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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. ajdass1

    Chat room!

    Hi! Can I join?
  2. ajdass1

    Christmas Card Exchange, 2014!!

    Can you add me to the list please?? I'm happy to exchange multiples too ^^
  3. ajdass1

    'Selfie-obsessed' generation

    Why is this a problem for you? Why do you care? So if you're not someone YOU find attractive you shouldn't take any pictures of yourself? That's hilarious. Hur hur Ya know, I too HATE it when girls try to reclaim some of the self esteem that society is constantly trying to batter out of us...
  4. ajdass1

    A dog portrait

    This is really cool, I love the style and the colours I think that's worth being framed and hung on a wall
  5. ajdass1

    Need suggestions

    I read an article just now saying that sometimes the BEDDING is what causes the allergy (especially since you are the one cleaning the cage and if you are cleaning it inside), and advised trying a different kind of bedding first and seeing if the allergies subside. Getting your daughter to...
  6. ajdass1

    Lets see the Faces!!!

  7. ajdass1

    Petition: abuse of stray dogs in Malaysia

    btw please hijack away, that way it gets bumped and will stay on the front page longer :D
  8. ajdass1

    Petition: abuse of stray dogs in Malaysia

    This group is very active with that sort of thing, they're always doing fundraisers, bringing their rescue dogs and cats and talking about the issues they face so don't worry, the petition is just a small part of a bigger movement :) Thanks everyone who signed!
  9. ajdass1

    Let's see the (pet) faces!

    This is Bagheera, he likes sequins, ribbons, dresses, anything shiny and pretty Here he is falling asleep inside my bag. And here's our lovely puppy, Thane! He's 3 months old and he's gonna be such a beautiful dog when he grows up with that shiny black coat.
  10. ajdass1

    Petition: abuse of stray dogs in Malaysia

    Stop Malaysia's barbaric treatment of stray dogs. (warning, images of animal abuse) If you’re a stray dog in Malaysia, your worst enemy is the one who’s supposed to be your best friend. Dog catchers working for the local councils use totally inhumane methods every day, kicking them, strangling...
  11. ajdass1

    Happy Birthday, Antihero!!!!! :)

  12. ajdass1

    My views on "equality."

    This makes me angry. If you think equality is rubbish maybe it's because you've never had to be afraid for your life because someone thinks you're subhuman just because you're DIFFERENT. Of course, nobody in this country can hold an LGBT appreciation rally because it's ILLEGAL and chances are...
  13. ajdass1

    Black Sabbath

    He's back with the (almost) original Sabbath lineup. They have a new drummer though cus apparently Ward was being too probbo
  14. ajdass1

    Happy Birthday, Naleena!!! :)

    Happy birthday!
  15. ajdass1

    I miss her...

    I'm sorry for your loss. I remember one time someone threw poisoned tuna in our yard. One of our cats came in through the window and started racing around the house, her whole body tense and straining, trying to vomit out whatever was inside her, but there was nothing to come out. Eventually...
  16. ajdass1

    Love: Does it exist?

    I can confirm that romantic intimate mutual love does exist. But then again there are lots of kinds of love. I love my cat, for example. I love Joan Jett. I love my family and my home. I love food. Did I mention that I love Joan Jett?
  17. ajdass1

    Nobody is entitled to a relationship

    Why would this NOT apply to lesbian and gay relationships? I don't even know why you put that bit in. Relationships don't work the same as food, water or other basic needs. The fact is that if you are in a relationship you can really, really hurt somebody or be such a dead weight that you pull...
  18. ajdass1

    When does a boy become a man?

    As soon as you identify as a man or woman. It doesn't make any difference to me; what really matters is whether you're a good person. It's not like being a "man" or a "woman" gives you any sort of innate superiority. And honestly, most little kids are better at being accepting and tolerant of...
  19. ajdass1

    Alphabetical bands or artists.

    Strapping Young Lad
  20. ajdass1

    are some people too broken to have a significant other?

    There are plenty of women in the same situation Muse. The living at home with the family thing is really common right now, it's something that can be looked past by anyone sensible. I think the only way you can be too broken is if you're the sort of person who hurts your partner (in whatever way).