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  1. freedom

    I like him, alot.

    in 20 years, you'll be regretting the things that you DIDN'T do and not the things that you DID do. i say go for it!
  2. freedom

    Always You

    with me it's the other way around. i used to actually care about forging and maintiaining friendships, but then i found that people are, well, the way that you described the person in your post. people don't really care. i would always have to go the extra mile to try and make things work, but...
  3. freedom

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  4. freedom


    it sounds to me like he's at least a little interested in you. he may just be playing hard to get. a lot of people do this (i don't know WHY!) and it can be quite frustrating and confusing to do so as it usually ruins their chances of getting with someone. the time that you visited his work...
  5. freedom

    Game - Spread a rumor about the person above

    RyanEhf's real name is Ryan the ELF!
  6. freedom

    Last Letter Game

  7. freedom

    Depression Related to the Weather.

    i think so. i live in the deep south USA, and the winter, even though i love the weather, is when i get most depressed. something about the leafless trees, the grass turned beige, and the lack of sunlight on most days just brings my spirits down. what's worse is that it doesn't snow where i...
  8. freedom

    Bored? Entertainment Mega Thread (Update 2)

    a killer whale will win every time (well, almost every time). great whites are seen as the terror of the deep, but it's really the orcas that are the terrors of the deep. in fact, the only enemy that the great white has is, you guessed it... THE KILLER WHALE! shamu vs. jaws? put all my money...
  9. freedom

    do nice people finish last?

    these are strange times that we live in. who would have thought, 100 years ago, that people in the year 2011 would have developed a taste for the taste of crap. people seem to loooooove to eat crap nowadays. the truth is that nice guys really do finish last. what that saying means is that you...
  10. freedom

    Death, marriage, and star trek

    wow. first of all i want to say that i am sincerely sorry for everything you've gone through with this girl. i can sympathize with you because i've been in this sort of situation before, and i am truly sorry for what you've had to go through because of all of this. now, i think that with the...
  11. freedom

    Have you ever felt like you were destined for something more?

    you have to keep in mind that these shows are aaaalllllllllllll about the ratings. if he causes a scene or curses someone out on THE APPRENTICE, that's great for the show. everything's on that show is probably staged anyway.
  12. freedom

    Have you ever felt like you were destined for something more?

    yeah, i know. i learned this one from reading one of Donald Trump's books. i'm a great guy and treat everyone with care and respect, even my enemies.
  13. freedom

    Did (or do) your parents expect much from you?

    my parents never really expected much from me. that's the way i feel, anyway. i feel like all they ever wanted was for me to be happy, whatever that might mean. start a family, start a business, start a movement. whatever makes me happy.
  14. freedom

    What Do You Enjoy Doing When You're Not Online?

    i'm a huge gym rat too. i'm assuming that means "someone who spends a lot of time in the gym", lol. i love working out. i've been weight training for almost five years now, and i love doing my cardio. i used to really like jogging, but i have knee problems now, so i've really cut back on it. i...
  15. freedom

    Things People Do Or/And Say That Disgust You And Piss You Off

    1. when guys at work talk to me (in explicit detail) about the tang they got over the weekend. i'm not interested in hearing that. 2. when mexicans call me "güey" (i'm also mexican) 3. when people stare at me pfffff... that's all i can think of right now.
  16. freedom

    Bored? Entertainment Mega Thread

    i watched paranormal activity 2 a few weeks ago, and i have to say: that movie was scary!!!
  17. freedom

    Have you ever felt like you were destined for something more?

    i've always known that i am destined for more than just a normal life. it's just this gut feeling that i have. i know i'm not meant to live a normal life. i'm meant for a life of great wealth, power, recognition. i'm currently on may way up in life, and even though i know it's going to be even...
  18. freedom

    Who Do You Think Are Some Of The Best Guitarists Ever?

    Daron Malakian is my personal favorite:
  19. freedom

    Keep one, Junk one

    wild thornberries
  20. freedom

    Does anyone get tired of hearing this saying?

    i can't say if i get tired of hearing that. i agree with what other people are saying about the people who say it not knowing what it's like to go through life the way that we do. i think they just say that not only because they don't know, but because they don't care. they don't want to hear...