving upon them to better himself. If he does this, it will break him down. He is a human, this is fundamentally true with all humans regardless of rather they are a man or a woman. He will need your loving support and guidance to help confide in him during this period so that he understands and sees that his relationship with you is secure. That is what he will need in order to be able to authentically build himself back up again in the way that makes the most sense, is that he will need the assurance (perhaps reassurance from you) that his relationship is secure. He will need that because anytime a person is directly dealing with their insecurities and coming to terms with and accepting them, YES, that's going to challenge them and break them down regardless of their gender. The thing is: As a Man, if you want a healthy and positive relationship with a Woman, you have to do this. You don't really get a choice in this as a Man, unfortunately. Because your Woman is looking at you to lead, and you can't properly lead if you're compromised by your own insecurities too much to be able to navigate properly.

With you:
A similar thing is true, except in your instance the only mistake you made in managing the situation is posting the picture where your ex could see it so that you could get the results that you wanted. I completely understand WHY you did that, the guy you're with made you feel unwanted, the reasoning is correct, but the action is the mistake. The only reason you probably made that mistake is probably because you don't really understand that this is more of a personal inner conflict for him, and he doesn't really seem to know how to communicate that directly which is why it's confusing for YOU, because Men usually and rightfully should be communicating directly. Women expect Men to communicate directly. So yeah, if he gives you some vagueness that you don't understand but it feels bad than yeah, you're gonna get some misfires out of the relationship engine sotospeak. Relax, it's a common occurrence, it happens all the time. There's no reason to panic. The thing is that there is just no overnight fix to this problem, and you have to reassess your own values and your own insecurities for your own authenticity of confidence just as he does. The thing is that "I" know you're just troubleshooting based on your ego, because "I" see your posts, he doesn't. And if he's not able to differentiate between you acting confident because you really would prefer if he just took the lead, and you actually being confident, than yeah that's going to cause some confusion on his end because he is not used to experiencing that. And I know this because I've used that before to give a girl the L that I actually really liked, and the reason why I did that is because I'm too old for her and she needs to go and experience life still. You're beautiful Cen, but you need to directly assess your own insecurities for yourself in the way that he also does. I'm telling you this because I want the best for you in your future and I know you're not rolling with this guy for ******** reasons, you're actually into him. So just as he will need your support while he sorts himself out with his own ego, you will need his support and his security and reassurance that your relationship with him is secure while you deal with your own.

This is actually totally fixable. That's the good news.
The bad news is, that it's going to take time.
And the worst news is, that realistically what you both should be using as a basis here is that if you are unwilling to take the time to assess this, than it's quite likely that it will just continue to happen again and again and again with your future partners down the line.
This is actually an incredibly common problem, and is also probably one of the bigger problems in the world of modern relationships.
The fact of the matter is: There just is no instant gratification for something that is of qualitative value. That has never existed, in pretty much anything, anywhere, ever.
So if the two of you really love each other, than you'll take the time and put in the effort on these things to make it work.
It can actually be a positive experience, as doing this will also help you two bond in deeper and more personally intimate ways.
Omg Apexi im 1/4 through this is amazing let me keep reading I feel like you was in the room with us this is crazy! You are deffo a good manager 😂 will edit this but just had to say… wow..
Oh and I'm not saying you were wrong or that you are nothing but trouble. I think the problem is that you two don't understand where the other is coming from.
You BOTH have to learn to bend, but you also both have to understand each other and meet somewhere in the middle. If you can't do that or only one of you is bending, the relationship won't work because one of you is going to lose yourself.
Okay so, this is gonna be long, but this is me trying to help the both of you.

Generally speaking, when your woman gives you more pictures of her it's supposed to be a good thing. He dropped the ball with that one. That's on him. However, it's because of his personal inner conflicts between his religious faith and upbringing, versus what he desires sexually with you. He has to unwind himself from that. It takes time. It's actually easier to unwind from a religion itself than it is to unwind from the familial upbringing and childhood programming, THAT is the part that takes a long time. He kind of can't do that without being vulnerable, but I mean, nobody really can. You cannot assess your insecurities and build authentic confidence WITHOUT actually getting your hands dirty with your vulnerability and your insecurities. It's not possible. It requires active engagement to do. That's why there is such a stark difference between proper and actual confidence, and people who are just faking it to make it. When you fake it until you make it, it shows. That's not always a bad thing, but comparatively, it's not as efficient as it should be for the person in regards to their confidence.

My girlfriend is similar to this. She's insecure about her age and her lack of relationship experience. But in all actuality she's kind of like a rare gem that doesn't know she's a rare gem. That happens. People without experience, lack the understanding of their self worth. And people with enough experience to have a sense of self worth, but not enough experience to know themselves wholly, the ego is still in the way and is blocking their path to a more authentic and more efficient formality of confidence.

The ego is not necessarily a bad thing, however it CAN BE if it is not managed properly. Most of the time, it's not managed properly, because that actually takes effort to do. The general rule of thumb is that:

The job of the ego is to protect you from harm, no more, no less. Any less than that, and you get ran over and used in abusive ways, and any more than that and you can accidentally trip over yourself and accidentally prevent your own advancement towards what you're trying to accomplish and do in your future trajectory of navigating your life.

What you did wasn't wrong, and no you aren't "nothing but trouble," rather it's a mix of his personal issues that he needs to sort out for himself, and you trying to find a healthy balance with your ego (which he has probably no idea about that it's actually the inverse of the confidence that he perceives). The problems are just mismatched over communication. How do you untether a knot like that?

What needs to happen is:

With him:
He needs to sort himself out. Not necessarily leave his religion or his faith, but unwind it a bit, and realize that it's healthy and normal for him to be sexually attracted to the woman that he's with who is trying to healthily sexually appeal specifically to him, not to anybody else, but specifically to him. That's why you gave HIM the picture initially, right? You're trying to do a good thing. This is going to require him to directly deal with his own insecurities and accept them so that he can then begin improving upon them to better himself. If he does this, it will break him down. He is a human, this is fundamentally true with all humans regardless of rather they are a man or a woman. He will need your loving support and guidance to help confide in him during this period so that he understands and sees that his relationship with you is secure. That is what he will need in order to be able to authentically build himself back up again in the way that makes the most sense, is that he will need the assurance (perhaps reassurance from you) that his relationship is secure. He will need that because anytime a person is directly dealing with their insecurities and coming to terms with and accepting them, YES, that's going to challenge them and break them down regardless of their gender. The thing is: As a Man, if you want a healthy and positive relationship with a Woman, you have to do this. You don't really get a choice in this as a Man, unfortunately. Because your Woman is looking at you to lead, and you can't properly lead if you're compromised by your own insecurities too much to be able to navigate properly.

With you:
A similar thing is true, except in your instance the only mistake you made in managing the situation is posting the picture where your ex could see it so that you could get the results that you wanted. I completely understand WHY you did that, the guy you're with made you feel unwanted, the reasoning is correct, but the action is the mistake. The only reason you probably made that mistake is probably because you don't really understand that this is more of a personal inner conflict for him, and he doesn't really seem to know how to communicate that directly which is why it's confusing for YOU, because Men usually and rightfully should be communicating directly. Women expect Men to communicate directly. So yeah, if he gives you some vagueness that you don't understand but it feels bad than yeah, you're gonna get some misfires out of the relationship engine sotospeak. Relax, it's a common occurrence, it happens all the time. There's no reason to panic. The thing is that there is just no overnight fix to this problem, and you have to reassess your own values and your own insecurities for your own authenticity of confidence just as he does. The thing is that "I" know you're just troubleshooting based on your ego, because "I" see your posts, he doesn't. And if he's not able to differentiate between you acting confident because you really would prefer if he just took the lead, and you actually being confident, than yeah that's going to cause some confusion on his end because he is not used to experiencing that. And I know this because I've used that before to give a girl the L that I actually really liked, and the reason why I did that is because I'm too old for her and she needs to go and experience life still. You're beautiful Cen, but you need to directly assess your own insecurities for yourself in the way that he also does. I'm telling you this because I want the best for you in your future and I know you're not rolling with this guy for ******** reasons, you're actually into him. So just as he will need your support while he sorts himself out with his own ego, you will need his support and his security and reassurance that your relationship with him is secure while you deal with your own.

This is actually totally fixable. That's the good news.
The bad news is, that it's going to take time.
And the worst news is, that realistically what you both should be using as a basis here is that if you are unwilling to take the time to assess this, than it's quite likely that it will just continue to happen again and again and again with your future partners down the line.
This is actually an incredibly common problem, and is also probably one of the bigger problems in the world of modern relationships.
The fact of the matter is: There just is no instant gratification for something that is of qualitative value. That has never existed, in pretty much anything, anywhere, ever.
So if the two of you really love each other, than you'll take the time and put in the effort on these things to make it work.
It can actually be a positive experience, as doing this will also help you two bond in deeper and more personally intimate ways.
This is my thing Apexiee I didnt even think of it as sexual I thought of it as flirty lol like here's a hot pic of me not... here's a nude, you know? I put the pic up not really with my ex in mind by after I put it up I reflected and felt like I put it up specifically for my ex to compliment me which is a messy thing to do.

Honestly sometimes I think Rob likes to judge too much. I like guidance and direction from him but not when he's being mean about it. This time I felt he was being a little mean. So I acted out and dealt with it immaturely but I knew I was wrong and stopped.

I have always dealt with false accusations about me by doing it... I steal everyones husband ..? Okay... if that's what you say, why shouldn't I? Or I am tempting? Okay... Let me just go tempt someone then since im this monster. However, it's childish and I mustn't pout every time I dont get my own way.
This is my thing Apexiee I didnt even think of it as sexual I thought of it as flirty lol like here's a hot pic of me not... here's a nude, you know? I put the pic up not really with my ex in mind by after I put it up I reflected and felt like I put it up specifically for my ex to compliment me which is a messy thing to do.

Honestly sometimes I think Rob likes to judge too much. I like guidance and direction from him but not when he's being mean about it. This time I felt he was being a little mean. So I acted out and dealt with it immaturely but I knew I was wrong and stopped.

I have always dealt with false accusations about me by doing it... I steal everyones husband ..? Okay... if that's what you say, why shouldn't I? Or I am tempting? Okay... Let me just go tempt someone then since im this monster. However, it's childish and I mustn't pout every time I dont get my own way.

It isn't to you, but it is to him, which is what I mean by there's a disconnect in the communication. It's his problem that he has to sort out for himself.
It isn't to you, but it is to him, which is what I mean by there's a disconnect in the communication. It's his problem that he has to sort out for himself.
maybe you’re right its like we arent fighting or breaking up but im at a loss with why it had to turn so bitter
maybe you’re right its like we arent fighting or breaking up but im at a loss with why it had to turn so bitter
Ask him to explain it to you. Don't be mean or nasty about it, just tell him that you honestly want to know what the problem is. Explain it just like you explained it here.
It can be distracting and uncomfortable seeing someone you care about sexualize themselves. And ultimately not necessary, if you see someone frequently.

I realise some people do this, so it's a matter of preference I guess.
It can be distracting and uncomfortable seeing someone you care about sexualize themselves. And ultimately not necessary, if you see someone frequently.

I realise some people do this, so it's a matter of preference I guess.
I despise it.
Then times I went out and about with the girls I see, I always told them to just wear sneakers and comfortable clothes.
They always wanted to wear heels and fancy clothes.
I hate anything that draws attention to myself, and a flashy/sexed up looking girl will do that.
Also, I despise PDAs.
Affection is for the privacy of your home, not for others to gawk at.

I think women find that dull, boring and "unromantic".
And I suppose that is one reason (of many) that I am alone.
But I gotta be me...
It can be distracting and uncomfortable seeing someone you care about sexualize themselves. And ultimately not necessary, if you see someone frequently.

I realise some people do this, so it's a matter of preference I guess.

The issue is how he reacted makes it sound like this super sexual thing happened that didnt. Like I could understand if I was wearing nothing or close to it but I was wearing what he got for me. So this is the disconnect…

Also like I said when im just chilling doing nothing sexy he asks me to be sexy then leaves 🙃 its like only Apexie gets it.
I despise it.
Then times I went out and about with the girls I see, I always told them to just wear sneakers and comfortable clothes.
They always wanted to wear heels and fancy clothes.
I hate anything that draws attention to myself, and a flashy/sexed up looking girl will do that.
Also, I despise PDAs.
Affection is for the privacy of your home, not for others to gawk at.

I think women find that dull, boring and "unromantic".
And I suppose that is one reason (of many) that I am alone.
But I gotta be me...
Not even holding hands? 🥺

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