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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. ajdass1

    Happy Birthday, Wrath_1134!

    Happy Birthday :O
  2. ajdass1

    Happy Birthday, An archist!

    Happy Birthday!
  3. ajdass1


    Happy Birthday JJ! :D
  4. ajdass1

    Happy Birthday, Mintymint!

    Happy Birthday Minty-Chan :O
  5. ajdass1

    Happy Birthday, Sci-Fi!

    Happy Birthday Sci-Fi! And Jaylen!
  6. ajdass1

    LoneKiller's Scrapbook

    Aw it sucks when that happens :( Personally I get this a lot... I'll have a thought in my head that I think is significant or that I want to share, but when I try to write it or explain it to someone, I'm suddenly incapable of articulating it even though I was doing it just fine in my head only...
  7. ajdass1

    Happy Birthday, Ghost Boy!

    Happy Birthday! :O
  8. ajdass1

    Happy Birthday, Helio67!

    Happy Birthday!
  9. ajdass1

    So are any girls ever interested in non-alpha males?

    As far as I can tell, the myth that women are only interested in alpha males originated from men as a form of gender policing... "girls will never be interested in you if you're not an alpha male!" During my ill-fated jaunt into the realm of Pickup I noticed that those guys preach about...
  10. ajdass1


    Anti we were alone in chat earlier but no kinky cybersex happened. Was it something I typed?
  11. ajdass1

    I discovered you lying to me.

    Sorry, what was that? I was playing with this adorable litter of kittens that I found under the stairs. Here, have one!
  12. ajdass1

    What are you doing right now?

    trying not to self-harm/kill self/drink self to stupor/etc
  13. ajdass1

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    omg ickle LK!!! Cute, but your expression seems a little, um, like you're about to explode into a violent rage? :P
  14. ajdass1

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    wow lovely smile Icarus :O
  15. ajdass1

    Pregnant, single and Alone

    I'm so sorry that all this has happened to you :( I hope things get better. His behavior seems totally immoral. Hopefully your friends can help out with things like moving and finding a place?
  16. ajdass1

    Happy Birthday, Jales!

    :O Happy Birthday Jales!
  17. ajdass1

    Met girl online - she has BF, but is sending mixed messages.

    ' "Leos aren't meant to be together", but then she'll say something like "It's almost like we were meant to be," ' this seems like the only real mixed message from what you said. Apart from that, a girl wanting to spend lots of time talking to you doesn't automatically mean she wants to be in a...
  18. ajdass1

    Loving what is - a new idea

    I agree with the overall sentiment. A lot of people don't fully appreciate what they have, such as... clean drinking water! And when you have problems, taking a step back and working out how to overcome them is inevitably going to produce better results than sitting around thinking, "why me?"...
  19. ajdass1

    Would you rape if you knew you would never be caught?

    Instead of some manipulative rape test, how about... I don't know, actual communication and a discussion about rape? After all, their attitude towards it, and their response to you attempting to educate them, will tell you a lot about whether you really want to be in a relationship with that...
  20. ajdass1

    R.I.P. Walter the Cat (1998 - 2012)

    Aww... bye Walter :(