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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. R

    Hello! I am new here.

    It's a Bmw M2 F87 in long beach blue
  2. R

    Hello! I am new here.

    Technically I was still going to school when we met. But I hear you, the legal stuff. Which I did not think of. I am not one who would force someone to be in a relationship with me or to be my friend. There is nothing that is going to happen with her anyway, relationship or friendship. I hate...
  3. R

    Opinions on current relationship situation

    My dad has this sort of problem. His stomach is very big so he pushes the car seat all the way back when he drives. Then when I climb in or my mom, we adjust it to our preferred distance which is different than his. He gets extremely angry when we don't push the chair back in exactly the way he...
  4. R

    Opinions on current relationship situation

    I can relate to some of the things you have said. I have feelings for a girl. I sort of asked her out for coffee. It went very well, but it was a mission to get her to agree on another "meeting". Anyway, we talked a lot on the 2nd event and at the end of the day, I told her that I like her...
  5. R

    Where do I draw the line?

    Hi @Jackie , ek is 'n Afrikaner
  6. R

    Where do I draw the line?

    Hi. Yes, you are correct. Auto Dealer with 0 stock. I think the branch is going under anyway. The manager just doesn't want to tell that to the few employees left there. Most of them have seen this comming since a few months ago, so they left, knowing that there is no future there
  7. R

    Hello! I am new here.

    Would it be a mistake if I were to go and talk to her about our friendship(just our firendship)? I feel like there is some sort of miscommunication or confusion, well from my side at least. I fully understand that she doesn't want a relationship. I would still like a frienship, just like she...
  8. R

    Where do I draw the line?

    I started working as a 19 year old in 2023. Still living with my parents. About 6 months ago, the company who my dad works for started falling apart. It is a dealership. (He has worked for this company for about 10 years now. ) Since then(since 6 months ago), the company is carring only 1 item...
  9. R

    Hello! I am new here.

    Thanks for sharing @okidoke I do have some similarities to the person in that thread, so I did find some of that info useful. Particularly the "now ignoring me for no reason". And like @TheRealCallie pointed out, trying to understand women, will just make you more confused. I did feel like I...
  10. R

    Hello! I am new here.

    😂😂 Did I understand your 2nd reply correctly? Only the two of us in this forum beacuse of the character limit exceeded?
  11. R

    Hello! I am new here.

    Hi, Thanks again for reading and writing back. I definitely get you about continuing with life. The relationship is not the big issue for me, but more the fact that someone says lets be friends. But the proceeds to almost ignore me. That is what I don't understand🤦‍♂️
  12. R

    Hello! I am new here.

    Hi, I apologize if this story is too long. Here I go My main reason for joining is beacause of something the has happend over the last 2 years. I want to hear what someone from an outside perspective thinks about this. And off course, this is about a girl. I don't get how a persons actions or...
  13. R

    Hello! I am new here.

    Hi! I am a young adult and introvert trying to understand people. Can I explain my long situation on here? I want to hear some feedback from an outside perspective. Thanks