Hi, just posting to say what I said at the first of this sentence, and that i'm a noob. I do have a wife, probly not for long since one of us has got to die here pretty soon. She's got COPD really bad and I am starting cancer treatments very soon. But friends, relatives? Not really. She's got a daughter who calls every week, sends her card, flowers, gifts, like a really good person (that she is) ought to do. Me, i just have my wife, and nobody else. I did have a couple online buds for about 20 some years, but one died, and the other ghosted (probly dead by now). I did contact two bros i knew from back in the '60s last week, but somehow that ain't gonna work out as friends i don't think. Anyhow, i'm alone, lonely and depressed. I need support, I need to find out how I can clean out all my lifetime of stuff. And i need a lot of other things. If this board turns out to help, I will donate as Admin Homebound as been requesting.
Wow, i just looked, and I guess I posted here in December, but i'd forgotten. I'd add this to that post but cannot find it. So here it is, a bit more detailed. I'll repost a transcript here from my original post:

Wow, i just looked, and I guess I posted here in December, but i'd forgotten. I'd add this to that post but cannot find it. So here it is, a bit more detailed. I'll repost a transcript here from my original post:
Thanks for being here, I hope i can find something helpful here or even be helpful to somebody here.Dec 24, 2023
Hi, I've got prostate cancer, am to start radiation and estrogen therapy soon. I'm sure this's the end of me. What a life, 75 years, and then dead, and who gives a honeysuckle? Not a soul. I dunno what to do in the meantime. Maybe somebody here can offer suggestions, i dunno.