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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. P

    Not sure where to turn

    SE OR is very remote and sparsely populated cattle country. My husband is on the ranch all day, but not where I can spend time with him. Chronic pain and illness has me pretty much confined to the house. I was going to try to drive myself out if state to see my family and friends but got really...
  2. P

    Not sure where to turn

    Thank you. I will try and do that.
  3. P

    Not sure where to turn

    I am alone pretty much all the time. He gets up early to feed the horse and chickens then works wherever they need him (shop, or driving truck, or installing cattle chutes, etc). He comes home around dark, eats, watches TV, goes to bed. He works 7 days a week. I love him, I just don’t see him...
  4. P

    Not sure where to turn

    No. I’m a woman 😝 We had no savings, no retirement. I lost my home trying to help our kids…big mistake. I’m disabled and we are 4 hr from town. He’s a good guy, he just doesn’t understand. He sees people, at least sometimes and he likes it here. I have severe RA plus residual problems from old...
  5. P

    Not sure where to turn

    I’m almost 70. My health is not good. My circumstances have been unchanged for 18 years- we live 4 hr from town where my husband is a ranch mechanic on a large beef operation. I literally have no friends and what family I have are 16 hr away with their own lives. I have been overwhelmingly...
  6. P

    What was the last thing that you took a picture of?

    Thank you He’s an English Shepherd. My favorite breed in the world. Smart as a Border Collie but without the crazy intensity 😝
  7. P

    I'm alone, and I'm scared for what the future holds...

    Your post brought me to tears. My son’s life Parallels yours. I’ve ached for him and the tears he has shed over not being there to tuck his girls in at night and only seeing them weekends. Then there is the betrayal issues from his ex having an affair then telling him on Christmas she didn’t...
  8. P

    What was the last thing that you took a picture of?

    My husband’s dog, “Fen” (he was supposed to be MY dog as I was completely alone after the sudden death of my Service Dog, but he bonded with my husband instead of me). A normally noisy and hyperactive little guy, he pulls open the door to his crate, quietly lays down and judges me until I feed him 😂
  9. P

    Welcoming the Unannounced :)

    Thank you
  10. P

    Do you have pets?

    We have an English Shepherd (“Fen”, my husband’s dog) an Anatolian Shepherd,”Boone” who is also my Service Dog, I have 2 geriatric horses, 5 chickens, meat rabbits, and 19 ducks and 1 pig looking for new homes. We live on a large cattle ranch 4 hr from town where my husband is the ranch...