I don't think it's irrational at all. Humans are probably the most untrustworthy creatures to have ever existed. You can't expect someone not to let you down. That's why it's important to learn how to be independent in all walks of life. Granted, this post probably seems really biased, as if...
Why do girls prefer douche bags over 'nice guys'? I guess this question applies to douche bags as well. There's an episode of Family Guy about this very issue. Seth MacFarlane knows what's up.
When I feel lonely it's usually at night, but other times it's circumstantial. It's the times in life when I feel completely overwhelmed by everything that I really need a friend. No one is ever around when I feel this way. Go figure. :rolleyes:
I have some college education. I wasn't able to complete college due to financial hardship. The only reason why I have a full-time job in the IT field now is because I'm very tech savvy, self-motivated, and find many aspects of IT interesting. However, I don't want this job to turn into a...
I try to converse with people but more often than not they don't seem interested in talking to me. And I'm the same way. Some days I really enjoy my solitude while other days I really wish I had someone to talk to.
Charging for online play is necessary, as it will allow Sony to expand their server tech, which means users will (in theory) receive a better online experience.
I'm a PC gamer (although I do own a 360), but if I had to choose a next generation console, it would definitely be the PS4. I don't like Microsoft's DRM and 'always on' functionality for the Xbox One. There are also potential privacy issues that arise with the required Kinect sensor which is...
Feeling this way is the wrong way to feel, in my opinion. It seems self-destructive. I'm a guy and I can honestly say that most men are stupid pigs. Your self-worth should come from within, not from other people's opinions of you. You may have been ignored for all the wrong reasons, but perhaps...
The same thing has happened to me in my hour of need, more than once, too. People are just awful. It's best just to make friends with yourself because you are really all you've got in this miserable, backwards world.
It sucks that this happened. I'm sure his old friends would like to know why he suddenly stopped talking to them too. I've never been abandoned by any friends because I've never really had 'good' friends to begin with. It's hard for you now, and this experience will likely be an emotional scar...