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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Brian

    Tell Us About An Experience That Changed Your Life

    It's interesting to look back and see how things have shaped us in to what we are. Sometimes it makes me cry, sometimes it makes me smile with pride. When Alex decided she wasn't in to me, that pretty much set the gears in motion for 8 years of love-shyness. The machinery was in place, but that...
  2. Brian

    I'm supposed to decide what to do with my life?

    Listen to Raimey. Dude, as long as we don't anchor ourselves willingly, life has a multitude of paths. Right now I'm 23. I'm a Basic EMT with a rural ambulance agency. Working towards Paramedic, want to be a Firefighter, goals of Fire or EMS management. But a DOZEN other ideas float around in...
  3. Brian


    Dude, just do it. Take a roadtrip to another state. By a mountain bike, or some good boots, and just hit the trails for a day. Go fishing. Do something different. You're being called to do it, if it's not going to damage the rest of your life (like get you fired from work), then listen.
  4. Brian

    Dress up for first date?

    Depends on the guy. I like my girlfriend in jeans. You're not really going to anything fancy. I would dress a little nicer than 'every day wear', and just be clean. Do something with your hair too, and call it good.
  5. Brian

    You can't have both.

    Society is rather transient. People get new jobs, meet new people. Pursue different things. The best friends and relations of my life, and certainly most of the good memories I have, are rooted in this place where I live presently. They are rooted to my activities and my job. But if I ever get...
  6. Brian


    Life, did you lose the weight because of the depression or the rebound? When people get past depression, or find a new motivation they did not have before, they frequently overcompensate before leveling out again. The key is to stay 'leveled out' and not slump back down again. You haven't...
  7. Brian

    Lets see the Faces!!!

    You look beautiful. Especially with your 'wavy' hair. And...Primero....I would kiss you. Like, in a man-to-man brotherly way, not sexually or anything. No no. Not sexual at all. But you know, a good, quick kiss...a couple minutes or so. And then maybe, you'd take me by the hand, and we'd take...
  8. Brian

    So..theres this girl.

    Dude, normally I would just say drop the duck and ask her out. But it sounds like you kind of already have some rapport, and she is definitely flirting with you (she wanted you to massage her legs and quite possibly kiss the back of her neck and make sweet, sweet love to her for many hours)...
  9. Brian

    Anybody Live Alone?

    I lived alone for a couple of years until recently. Honestly, I miss it. I live in communal living now with a roommate, people around 24/7 basically; right now is one of my rare moments to myself. At work, it's the same, though my good friends are there and we do get bunk rooms to ourselves...
  10. Brian

    What is the opposition to bulking and cutting? Seriously?

    You know, I guess I get a very different message from a lot of Socrates' posts. One that I kind of try to preach myself, albeit with different adjectives and maybe a few alternate verbs. While he does mention some PUA stuff and talk a lot about working out, what he talks about is simply...
  11. Brian

    5 People On A Lonely Life

    If this isn't me, it's Phaedron. :) 1. I like your creamy center, even if your ho-ho shell isn't quite so sweet. 2. You're incredibly bizarre but I still like you, if liking exists in the plane that you dwell on 3. I really miss you and wish you would come back or at least say something :( I...
  12. Brian

    Places to have sex

    Check Priceline for cheap hotels. They use their PRICE CHOP. I have the same problem, girlfriend lives with her parents, and I live at a fire station with communal sleeping. About a week ago we went down to a nearby city and rented a room for two nights. If you do this make sure...
  13. Brian

    I met a FEMALE PUA tonight.

    Tell me more of these 'lairs'. Are they evil? What sort of lighting do they have?
  14. Brian

    Fear of no hope.

    Damn. I really don't know what to say. I don't think any of us can say anything to fix any of that. All I can offer is that you aren't in that environment any more, and you need to accept that you can and will continue to exist outside of it. At the end of the day, we have ourselves, no matter...
  15. Brian

    Fun things to do with your girl\boyfriend

    I've been meaning to go for a Couple's Massage. If you save a little money for it ahead of time, they're fairly reasonable for a now-and-then thing. My last thing we went and did was just stay at a nearby hotel for a couple of nights. We took a walk down on the beach along the lake, even though...
  16. Brian

    Monkey face

    People are silly, and Spare is right. Misery loves company. While it was just normal blue-collar-workplace joking around, the guys at one of my old jobs used to tease me about my teeth. It kind of got to me, even though they were actually more or less decent guys and one of them is still a...
  17. Brian


    Oh. Sorry, I had gotten the impression you were from the UK or something. If it's you're 3rd language then you actually speak it rather well.
  18. Brian

    Do you think you look weird?

    Yes. I have kind of a strange chin, not-so-great teeth and the top of my head is shaped funny, it's higher in the back than the front. Luckily I finally, after 13 years, found a haircut that looks ok and is managable, yet still long on the top...and I will finally be getting braces as soon as...
  19. Brian

    Baby, get me some tampons

    I witnessed a birth, once. I am eternally grateful that I had the forethought to leave my glasses off. Thankfully I hope to never have offspring. Jesus on a stick, I can still see it if I close my eyes. Sorry, but it's icky.
  20. Brian

    Angry TV Buyer

    Haha I remember reading some of this guy's emails a couple years back. Thanks for the link.