What causes loneliness in your opinion?

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2025
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What is the cure? When even in a room full of people you still feel lonely?

I've not been on here long, but most people on here seem fine and dandy. They have plenty of friends and talk about their fantastic social life. One guy even said he hires escorts. Which begs the question, why. Are some that are obviously not lonely, on a forum for lonely peoples. I think I am the only genuine lonely person on here that was looking for a genuine connection. All I have found are people promoting their business.

Are there any actual genuine lonely people on here ?
Firstly, this forum is more than just about loneliness. it's about depression and relationships as well. I'm not sure where you're reading all the fantastic social life stuff, or the fine and dandy stuff either. Sure people have moments of bliss now and then, or something akin to it that is in contrast to their normal life, bu I think you're reading too much into their posts.

As for your question, I believe that loneliness is "cured" (for lack of a better word) by connection, and physical connection (as opposed to internet or long distance) works even better. When you're connected, it doesn't matter how many people are in the room with you.

Rest assured, to use a poor phrase in this case, you are NOT the only genuine lonely person here. I am quite lonely and if you know anything about my situation, you will wonder how that is possible. But I assure you it is.
Firstly, this forum is more than just about loneliness. it's about depression and relationships as well. I'm not sure where you're reading all the fantastic social life stuff, or the fine and dandy stuff either. Sure people have moments of bliss now and then, or something akin to it that is in contrast to their normal life, bu I think you're reading too much into their posts.

As for your question, I believe that loneliness is "cured" (for lack of a better word) by connection, and physical connection (as opposed to internet or long distance) works even better. When you're connected, it doesn't matter how many people are in the room with you.

Rest assured, to use a poor phrase in this case, you are NOT the only genuine lonely person here. I am quite lonely and if you know anything about my situation, you will wonder how that is possible. But I assure you it is.

Some of the posts seem.condescending. i have dated men people wouldn't believe would have looked twice at me..I seem to have acquired a bully that has been able to turn everyone against me in my life. Blowing a bad situation into a very extreme close to slanderous arbitration of my character. I am not lonely through choice it was another's power, I am not in control and most people's advice consists of get a job, get a hobby, and even get a life sometimes. I joined this forum because it says it is a place for people with issues. Most people just seem.to be making fun of those less worldy in the friends aspect. You are the first to speak sense. Maybe they think that a dog meme will solve third world problems, maybe they think calling you a literal dog will help being lonely. I am not them but they certainly seem happy enough to mock those that are below them which doesn't make sense of they joined out of desperation because that is what loneliness is. Desperation

I will thank you again for the best reply I have had on here thus far.

NB. I am aware that I am uneducated. So excuse my poor language skills.
I'm not really lonely now but I was when I first started here. I had three kids on my own at home in the evenings and a wife away at work for about five years.
I just like the community here now and I tend to stick to one forum .My answer to lonliness was distraction which I learnt from here.
I'm not lonely at all. I don't normally feel that way, because I'm content with myself, but I'm also aware of what this forum is for, but it's not just loneliness. It's depression/anxiety, etc. But, I came on here for curiosity to see what others deal with, help them heal from issues that I've healed from, and to have a little fun in the process. You can't help those who are unwilling to see their issues and accept help. Some just wallow in their own misery, which is what you're doing.
..... Most people just seem.to be making fun of those less worldy in the friends aspect.
Sometimes people don't always say things that we like. Sometimes we take things the wrong way. Sometimes, because most of us on this forum have flaws, we don't put things well or lack tact. Very rarely it's deliberate. Take it with a grain of salt and disregard things that upset you. Learning to let things go, not react every time, can be a growth skill. I have only one real friend in the real world, but I've never felt anyone here ever belittle me for that.

You are the first to speak sense.
Well you're too kind to say that. I find I have great difficulty putting my words in a well structured order at times.

I will thank you again for the best reply I have had on here thus far.

NB. I am aware that I am uneducated. So excuse my poor language skills.
You're welcome and don't fret about it. We're all at different levels, but if you have difficulty understanding something, just ask for clarification. I'm forever asking questions for that reason.
What is the cure? When even in a room full of people you still feel lonely?

You need a connection with someone to not feel lonely. But you will have difficulty making a connection if you are too judgmental (of yourself or of others) or jumping to conclusions about everything. You have to have an open mind and be willing to SEE someone, not as what you think they are at first appearance, but who they actually are.

I've not been on here long, but most people on here seem fine and dandy. They have plenty of friends and talk about their fantastic social life. One guy even said he hires escorts. Which begs the question, why. Are some that are obviously not lonely, on a forum for lonely peoples. I think I am the only genuine lonely person on here that was looking for a genuine connection. All I have found are people promoting their business.
Sorry, but how is it that you are the one that gets to decide who is and isn't okay? The one thing I really dislike that happens here is when people come in and say that someone doesn't have a right to be here because they aren't lonely or depressed or their life is perfect or any other of the nonsense that people have said over the years. There are people here who have never had a significant other or even a date or a kiss. There are some people here who are on the edge of the cliff looking for anyone or anything to pull them back. And some of those people I mentioned go around and play the games and joke around with the other people here. Some are angry and lash out at others. Some troll people. We have a wide variety of people here, but one thing I can tell you for a fact is that you don't know any of these people yet. Whether you do get to know some of us better is entirely on you. On how you respond to people, on how you interact with us, how you talk to us. I'm not saying you've done anything wrong or are a lost cause, because you aren't.

When I first got here, I was an entirely different person than I am now. I'm not going to go into details because I refuse to post a lot of my life on public forum because of various reasons. But I came here and I made connections, I made many friends here, some are still here, some are left and I still talk to them. I stay because this place and the people here are part of what saved my life.
It's not a competition about who is lonelier or more depression. It's not even about being lonely all the time. I'm content with my life, but I still get lonely sometimes. Doesn't happen often and it doesn't last long, but it still happens. Here's the thing people don't like to admit....every single person on this planet gets lonely or depressed or anxious. Even if it's only for a fleeting moment, it happens to everyone. That means that literally every single person on this planet is welcome here.
You may feel you have it worse than everyone else here, but you don't know that and it's irrelevant because we are all here for a reason. You can see the surface only, not what's hiding in the dark recesses of their brain that they might be trying so damn hard to hide from people. You only know yourself, you only know what's in your own mind. You don't know what's hiding in other people's minds, so be careful not to judge and alienate people with assumptions.

.I seem to have acquired a bully that has been able to turn everyone against me in my life. Blowing a bad situation into a very extreme close to slanderous arbitration of my character. I am not lonely through choice it was another's power, I am not in control and most people's advice consists of get a job, get a hobby, and even get a life sometimes.

Here's the thing with this....if people genuinely cared about you, people couldn't turn them against you. Those people don't deserve to have you in their lives if they can so easily be made to leave you. I've been there. I've lost people that I thought would always have my back, I've lost my best friend, I've lost several people that I love. All because of things someone else said to them. Only one person actually came to me to find out if what was said to them was actually true because he didn't think it made sense. And yes, it did hurt. But then I realized that I deserve better. I deserve people in my life that WILL have my back, people who can't be scared away.....and so do you.

You say you're not in control, but that's not entirely accurate. People can say things all day long, people can spread rumors about you and some people will definitely believe them, most people might actually believe them, but not everyone. The world is a big place and whoever your bullies are can't reach every person and every person is not going to care what some ******* says about you.
Getting a job, a hobby and/or a life is actually good advice. I know most people hate hearing that one, but it's true. And it's not even just about being around people. It's also about getting you out. If you stay inside and wallow in your self pity all day every day, you will get worse. That's just a fact. Getting out, getting some exercise (even if it's just walking around), meeting new people, talking to people will all help you fight your depression, which will give you more confidence and the ability to take back control of your life. You can't control what other people do, but you can control how you react to it.
You can be a victim or you can say **** that and find a way to show your bullies that they don't have power over you. By being where you are now, by being a victim and surrendering to that you are giving them power over you, you are passing the control to them. Take it back. And no, it's not easy, it will probably be very very difficult, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done.
There are people out there who will love you for who you are, but you have to find them.

As for here, ignore the people you don't like and focus on the people you think you might be able to get along with. But like I said before, don't be so quick to jump to conclusions or assumptions. You just got here, so you don't really know any of us or what we have gone through or why we are here. Get to know people before you form conclusions about them.
You need a connection with someone to not feel lonely. But you will have difficulty making a connection if you are too judgmental (of yourself or of others) or jumping to conclusions about everything. You have to have an open mind and be willing to SEE someone, not as what you think they are at first appearance, but who they actually are.

Sorry, but how is it that you are the one that gets to decide who is and isn't okay? The one thing I really dislike that happens here is when people come in and say that someone doesn't have a right to be here because they aren't lonely or depressed or their life is perfect or any other of the nonsense that people have said over the years. There are people here who have never had a significant other or even a date or a kiss. There are some people here who are on the edge of the cliff looking for anyone or anything to pull them back. And some of those people I mentioned go around and play the games and joke around with the other people here. Some are angry and lash out at others. Some troll people. We have a wide variety of people here, but one thing I can tell you for a fact is that you don't know any of these people yet. Whether you do get to know some of us better is entirely on you. On how you respond to people, on how you interact with us, how you talk to us. I'm not saying you've done anything wrong or are a lost cause, because you aren't.

When I first got here, I was an entirely different person than I am now. I'm not going to go into details because I refuse to post a lot of my life on public forum because of various reasons. But I came here and I made connections, I made many friends here, some are still here, some are left and I still talk to them. I stay because this place and the people here are part of what saved my life.
It's not a competition about who is lonelier or more depression. It's not even about being lonely all the time. I'm content with my life, but I still get lonely sometimes. Doesn't happen often and it doesn't last long, but it still happens. Here's the thing people don't like to admit....every single person on this planet gets lonely or depressed or anxious. Even if it's only for a fleeting moment, it happens to everyone. That means that literally every single person on this planet is welcome here.
You may feel you have it worse than everyone else here, but you don't know that and it's irrelevant because we are all here for a reason. You can see the surface only, not what's hiding in the dark recesses of their brain that they might be trying so damn hard to hide from people. You only know yourself, you only know what's in your own mind. You don't know what's hiding in other people's minds, so be careful not to judge and alienate people with assumptions.

Here's the thing with this....if people genuinely cared about you, people couldn't turn them against you. Those people don't deserve to have you in their lives if they can so easily be made to leave you. I've been there. I've lost people that I thought would always have my back, I've lost my best friend, I've lost several people that I love. All because of things someone else said to them. Only one person actually came to me to find out if what was said to them was actually true because he didn't think it made sense. And yes, it did hurt. But then I realized that I deserve better. I deserve people in my life that WILL have my back, people who can't be scared away.....and so do you.

You say you're not in control, but that's not entirely accurate. People can say things all day long, people can spread rumors about you and some people will definitely believe them, most people might actually believe them, but not everyone. The world is a big place and whoever your bullies are can't reach every person and every person is not going to care what some ******* says about you.
Getting a job, a hobby and/or a life is actually good advice. I know most people hate hearing that one, but it's true. And it's not even just about being around people. It's also about getting you out. If you stay inside and wallow in your self pity all day every day, you will get worse. That's just a fact. Getting out, getting some exercise (even if it's just walking around), meeting new people, talking to people will all help you fight your depression, which will give you more confidence and the ability to take back control of your life. You can't control what other people do, but you can control how you react to it.
You can be a victim or you can say **** that and find a way to show your bullies that they don't have power over you. By being where you are now, by being a victim and surrendering to that you are giving them power over you, you are passing the control to them. Take it back. And no, it's not easy, it will probably be very very difficult, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be done.
There are people out there who will love you for who you are, but you have to find them.

As for here, ignore the people you don't like and focus on the people you think you might be able to get along with. But like I said before, don't be so quick to jump to conclusions or assumptions. You just got here, so you don't really know any of us or what we have gone through or why we are here. Get to know people before you form conclusions about them.
I know how it feels when people jump to conclusions, I guess I have started to do it myself. Anyone in my life right now. They don't love me, ok. So maybe I am hurt, so any comment makes me react, I am fed up with people telling me to love myself when all I am trying to do is to become lovable, I dont want to impress people. I had a troll from another site accuse me of being a transvestite, can you understand how much that would hurt being a woman, pull your femininity apart as if it was a piece of trash, I have birthed four children, for a starnager to convince people I have what amounts to a small dick was the worst insult known to man. Not only are they insulting me, they are insulting the babies that came from me! do you now see how I may feel a little bit sensitive.

Then when I try to stick up for myself i get called a troll. When all I was doing was trying to make it clear that I know an indirect insult when I hear one. Thats what people do to paint themselves as the good guy while in reality all they want is to ridicule you. So If I spoke out of turn, you may understand that from a female perspective spreading rumours that I am a man is incredibly insulting, of course I am going to react and blow up. Imagine this, you have had chidren, been married, had male partners, and some horrible individual makes a complete farce out of your life? In my real life I constantly grapple with a brick wall and they use every insult they know that will hurt a woman in my predicament to their advantage. I am sorry but I am not going to sit back and allow people to tear me apart with lies. I hope that explains why you see my posts as ridiculous, I am not highly educated and do not have the intelligence of someone such as yourself, you write very well. My layout may be close to someone that has just only finished kindergarten but the words are very true, thats all i care about, it isnt all about who has the most phd's in life, but i think it is, I am not accepted because i am not beautiful i am fat, I dont have good qualifications. So maybe its feeling like i dont fit in.

I recently had to deal with a man that gave me the come on, he was telling me how much he liked me etc over a few months, then he turned around and said "Sorry i was only joking, not my type, good luck with that. Take care" That happened to me in real life. (It was indirect) so i am forever dealing with people that can turn around and say, I didn't say that. No they didn't say it but they certainly implied it. So it is hard for me to decipher when a person is being genuinely nice to me.

(and yes, i know this was a crap write up, before someone jumps on me asking if I have ever been to school)
I know how it feels when people jump to conclusions, I guess I have started to do it myself. Anyone in my life right now. They don't love me, ok. So maybe I am hurt, so any comment makes me react, I am fed up with people telling me to love myself when all I am trying to do is to become lovable, I dont want to impress people. I had a troll from another site accuse me of being a transvestite, can you understand how much that would hurt being a woman, pull your femininity apart as if it was a piece of trash, I have birthed four children, for a starnager to convince people I have what amounts to a small dick was the worst insult known to man. Not only are they insulting me, they are insulting the babies that came from me! do you now see how I may feel a little bit sensitive.

Then when I try to stick up for myself i get called a troll. When all I was doing was trying to make it clear that I know an indirect insult when I hear one. Thats what people do to paint themselves as the good guy while in reality all they want is to ridicule you. So If I spoke out of turn, you may understand that from a female perspective spreading rumours that I am a man is incredibly insulting, of course I am going to react and blow up. Imagine this, you have had chidren, been married, had male partners, and some horrible individual makes a complete farce out of your life? In my real life I constantly grapple with a brick wall and they use every insult they know that will hurt a woman in my predicament to their advantage. I am sorry but I am not going to sit back and allow people to tear me apart with lies. I hope that explains why you see my posts as ridiculous, I am not highly educated and do not have the intelligence of someone such as yourself, you write very well. My layout may be close to someone that has just only finished kindergarten but the words are very true, thats all i care about, it isnt all about who has the most phd's in life, but i think it is, I am not accepted because i am not beautiful i am fat, I dont have good qualifications. So maybe its feeling like i dont fit in.

I recently had to deal with a man that gave me the come on, he was telling me how much he liked me etc over a few months, then he turned around and said "Sorry i was only joking, not my type, good luck with that. Take care" That happened to me in real life. (It was indirect) so i am forever dealing with people that can turn around and say, I didn't say that. No they didn't say it but they certainly implied it. So it is hard for me to decipher when a person is being genuinely nice to me.

(and yes, i know this was a crap write up, before someone jumps on me asking if I have ever been to school)
Okay, hang on. I never said anything you said was ridiculous. Some of it is wrong, though...namely saying that everyone here seems fine and dandy and no one is really lonely except you. You aren't the first person to say that here and you likely won't be the last. It can come off as disrespectful. I'm not saying you are disrespectful, just that that's how it can read, because by saying that you are essentially dismissing everyone else's issues.

I also don't think there's anything wrong with your writing. You don't come off as kindergartener at all. You are judging yourself too harshly in that regard.

I'll write more later, but I wanted to say that now because I don't want you to think I find you ridiculous or uneducated. I don't think either of things.
The cause and cure is different depending on the person and their situation. Some cause it on their own while sometimes its a product of their environment or upbringing.

I'm shy and introverted, my mom was super strict and I was bullied as a kid which only made is worse. All I wanted to do was blend into the background and not be noticed, which is hard to do when you have an identical twin because everyone notices you. They start asking you all kinds of questions and the whole time in my head I'm screaming LEAVE US ALONE GO AWAY!! When I go into stores I don't make eye contact with anyone, even still. But at work, where I have to talk to people and it's a place I feel comfortable, you'd never know this. Take me out of there and then you get the shy introvert.

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