DisturbedHell said:
well.. rape aside... a men must find her pretty only will he want to have sex with her. to pay her for it it means something else. i mean why would you pay an ugly woman to have sex? even if she gives foc chances are he would not want to.. it is about self worth too..
Hi Disturbed and I'm really sorry you feel this way (it sounds strange saying it, when I'm usually the one getting it). Well, you are wrong, and aside from the chances when a guy gets lucky and ends up with a pretty prostitute (that can happen I guess) or hires a pricey "escort", paid-sex always happens only to quench lust and nothing else. It is never about attraction, as long as you aren't having mutual sex with a partner and it isn't full of passion.
And when it is rape, again, it is never about attraction either. It is when a guy gets horny out of his mind and again, it is all about the sex (the guy doesn't care who he's having sex with, the repercussions, etc. I guess). I'm talking here like I'm some expert on these topics but I'm not. I just keep thinking about why a guy would want to do something like that to women and no right guy, in his sane mind, would do it, believe me.
Let me give you a stupid example from my life. There this woman that I know who's really, really ugly (I know I shouldn't say this about people but just for the sake of this discussion...). And I really wanna have sex with her! Why? Not because I find her attractive (not in a million years) but because I have a very low self-esteem and I can feel like she'd be easy for me (she starts acting slutty around me), or because I feel like I cannot be with pretty girls. So for me, it is all about sex.
I'm not sure if I'm helping here but don't take any drastic steps, I guess?
xaero said:
I'm a guy and I can honestly say that most men are stupid pigs.
Well done representing the male kind!