Word of the day!

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Mar 21, 2020
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In my mind
Pick a word and at minimum include a definition of it. Feel free to include an image of the word, an image relating to the word, the word in a sentence, a few sentences, or any thing relating to the word that you want.

(adj.) Anxious or fearful that something bad / unpleasant will happen

She is justifiably apprehensive about going out on a date with me although if she does it won't be boring.


Definition: a small cloth placed over the backs or arms of chairs, or the head or cushions of a sofa, to prevent soiling of the permanent fabric underneath.

“The giant doily that my grandma always has draped over the back of the armchair actually has a name: an antimacassar!” 😂😊

Excessive servile flattery or obidience

He remained obsequious to her demands, even when they stretched the bounds of decency.


The noun ascendancy means a position of power, strength, or domination.

Synonyms are authority, dominance, influence, or reign.

The word origins in 1712. It is derived from ascendant plus –cy meaning “dominant power or influence, state of being in the ascendant”.

They are in menace of losing their political ascendancy.

Winter is swiftly in full ascendancy.

Their contestant is currently in ascendancy over their opponents.
Discombobulate -- to baffle, confuse or disconcert another.

Her actions continued to Discombobulate him, one minute she was laughing, the next she was crying in her beer.

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